Many prophecies are being fulfilled as this was progress. The general character of the era is presented in seven parables in Matthew 13. In the parable of the sower, which is introductory nature, the mixed reception of truth described. Sometimes it falls on hard ground and tamped, where it is at the mercy of the birds that eat them. Other fall on ground that is very shallow and stony, and when it is still beginning to sprout, die for lack of roots. Other times it falls on good ground but is choked by the thorns that surround it. Only a portion of the seed falls on good soil and produced fruit a hundredfold, sixtyfold or thirtyfold (Matthew 13: 1-9, 18-23).
The parable of the tares sown with wheat indicates the danger of false profession will not be judged until harvest time (vv. 24-30, 36-43). The parable of the mustard seed indicates the rapid growth of Christianity from a small beginning to a great movement (vv. 31-32). The parable of the leaven speaks good mixing with the mass until everything is leavened (vv. 33-35). The hidden treasure Matthew 13:44 probably refers to Israel hidden in their national entity in the current era, but which, however, was bought by Christ in his death. The pearl of great price (vv. 45-46) seems to speak of the church as that for which Christ died, an important feature of the present age during the period when Israel's national identity is hidden. The final parable of the net (vv. 47-51) illustrates the separation of the saved from the unsaved at the end of the century.
In general, Matthew 13 speaks of the whole period between the first and second coming of Christ without reference to the rapture or the details of the church as the body of Christ. Describe the sphere of profession of faith and the mixed picture of good and evil. The dual development of good and evil was characterized during this period, climaxing in judgment and separation. There is no justification for the post-millennialism, with its concepts of the kingdom of God will ultimately triumph through the preaching of the gospel and by human effort. Moreover, there is no room for pessimism, because God will fulfill his purpose. Some seed will fall on good soil and produce fruit.There will be wheat amid the chaff and good fish from the bad. The 1900 years since Pentecost have demonstrated the accuracy of the great prophecy of Matthew 13.
A similar picture of the present age, with its focus on the end of the age, is found in Matthew 24. There, in verses 4-14 are given nine signs of the end: 1) false Christs (and 5). 2) wars and rumors of wars (v. 6), 3) hunger (v. 7), 4) pestilences (v. 7) 5) earthquakes (v. 7), 6) martyrs (vv. 9-10) 7) false prophets (v. 11), 8) abundant iniquity and a cooling of fervor for Christ (v. 12), 9) the gospel of the kingdom is preached in all the world (v. 14).
Another feature of the present age is the growing apostasy from the unconverted that is within the professing church.
2 Peter 2 to 3 summarizes this progression into four categories:
1) the denial of the individual and the deity of Christ (2: 1)
2) denial of the work of Christ that we bought when he died on the cross (2: 1)
3) moral apostasy by departing from the moral standards (2: 2-22)
4) departure from the doctrine of the second coming of Christ and the judgments relating to it (3: 1- 13).
Other passages contribute to the doctrine of apostasy in the New Testament (1 Tim 4: 1-3; 2 Tim. 3: 1-9; 3-19 Jud..). All these prophecies of large-scale apostasy in the church are being met from the first century to the present. The final apostasy will occur after the church is raptured and remain in the world only the unconverted portion of the professing church.
The present age, when it refers to God's purpose in calling his church, come to an abrupt end at the Rapture. This event, which has no date on the prophecies of the Old Testament describes the removal of the church in the world when the dead in Christ are resurrected and Christians who are alive will be taken to heaven without dying (1 Cor 15: 51-58 ; 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18).. This event will lead to an end God's purpose as regards the church as a separate holy community, and the departure of the church leave set the stage for important events that lead to the second coming of Christ to earth to establish his millennial kingdom.
You can observe three major periods between the Rapture and the Second Coming:
1) the preparation period,
2) the period of peace,
3) the period of persecution.


The rapture, when removing land all saved person will be a dramatic intervention in human history.It will mark the beginning of a series of events that will move quickly to a great climax in the second coming of Christ.
Obviously, the output of all Christians on earth have an effect on world history as a whole and allow the demonstration of evil in the world and compliance with the satanic purpose in a way that was not possible before.
The first phase after the rapture will be a period of preparation for the great events that will follow.
These events are related to the three main areas of prophecy concerning the Church, Israel and the Gentiles.
1. The professing church will remain on earth after the Rapture. Although the question of whether the church goes through the tribulation has been controversial, many exhibitors believe the church as Christ 's body will be taken in the rapture, leaving only the professing church "composed entirely of people not saved" on earth to fulfill the prophecies about Christianity. The professing church after the rapture is symbolized by the whore of Revelation 17, he described riding on the scarlet beast representing political power of that time. His dominion is over all the world, symbolized by the many waters (Rev . 17: 1, 15). By the description it seems clear that the world church, which is now in its most primitive form, seen here in its stage of complete apostasy, since every true Christian has been removed. Religiously speaking, the post-rapture period, therefore, be a move towards integration of the world church and to the only world religion, devoid of redeeming features of true Christian doctrine.
2. For Israel the preparation period will be a time of revival. According to Romans 11:25, the current blindness of Israel will be removed and many in Israel will open their eyes to the fact that Jesus is indeed the Messiah and Savior. In the days to come immediately after the rapture, probably thousands of Jews will turn to Christ, using scriptures and books of doctrine left by the Christians, and works on biblical passages that speak about the hope of a Messiah that many Jews already possess.
Undoubtedly they have an insatiable curiosity to know what happened to the Christians who disappeared. This search will be rewarded and many will be converted. As in the first century church, the Jews immediately become ambassadors of the gospel, gaining its own people and to the Gentiles to Christ. The renewed work of evangelism will be undertaken throughout the world. The fact that Jews and are scattered throughout the world, knowing many of the languages ​​of the world, designated as natural missionaries to people where they live, so undoubtedly many will be led by them to the knowledge of Christ. However, as in the first century, not all Jews will turn to Christ and salvation is only for those who believe.
3. Politically regarding the Gentiles, preparation time means the resurrection of the ancient Roman Empire. As mentioned in a previous discussion, still have not been fulfilled stages corresponding to the feet of Daniel 2 and the stage of the ten horns of the four beasts of Daniel 7: 7. This prophecy, with the new light given by Revelation 13 indicates that the Roman Empire will be revived in the form of ten nations that join in a confederation. The European Common Market could well be a precursor to this, but the center of political power seem to be in the Mediterranean and in Europe and probably not include the most important nations of North Africa, West Asia and Southern Europe.
Once again the Mediterranean will be a "Roman lake". When these ten nations have joined, will emerge a prince described as the "little horn" in Daniel 7: 8, which is a dictator who first get control of three and after the ten nations. Politically it will be the strongman of the Middle East and work with the world church to gain world power. Once firmly established, it will set the stage for the second great period, the period of the covenant.


According to Daniel 9:27, when dictator in the Middle East will emerge as the "Prince who is to come" (Dan. 9:26), will make a covenant with Israel for a period of seven years. The details of this agreement we are not given in the Scriptures, but everything suggests that it is a covenant of protection. It is clear that the dictator wants to end the dispute between Israel and the surrounding nations; used the ruse to establish a protectorate for Israel and hereby bring some measure of peace and tranquility to the political situation in the Middle East. Although there is no indication that this will be a period of full peace, Israel is safe, relatively speaking, and are granted privileges in trade and freedom in tension that has characterized the nation since it was formed in 1948. Undoubtedly the change will inspire many Jews to return to their ancient land, and Israel will prosper financially.
Also during this period the church will continue to increase its power, working with the governor of the Mediterranean area in order to achieve global religious domain. Similarly, continue the evangelization of Israel and many will turn to Christ. On the other hand, many also return to Orthodox Judaism. In this period will be rebuilt the temple in Jerusalem and Orthodox Jews renew the Mosaic sacrificial system, which had not been offered since the temple was destroyed in 70 AD This is understood in Daniel 9:27, where it is predicted that cease the sacrifice made ​​supported by Daniel 12:11, which speaks of the end of the daily sacrifices. Obviously the sacrifices could not stop without being restarted, and the resumption of the sacrifices required of a temple in Jerusalem.Nobody knows exactly when the temple be rebuilt, but clearly it will be operational when this period of peace begins.
However, the tranquility of the Middle East will be destroyed by an act dramatic described in Ezekiel 38-39, an attack on Israel by Russia and its allies. Interpreters of Scripture have differed in their analysis of this event and its location on the timeline. According to Ezekiel 38 it occurs at a time when Israel is at peace and rest period corresponding to the situation that occurs after made ​​a covenant with the Roman prince. Moreover, the attack is more than an assault on Israel because itdefies all the covenant relationship between the prince and Israel and is, indeed, a Russian attempt to seize political and commercial control of the Middle East. However, because it is a surprise attack, there is no record of armies rise up against the invaders. Instead, God intervenes supernaturally to save his people and ends with the forces invading in a series of catastrophes described in Ezekiel 38: 18-23. This war destroys the period of peace and paves the way for the new final period.


The destruction of the Roman army not only ends the peace of the period preceding, but also introduces a world situation dramatically changed. At that time there is a balance in power between 1) the governor of the Middle East and nations aligned with it, and 2) Russia and nations aligned with it. Temporarily destroyed the Russian army, the governor of the Middle East takes advantage ofthe situation to be crowned world dictator. On a night seizes the political, economic and religious control of the world. He proclaimed himself governor over every tribe, tongue and nation (Rev. 13: 7 . ), And Daniel predicts that devour the whole earth, "thresh and crush" (Dn 7:23.). Another seizes of economic power around the world and no one can buy or sell without your authorization (Ap . 13: 16-17).
Israel is a kickback, as the prince break the covenant and overnight will become his pursuer. This introduces what Jeremiah referred to as the time of Jacob's trouble. Elsewhere this period isdescribed as the Great Tribulation (Daniel 12: 1; Matthew 24:21; Rev . 7:14.). The tribulations of Israel begin with the sudden cessation of their sacrifices (Dan 9:27;. 12:11; Mt. 24:15). Consistent with this, Christ advises Israel to immediately flee to the mountains (Mt. 24: 16-20). It will be a time of trouble unprecedented Israel, and thousands of Jews will be slaughtered (Zech . 13: 8). The temple itself be desecrated and put an idol of world governor in him (Rev. 13:15.), And sometimes the same governor will sit in the temple to be worshiped (2 Thes . 2: 4). This is the abomination of desolation described in connection with the cessation of sacrifices. The world governor also presented himself as a god and demand that all worship him pay taxes under penalty of death (Rev .13: 8, 15).
This final period will begin in mid seven years originally agreed and, consequently, will last forty-two months (Rev. 11: 2; 13:. 5; see Dn 7:25; 9:27;. 12: 11-12) .
Because of its completely blasphemous and attitude persecution launched against Jews and Christians, the world governor who has his seat in the Mediterranean, often presented with the name of Antichrist and described in Daniel 9:26 as the "prince who is to come "it will be the subject of a terrible divine judgment. All this is described in Revelation chapters 6 to 19. In the breaking of the seven seals are presented details of these events (Rev. 6: 1 to 8: 1 . ), At the touch of the seven trumpets (Revelation 8: 2. 21; 11: 15-19) and the outpouring of the seven bowls of the wrath of God (Rev. 16)..
On earth unprecedented trials occur. In Matthew 24: 21-22 Christ described it as a terrible period if not stopped by the second coming of Christ would have resulted in the extermination of the entire race. Most of the world's population is destroyed by war, pestilence, famine, stars falling from the sky, earthquakes, demonic possession and a serious disruption of the order of natural forces in the world.
The disorder resulting from these disasters creates opposition to global governor in the Middle East.He is unable to fulfill his promises of peace and plenty. As a result revolutions of global and large portions are produced world rebel against their authority. This just in a great war described inDaniel 11: 40-45 and Revelation 9: 13-21; 16: 13-21. The nations of the world are locked in a struggle, in a pendulum battle of advances and retreats with large armies south, large armies of the north and a huge army from the east to descend to the Holy Land to offer battle. At the height of this conflict, Jesus returns in power and glory to drop his lawsuit against men evil gathered in this struggle and to establish his millennial reign.
Together, the events leading to the Second Coming of Christ are described in considerable detail in the Old Testament and the New. The period is a dramatic sequence of terrible events that are unmatched in any other period of history or prophecy. The many indications that the world ismoving toward a climax that make them highly relevant teachings Bible about the imminence of the coming of the Lord for His own in the Rapture.
1. What does the parable of the weeds about the general character of the teaching period falls between the first and second comings of Christ?
2. Name the other six parables in Matthew 13, and indicate their general education.
3. Taken as a whole, what Matthew Chapter 13 teaches about the whole remaining period between the two comings of Christ?
4. Does it Matthew 13 justification for the teachings of the post millennialism?
5. What are the nine signs of the end of the century that are in Matthew 24: 3-14?
6. What are the most important aspects of apostasy predicted in 2 Peter 2-3?
7. After the Rapture occurs, what are the three periods following and leading to the second coming of Christ to establish his kingdom?
8. What is the situation of the church, of Israel and of the Gentiles in the period of preparation following the rapture?
9. In what sense we can say that the church will be on earth after the rapture?
10. What will consist of the important role of Israel in the preparation period?
11. What important political events occur in the period of preparation?
12. Describe the situation in Israel and the world church during the period of peace that will follow the enactment of the covenant with Israel.
13. What made ​​destroy the peace in the Middle East at the end of the period of peace?
14. Describe the sudden at the beginning of the period of persecution change, in relation to Israel, the world and the world church.
15. What judgments God will pour over the world during the period of persecution?
16 . Describe the gigantic final world war.
17. In light of preparing the world for these events, what does it say about the imminence of the rapture?



There has been much confusion about the doctrine of the Great Tribulation because some have not made ​​the distinction between general tribulations and sufferings of the people of God and the specific period of the Great Tribulation described in the Old and New Testaments. The concept of tribulation is a time pressures, afflictions, anguish of heart and disturbances in general. Inconsequence, a situation of distress is a common experience of the race human resulting from their sin and rebellion against God and the conflict between God and Satan in the world.
According to Job 5: 7: "As the sparks are born to fly through the air, so man is born . To trouble" Christ told his disciples in John 16:33: "In the world you have tribulation." The sufferings of Job in the Old Testament and the problems Paul with his thorn in the flesh in the New Testament aresymptomatic of a human race that is constantly in trouble and supporting many types of afflictions.These have characterized the human race since Adam and to some extent continue until human history has ended his career, although it will be greatly relieved during the reign millennial.
In contrast to these general intimations of trials and suffering that afflict race, the Scriptures speak of a special time of tribulation at the end of the era, a specific time of great tribulation that will last forty-two months and culminate in the Second Coming Christ.


Already in Deuteronomy 4: 29-30 he warned Israel so that turned to the Lord when he saw in the period of tribulation of the last days. This time specific is given special attention by the prophet Jeremiah. In Jeremiah 30: 1-10 predicts the time of tribulation will be preceded by a partial return of the children of Israel to their land, "For behold , the days come, saith the Lord, that I will bring again the captivity of my people Israel and Judah, saith the Lord, and bring them into the land I gave to their fathers, and enjoy " (v. 3).
Immediately after in verses 4-7 tribulation period described coming upon them after returning to earth. Israel will be in pain as a woman in labor. The time of tribulation described specifically in Jeremiah 30: 7: "Ah, how great is that day !; So that there is no other like him; time of Jacob 'strouble; but he shall be saved. "
Israel was given the promise that if I have to go through this time of great tribulation, God willbreak the yoke of captivity and no longer serve more to the Gentiles. Instead, according to verse 9, "serve the Lord their God and David their king, whom I will raise them." This foreshadows the millennial kingdom when David will be resurrected and Christ will reign over the house of Israel.Accordingly, Israel is given encouragement to not faint; It is God's purpose that in time "Jacob shallreturn, and shall be quiet and none shall make them afraid" ( v . 10).
The time of Jacob's trouble, or Apocalypse, is considered in Daniel 9:27 after the breaking of the covenant. Here it is specifically reveals that will be half the period of seven years, that is, three and ahalf years. "The prince who is to come" (Dan. 9:26) "for another week confirm the covenant with many" ( v . 27), that is, it will make a covenant for seven years. It will break the covenant in the middle of the week, that is, after three and a half years, and "shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation" and produce the abomination of the temple.
Daniel 12:11 adds the information: "And from the time it removed the regular sacrifice to the abomination of desolation, there will be in 1290 days." This is about three and a half years and a few days, and the period includes the second coming of Christ and the first trials to be performed. The blessing described in Daniel 12:12, which will come after 1335 days includes not only the time of the Great Tribulation, the Second Coming of Christ and the judgments, but also the establishment of blessed millennial kingdom on earth.
Consequently, the period of the Great Tribulation is specified as forty and two months or three and a half years.
The Great Tribulation will end with the second coming of Christ. According to Daniel 7: 13-14, the period ends with the coming of the Son of Man from heaven, leaving all nations under their rule.The wicked king and the government preceding the second coming of Christ will be destroyed (Dan. 7:26), and the eternal kingdom will begin and will be characterized first by the Millennial Kingdom and then by the government of God in the new heavens and the New Earth. The doctrine of the Old Testament is relatively complete, but this can be added the revelation of the New Testament.
According to Daniel 11: 36-39, the end time will be characterized by a religiously atheistic religion headed by world ruler. In these verses it is described as an absolute ruler who discards all previous gods and magnified himself above God. Only honor the god of strength, that is, the god of war. It is materialist and atheist. His reign ends in gigantic war described in verses 40- 45. The armies of the south, north and east press it .
Although apparently is able to resist for a time, at the time of the coming of Christ is the battle still in full force, thus ending the Great Tribulation.


When the disciples asked him about the time of his second coming and the end of the century, Jesus gave them first a series of signals that we already have been fulfilled for the most part, events and situations that characterize the era extending between the first and second comings of Christ (Matthew 24: 3- 14).
Then in Matthew 24: 15-29, Christ answered the question about specific signals describing the Great Tribulation itself. He says that when men begin to see in the holy place the abomination of desolation which the prophet Daniel spoke ( v . 15), referring to the desecration of the temple and the occupation of the place of God in the temple by the ruler of the Mediterranean. Warns the Israelites that when this happens, and will be identified by a specific event on a day certain, must flee to the mountains to save their lives.
Christ says in Matthew 24: 21-22, "For then shall be great tribulation, such as not been since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no fleshwould be saved; but because of the elect those days shall be shortened. "Here Christ clearly identifies the great tribulation period, in contrast to all other periods of tribulation. It will be so great in its extension, which outshine any other previous experience of the world in terms ofsuffering.
The tribulation will be so severe that unless it is shortened (literally finished), no human being left alive on earth. This does not imply, as some have interpreted the word "shortened", which will end before the forty-two months. It simply means that if not completed by the second coming, the Great Tribulation exterminate the entire human race. "Because of the elect" "whether that refers to the saved of Israel, the saved from the Gentiles or both" Christ's return, although it will be a time of judgment for the world, will be a release time for saved.
In the following verses, our Lord describes some of the features of this period. There will be false prophets and false Christs (Matthew 24: 23-24). There will be false reports that Christ has come secretly ( v . 26). Warns his disciples that no one should be deceived at that tempo, because the second coming of Christ will be a public event as the lightning shines from the 'Kookaburra to thewest ( v . 27). The tribulation itself is also described in verse 29 as the time when the sun will be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of heaven shall "be shaken." This will be followed by the coming of Christ. The description of the Great Tribulation given by Christ in answer to the question of the disciples is confirmed by additional information in Revelation 6-18. In Chapter 6 and opens the roll of the seven seals described in Revelation 5: 1. As each seal is broken they begin to occur major catastrophes over the world. This begins with the first seal, which describes a world government (Rev. 6: 1-2 . ). This is followed by wars (vv. 3-4), famine (vv. 5-6) and the death of a quarter of the earth (vv. 7-8). The fifth it represents the martyrs who die in that vv period. 9-11), and large disturbances in heaven,including stars falling from the sky and a great earthquake on the earth, and the sun black and the moon sets as vv blood. 12-14). The impressive display of divine power in one world inspires fear unbelievers, calling to the mountains to fall upon them and save the great day of wrath or (vv. 15-17).
When the seventh seal (8: 1) breaks out of it another series of seven, called the seven trumpets of angels (Rev. 8: 2 - 9:21; 11: 15-19 . ). These large trials in the major art are disasters on the natural world that result in the loss of many lives, the third of the land is consumed by the fire, one third of the ocean turns to blood, destroying a third of sea creatures, the stars of heaven fall on a third of the rivers (8: 7-11). The fourth trumpet concerned the stars; a third of the sun, moon and stars are darkened, and the prediction of terrible disasters given are coming with three trumpets.
The fifth trumpet (9: 1-12) presents the unconverted tormented by demons for five months of agony, but unable to take his own life. The sixth trumpet (9: 13-21) relates to the great army coming from the east and crosses the Euphrates River to participate in the great war of the end of the tribulation period. The seventh trumpet (11:15) is near the end of the period and announces the coming of Christ and the establishment of his kingdom.
However, the seventh trumpet introduces another series of seven trials that appear in rapid succession, and designated the vials of the wrath of God in Revelation 16.
Each of these is more destructive than the trumpets of judgment and are a final outpouring of the wrath of God on earth, preparatory to the second coming of Christ himself.
The sixth bowl is related to the preparation of the great battle of God that focuses on a place called Armageddon, so this battle is called the Battle of Armageddon. Here the kings of the earth and their armies gathered to battle according to Revelation 16:14. The apparent contradiction of Satan that inspires the kings of the earth to rebel against the ruler Satan himself has placed on the throne of world government, appears solved by this fact: Satan gathers his forces under the illusion that they are fighting for power worldwide, but are actually led by Satan to oppose the armies that accompany Christ when He returns to earth (Rev. 19:14).
The final glass, described in Revelation 16: 17-21, consists of a large earthquake that destroyed the great cities of the world, it brings judgment against Babylon and makes up the islands and mountains. The climax is a great hailstorm, with hailstones weight of a talent, that is, about 46 Kilos, destroying what was left. The world is in chaos and destruction and war at the time of the second coming of Christ.
What a dream more false theologians have had some who imagine that the world will improve gradually until gradually is subject to the gospel, and thus is led to obedience to Christ! Rather , the Scriptures describe the world in a horrific climax of evil and rebellion against God, headed by aworld ruler atheist, blasphemer and a persecutor of all who identify with God.
The kingdom of righteousness on earth will be introduced by the second coming of Christ and not by human efforts, and will be a dramatic judgment on the wickedness of the world, while it will be a wonderful deliverance for those who have put their trust in Christ in those tragic days.
The fact that the Great Tribulation is so terrible, destined for the unbeliever and for the blasphemer rather than the son of God, is another reason why many believe that the rapture of the church willoccur before this terrible time of suffering. It is significant that the church never named in the passages related to the Great Tribulation; although there will be men who will come to Christ andare called saints, never specific expressions are used that would link with the church. Instead, they are saved Jews and Gentiles saved, many of them undergoing martyrdom, and there are very few that survive in the period.
Taken as a whole, the Great Tribulation is a prelude to the second coming of Christ, making clear how necessary divine intervention in the stage world, both to judge the evil and to free the saints, and providing a sharp contrast between the darkest hour of tribulation and the glory of the kingdom that happen.
1. Distinguish between tribulation in general and Great Tribulation.
2. What is the first reference to future time of the Great Tribulation in the Scriptures?
3. According to Jeremiah 30: 1-10, what is the order of events at the end of the age?
4. How is the prophecy of Daniel 9:27 is related to the Great Tribulation?
5. What event marks the breaking of the covenant and the beginning of the Great Tribulation?
6. What will characterize the religion of the Great Tribulation?
7. Describe the war at the end of the Great Tribulation, according to Daniel.
8. What event shall terminate the Great Tribulation, according to Daniel?
9. According to Christ, what event triggers the Great Tribulation?
10 According to Christ, what will Israel do in the period of the Great Tribulation?
11. What would happen, according to Christ, if the Apocalypse was not finished for his second coming?
12. What are some events and situations that immediately precede the coming of Christ, according to Matthew 24?
13. How will the coming of Christ described it in Matthew 24?
14. According to Revelation 6: 1 to 8: 1, what events are related to the breaking of the seven seals?
15. According to Revelation 8: 2 - 9:21, what events are related to the sounding of the seven trumpets?
16. What is the situation described by the outpouring of the seven bowls of the wrath of God in Revelation 16?
17. Describe in detail the results of the outpouring of the seventh bowl on the earth.
18. How do you show the description of the seals, trumpets and bowls that point post view -Millennial that the world will gradually improve not have biblical support?
19. How will the righteous reign of God will take place in the world?
20. How does support the graphics judgments of God during the Great Tribulation the doctrine of the rapture as an event that precedes and thus gives great comfort and inspiration to Christians?



In prior to the second coming studies they have already been presented the facts principal about the rapture, the coming of the Son of God for His saints (chapter 12) and the coming of Christ with His saints (chapter 13). Here, the second coming of Christ to establish his kingdom shall be considered instead as an important event in the prophetic program. The chapters that follow are closely linked with this study and address the important issues of the resurrections, God's judgments on Israel and the nations, and the millennial kingdom.
These major issues combine to provide the biblical goal of history, which largely determines the interpretation of the Bible.
In the Old and New Testaments it presented in many places the importance of the coming of Christ to establish his kingdom. The doctrine, in the form it has been revealed, is much more than the sole purpose of human history. It is rather the great climax that leads God's program to its highest point.For this reason, all systems of theology which tend to ignore or minimize the doctrine of the second coming of Christ and the sheer volume of biblical passages dealing with the reign of Christ on earth are inadequate and can only be justified denying the clear meaning and literal many prophecies and ignoring large portions of the revelation.
The second coming of Christ, the kingdom that follows, is the heart of the same progress of Scripture and is the most important issue of the prophecy of the Old Testament. Large covenants of Scripture relate to the program of God, especially the covenants with Abraham, Israel, David and the new covenant.
Much of the revelation of the Psalms and the major and minor prophets revolve around this great theme. The great prophetic books like Daniel, Zechariah and Revelation focus their attention on the subject of the second coming of Christ and the consummation of history and the kingdom. For this reason, the doctrine of the second coming largely determines the total of theology interpreter of the Bible and justifies the attempt to order in detail the prophetic events that are yet to be fulfilled in order to be faithful to the whole biblical revelation.

B. Old Testament prophecies ABOUT THE SECOND COMING

While the rapture is a doctrine of the New Testament never mentioned in the Old Testament (because the church as such was a mystery not revealed in the Old Testament), the second coming is firmly rooted in the Old Testament.
Probably the first of the clear prophecies about the second coming of Christ is in Deuteronomy 30: 1-3. In this prophecy about the gathering of Israel in their land again, it is preached that Israel the Lord will become spiritually and then the Lord "will turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee, and will gather you again from all the peoples where he has scattered you Lord your God " (v.3). The expression "will return" indicates an act of God 's intervention in the situation, and in light of subsequent Scripture is clearly related to the coming of the Lord Himself.
The Psalms, although they constitute the worship book of the Old Testament, often refer to the second coming of Christ. After a descriptive introduction of the fair, in contrast to the evil in Psalm 1, the Psalm 2 immediately he describes the great struggle of God with the nations. Although the leaders of the world want to reject God and his rule over them, God declares his purpose:
But I have set my king upon Zion, my holy mountain "(2: 6) .The psalm continues announcing that this king, faced with the bad," shall break them with a rod of iron; like pottery in pieces "(v. 9).
The trilogy of Psalms 22, 23 and 24 presents Christ as the good shepherd who would give his life for his sheep (John 10:11.); the Great Shepherd, who always lives to intercede for his people (Heb 13:20.); and the Prince of Pastors coming as the King of glory to reward faithful shepherds (1 Peter 5: 4). Psalm 24 describes the millennial situation: "Jehovah is the earth" (v . 1). It calls upon the gates of Jerusalem to be lifted to make way for the King of Glory (24: 7-10).
In Psalm 50: 2 the reign of Christ mentioned Zion. As will be seen later in the study Millennium, Psalm 72 describes Christ who came to earth to reign over the nations. Psalm 89:36 speaks of the establishment of the throne of Christ in fulfillment of the covenant with David immediately after hissecond coming. Psalm 96, after describing the honor and glory of God, calls upon heaven and earth to rejoice "before the Lord who came; he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples in truth "(v . 13).
The current position of Christ at the right hand of God is described in Psalm 110, but also predicts that the day will come when He will reign over their enemies and their power will Si or n (vv. 2, 6).Of these various prophecies is clear that the truth about the second coming of Christ and his kingdom is a revelation of great importance in the Old Testament and not one of secondary importance.
This is confirmed as a major issue between the major and minor prophets. In the great prophetic utterance of Isaiah 9: 6, 7 Christ is described as a child who has been born while he is almighty God.He describes his reign on the throne of David as a rule not the results of the second coming of Christ and the establishment of his kingdom. This passage will be discussed more extensively in thestudy of the millennial kingdom. However, the introduction of the kingdom depends on the doctrine of a literal coming of Christ to earth and the demonstration of the power God to judge the wicked.This scene is also mentioned in Isaiah 63: 1-6, where the trial of Christ on earth is graphically described in his second coming.
In the prophecies of Daniel that relate to the times of the Gentiles and the program of God for the nation of Israel, the consummation of both is related to the coming of the Son of Man from heaven (Dan . 7: 13-14) . This passage gives a clear description of the second coming: "I saw in the night visions, and behold , with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, who came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before of the. And he was given dominion and glory and akingdom, that all peoples, nations and languages ​​should serve him; His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass, and his kingdom one that will not be destroyed. "Daniel had announced the same truth in interpreting the vision of Nebuchadnezzar and had predicted in Daniel2:44" a kingdom that will never be destroyed. "
Similarly, most of the minor prophets touching this subject, and as special does the book of Zechariah. According Zechariah 2: 10-11, the Lord says: "Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion; for behold I come, and I will dwell in the midst of thee, saith the Lord. And many nations to Jehovah in that day will join, and they shall be my people, and I will dwell in your midst; and thou shalt know that Jehovah of hosts has sent me to you. "This is a clear reference to the earthly millennium and the reign of Christ following his second coming. Even more specific it is Zechariah 8: 3-8: "Thus says the Lord: I will return to Zion, and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem; and Jerusalem City of Truth, and the mountain of the Lord of hosts, called Mount of Holiness " (v. 3).
Verses 4-8 describe the streets of Jerusalem full of boys and girls who already play the children of Israel that are brought in from around the world and live in Jerusalem. Zechariah 14: 1-4 describes dramatically the second coming of Christ himself, who comes at the culmination of the world war that has come in the Middle East and Jerusalem. Zacharias says, "And they will stand YOUR feet inthat day upon the Mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east; and the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, making a very great valley;and half of the mountain moving north and half of it toward the south "(v . 4).
The graphic description of the division of the Mount of Olives at the time of the second coming of Christ makes clear that any past event can be compared with HIS second coming. The ridiculous interpretation that the second coming was performed on the day of Pentecost or the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 's not only contradict the last prophecies that present the second coming as a still future event (as in the book of Revelation) but it uses against the fact that the Mount of Olives remains unchanged and no.
When the feet of Christ alighting on the same Mount of Olives who witnessed his ascension in Acts 1, it will be the signal for a change in the topography of the whole area surrounding Jerusalem, in preparation for the kingdom will be established. Consequently, the second coming of Christ in the Old Testament can not be denied with explanations in the sense that some event happened or some contemporary spiritual experience, for example, that the coming of Christ for His saints happens when you die, or any another explanation that is totally inadequate to explain the biblical revelation.Instead, in the Old Testament , the second coming of Christ is the great consummation of historyworld in which the Son of God comes to claim the world for which he gave his life and to exercise power or authority over the world He did not want Christ to reign.


In the New Testament revelation about the second coming of Christ is a new factor with the revelation of the rapture of the church introduced. In the Old Testament predictions of the first and second coming of Christ they are mixed and the prophets often had difficulty distinguishing.
Fulfilled prophecies about the first coming, and no trouble distinguishing between the prophecies concerning their sufferings and those that have to do with his glory.
However, in the New Testament, because of similar terminology to describe the coming of Christ for His saints and the coming of Christ with His saints, it is not always clear which event has in view; in each case you must reach a decision on the basis of context. The theme of the future coming of Christ is an issue of great importance in the New Testament, and it is estimated that one in everytwenty - five verses refers to it in one way or another. You can be selected by at least twenty lengthy passages that contribute to the elements of greater importance of the revelation of the New Testament (Matthew 19:28; 23:39; 24: 3-25: 46; Mark 13: 24-37; Lk . 12: 35-48; 17: 22-37; 18: 8; 21: 25-28; Acts . 1: 10-11; 15: 16-18; Rom. 11: 25-27; 1 Corinthians 11 : 26; 2 Thessalonians 1: 7-10; 2 Pet . 3: 3-4; Jude 14-15; Rev . 1: 7-8; 2: 25-28 . ; 16:15; 19: 11-21 ; 22:20).
In addition to the facts noted in the previous study of Matthew 13, we highlight important points of emphasis.
1 . The second coming of Christ is pos trib and pre millennial. The interpretation literal prophecies about the Second Coming of Christ not only clarify that is the prelude to the event which sets the reign of Christ on earth for a thousand years, but also serves to distinguish the rapture of the church, that is, Christ comes for his saints. On behalf of those who spiritualize the prophecies about the future kingdom on earth, the tendency has been to mix the propheciesabout the rapture and prophecy about the second coming of Christ and consider them as a single event, which occurs at once, considering and the rapture as a posttribulational event. The same literal interpretation of the second coming, which leads to the conclusion that it will be followed by the millennial kingdom on earth, serves to distinguish the rapture of the church. The eventsare clearly different in purpose, character and context.
In the book The Rapture Question (The question Snatch), by John F. Walvoord, given fifty reasons to argue that the rapture is pretribulational and the second coming to establish the kingdom is posttribulational. Similarly, in the book The Millennial Kingdom ( the millennial kingdom), by Walvoord, is theological and historical arguments presented regarding the establishment of a kingdom literal upon the earth. While theologians continue to disagree on this issue, the problem is largely determined by the principles of interpretation used. Those who interpret prophecy literally and uniformly take into consideration the details of prophecy, can adequately support the conclusion that the second coming of Christ is posttribulational and premillennial.
2. The descriptions of the second coming of Christ in all important passages related to it clearly teach that His coming is personal. Of course, this is supported by the revelation of the angels in Acts 1:11, which informed the disciples who were looking skyward: "This same Jesus who has been taken from you into heaven, will come as you saw Him go to heaven. "This refers to the second coming of Christ to earth, not the rapture. As He went personally to heaven, he will also return personally. Of course, this is supported by other important passages like Matthew 24: 27-31 and Revelation 19: 11-16.
3. The same passages that indicate that his coming will be personal, teach that be a body coming.Although the deity of Christ is omnipresent and can be in heaven and on earth at the same time, the body of Christ is always local and now is at the right hand of God the Father. In his second coming Christ he will return bodily, as well as ascended bodily. This is supported by Zechariah 14: 4: "And his feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives." I also support the passage of Acts 1, which states that his coming will be the same as his ascension.
4. In contrast to the rapture, that there is no evidence that the world as a whole will see the glory of Christ, the second coming of Christ will be visible and glorious. Christ himself described his coming like lightning shining from the east to the west (Matthew 24:27). Just as the rise in Acts 1:11 is visible, his second coming will be visible, and Christ "come as you have seen him go toheaven."
Christ said in Matthew 24:30: "They will see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." The main argument of the book of Revelation is that Christ will be revealed to the world at His second coming and the subsequent kingdom. According to
Revelation 1: 7: "Behold he cometh with clouds, and every eye will see him, and those who havetransgressed; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn for him. "They shall look to Christ, not as the humble Nazarene who suffers and dies, or body of resurrection in which his glory was somewhat veiled while Christ was still on earth.
The second coming of Christ will display the glory of the Son of God, as revealed before John in Revelation 1: 12-18 and is described in detail in Revelation 19: 11-16. Consequently, the second coming will be one of the events dramatic of all time and will be the climax of the whole program of God that begins in Eden when Adam sinned and lost the right to rule.
5. The second coming of Christ is also closely related to land and there is an encounter in space as the rapture of the church. Many passages speak of Christ reigns in Zion, come to Zion and out of Zion, all references to the literal city of Jerusalem (Ps 14: 7; 20. 2; 53: 6; 110: 2; 128: 5; 134: 3; 135: 21; Is. 2: 3; Jl 3:16; Am 1: 2; Zech . 14: 1-4; Ro 11:26)... According to the Scriptures, not only his feet touch the Mount of Olives, but his coming is in connection with the destruction of thearmies that try to conquer Jerusalem (Zech . 14: 1-3).
6. The second coming of Christ will be witnessed by all the angels and all the saints of all time in heaven. He is coming with his saints and not the coming for His saints. Although an important purpose of the coming of Christ is freeing the afflicted saints who still live on earth, the description of the event in Matthew 25:31 says that all the angels are with him Revelation . 19: 11- 21 is even more explicit and introduces the heavenly armies that follow. These undoubtedly include the holy angels and saints in heaven. The second coming will be a time of meeting of all elected resurrected, the transferred and even those in their natural bodies on earth. All involved, in one way or another, in this dramatic event related to the second coming.
7. The stated purpose of the second coming is to judge the earth (Ps. 96:13). This will be considered in future studies of the judgments of Israel, of nations and the judgment of Satan and the fallen angels. In Matthew 19:28 Christ told the twelve apostles would join the judging the twelve tribes of Israel. Matthew 25: 31-46 describes the judgment of the nations on earth at the time of the second coming. Ezekiel 20: 35- 38 predicts the judgment of Israel at the time of the second coming.
Those who die during the time of persecution that will precede the Second Coming will be resurrected and judged according to Revelation 20: 4.
The same truth is presented in the various parables time dealing with the end in the Gospels, and in Scripture is a frequent mention of this truth (Luke 12:37, 45-47;. 17:29, 30; 2 Thes . 1: 7-9; 2: 8; Jude 15; Rev. 2:27; 19:.. 15-21). The land, which currently manifests all their sinfulness and unbelief and in its most live as if God did not exist, fall under the righteous judgment of God.
However, despite how extensive is the judgment, it will not destroy the Earth in full. The trial by fire described in 2 Peter 3:10 not occur until the end of the millennium, when the earth and the heavens that now exist are being destroyed and created a new heaven and a new earth.
The day of the Lord, which begins with the rapture and includes in its introduction the judgments that immediately precede and follow the second coming, concludes at the end of the millennium with the final destruction of the earth and the heavens that now exist. The triumph of sin in our modern world is temporary. The triumph of justice of God is true.
8. The major purpose of the coming of Christ is free to those who have survived martyrdom during the tribulation, whether Jews or Gentiles. According to Matthew 24:22, if the coming of Christ was delayed indefinitely, catastrophic judgments spilled on earth would destroy the whole race.Tribulation is cut by the coming of Christ to deliver the chosen that destination. In Romans 11: 26-27 is Israel described as saved and freed. This is supported by Luke 21:28, which speaks of the second coming of Christ and is called "your redemption." In the Old Testament there are passages like Zechariah 14: 4 also described in this release.
9. However, the second coming of Christ not only brings judgment upon the wicked and deliverance for the righteous, but introduces a new spiritual state that will be considered in the study of the millennium. The same event that brought judgment upon the wicked produce a new spiritual revival to those who have trusted in the Lord. This is supported by Romans 11: 26-27 and is incorporated into the new covenant of Jeremiah 31: 31-34.
10. The second coming of Christ also has the main purpose to establish the Davidic kingdom. In the discussion of the relationship of the church with the Gentiles in the Jerusalem council (. Acts 15) it argues that the earlier prophecies of Amos 9: 11-15 predicted the order of the blessing of the Gentiles first, followed by the restoration the tabernacle of David. This would coincide with the meeting of Israel restored to their land, settling down in her never to be dispersed (Am. 9: 14-15; see also Ezekiel 39: 25-29.).
Israel's physical return, the restoration of the Davidic kingdom and the outpouring of the Spirit of God upon the house of Israel (Ezek. 39:29) combine to prepare Israel and the world to the glories of the world to follow. According to Ezekiel 37:24, the Old Testament saints will participate in thekingdom, being David elevated to the rank of prince over Israel under Christ. The purpose of God was, was announced to the Virgin Mary in Luke 1: 31-33, that Christ would come to reign over the house of Israel forever.
Taken as a whole, the second coming of Christ is a wonderful event that occurs at the end of the Great Tribulation and enter the Millennial Kingdom. It will be a personal and bodily coming will be visible throughout the world, and will be the manifestation of the glory of God. It will be related to the earth rather than the sky and especially Jerusalem on the Mount of Olives.
Christ at his coming, will be accompanied by the angels and saints. His purpose in coming is tojudge the world, deliver those who trust in Him, whether Jews or Gentiles, bring a revival in Israel and the world, to restore the kingdom of David and enter the final dispensation of His kingdom on earth a thousand years. In the context of this event they could now be considered the doctrine ofresurrection and judgments related to the second coming.
1. What are some of the major issues related to the doctrine of the second coming?
2. How far spread the doctrine of the second coming in the Old it comes Testament?
3. What contributes Deuteronomy 30: 1-3 to the doctrine of the second coming?
4. How will the Second Coming is Psalm 2?
5. What major themes are developed in Psalms 22, 23 and 24?
6. Make a summary of the truth about the Second Coming and millennial reign as presented in Psalms 50, 72, 89, 96 and 110.
7. What is the contribution of Isaiah 9: 6-7?
8. How would you describe Daniel 7 the second coming?
9. What are the contributions of Zechariah 2, 8 and 14 to the doctrine of the second coming?
10 How does Zechariah refutes the idea that Christ has fulfilled the promise of his second coming?
11. What difficulty did the prophets of the Old Testament to distinguish the first and second coming of Christ?
12. What difficulty is related in the New Testament to distinguish between the Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ to establish his kingdom?
13. Make a summary of the evidence that the second coming of Christ to earth to establish His kingdom is posttribulational and premillennial.
14. How is premillennialism depends on the principles of interpretation of Scripture?
15. Show that the second coming of Christ is personal.
16. What evidence supports the conclusion that Christ will return bodily in his second coming?
17. Make a contrast between the extent to which Christ will be visible to the world in the Rapture and in his second coming to establish his kingdom.
18 . In what sense they are closely related the second coming and earth in contrast to the rapture?
19. Who will accompany Christ in his second coming to earth from heaven?
20. Make a summary of the teaching about Christ he will judge the earth in his second coming.
21 . Distinguishing the judgments that will occur before the millennium, of which occur at theend of the millennium.
22. How does the second coming of Christ is related to the release of the saved in the Great Tribulation?
23 . What sense is that the second coming inaugurates a new spiritual state?
24. How will the coming of Christ is related to the restoration of the Davidic kingdom?
25. Make a summary of the main facts concerning the coming of Christ as an important event.


The prophetic interpretation has been the victim of much confusion because of the theory withoutbiblical support that men will all be resurrected at the same time. This simplistic prophetic program ignores the details given in the prophetic passages about the various resurrections. Instead of one general resurrection, the Scriptures present seven resurrections, some of which are in the past, sometimes separated by long periods such as the resurrections that precede and follow the reign of Christ a thousand years. Scripture teaches clearly that all will be resurrected to its time and place and that the existence human remains forever. Resurrections study provides important prophetic outline of the program related to this central truth of the Christian faith and hope.


In the order of the resurrections the first is that of Jesus Christ, announced in the Old Testament prophecy (as in Ps . 16: 9-10), historically presented in the four Gospels, and treated theologically in the New Testament from the book of Acts. Undoubtedly the doctrine of the resurrection of Christ isa doctrine of central importance on which rests the whole faith and hope of the Christian, as widely exposed Paul in 1 Corinthians 15. In consideration of the facts supporting the conclusion that more than one resurrection is important to note that all must agree that the resurrection of Christ is a different event that has already occurred.


In the time of Christ's resurrection it occurred a resurrection that was like a garment, according toMatthew 27: 52- 53. This passage states that "at the time of the death and resurrection of Christ the graves were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and out of the tombs after the resurrection of him, they went into the holy city and appeared to many. "
Nowhere some explanation about this event unusual is given. Although the graves were opened at the time of Christ's death, it seems that the saints themselves not out of the graves until Christ rose again, because the Scripture makes clear that Christ is the first, the first raised from the dead in a resurrected body that will never be destroyed. In contrast to other resurrected people, as in the case of Lazarus, which undoubtedly returned to die and be buried again, Christ was raised never toreturn to a tomb.
The probable meaning of the resurrection of saints at the time of the resurrection of Christ, relatively small number of individuals, can be found in compliance with typified in a Levitical offering. The third of the celebrations of the Lord (see Lev . 23: 9-14) includes a ceremony that at the beginning of the harvest, the Israelites were to take a handful of grain untrodden to rock him before the Lord and offer the right sacrifices recognition of their hopes set on the coming harvest. The resurrection of saints in Jerusalem at the time of the resurrection of Christ constituted the first fruits and proved that Christ was not alone in his resurrection, but that was the forerunner of the great coming harvest, of which these saints were a sample.
While some have interpreted the references of Luke as only a restoration to life as occurred in the case of Lazarus, that occurred in the time of the resurrection of Christ indicate a permanent resurrection, and undoubtedly these saints were taken alive to heaven after they had fulfilled their mission. In any case, it is another historical resurrection which confirms the concept that all resurrections can not meet in one great future event.


As noted in studies of the coming of Christ for His saints, and the doctrine of the rapture, the dead in Christ will be resurrected at the time of the coming of Christ for His own and together with the living Christians will be transformed, is they meet the Lord in the air and go up to heaven.According to 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18 and 1 Corinthians 15: 51-58, both the resurrected saints as transferees receive bodies similar resurrection resurrected the body of Christ (1 Jn . 3: 2). Theresurrection of the church is the first large - scale resurrection and is a precursor to the other.


Although. Old Testament constantly involves the doctrine of the resurrection, as stated in Job 19: 25-26, for example, is not this doctrine one subject of extensive prophecies. However, the references found appear to put the resurrection of the Old Testament saints at the time of the second coming of Christ to earth and not in his coming for his saints at the rapture.
Daniel 12 describes the Great Tribulation in verse 1 and resurrection in verse 2 as an immediately subsequent event and constitutes a climax in this regard; in this case, it is clear that the Old Testament saints are resurrected at the Rapture, but at the time of establishment of the kingdom.The same implication is located in the passage of Job, where the resurrection is connected with the time the Redeemer stands on the ground.
Similarly, the doctrine of resurrection presented in Isaiah 26: 19-21 relates the awakening of the dead bodies when Christ judges the world. It is also significant that the particular phrase "the dead in Christ" is used to describe those who are resurrected at the Rapture (1 Thes. 4:16).
The expression "in Christ" describes the current position of believers in Christ because of the baptism of the Spirit, which occurred for the first time in Acts 2 and does not appear in relation to the Old Testament saints. Although there will be interpreters of the Scriptures that disagree with this position, and will include the resurrection of the saints of the Old Testament with the rapture, the weight of the evidence seems to relate it to the second coming of Christ to earth. In any case, all the saints of the Old Testament and the church will be resurrected before the millennium.


Especially of those who died as martyrs of the tribulation, mention is made ​​saying that will be raised in connection with the second coming of Christ to establish the kingdom. In Revelation 20: 4 John writes that he saw "the souls of those beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, those who had worshiped the beast , neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. "This statement is explicit in the sense that the martyrs of the tribulation will be resurrected whenChrist comes to establish his kingdom. Revelation 20: 5 states, "But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years. This is the first resurrection. " It arises naturally the question of how this may be the first resurrection of the saints of the Old Testament.
The answer is that the term "first resurrection" refers to all resurrections of the righteous even when they are widely separated by time. All are first, that is, before the final resurrection of the wicked.Consequently, the term "first resurrection" applies to all resurrections of saints regardless of when they occurred, including the resurrection of Christ Himself.


No scripture predicts the holy resurrection of the millennium, and some have concluded that the saints who enter the millennium will not die Of course, the Scriptures are silent about a rapture of the saints alive at the end of the millennium. These two sections of the prophecy does not fall within the sphere of immediate concern of the saints living in today, and the truth about it will be revealed after the coming of Christ to establish his kingdom.
However, it can be assumed that some saints who survive the tribulation and be elderly, and in any case it is doubtful if anyone will survive during the reign of a thousand years. Neither Adam nor the early Christians managed to live a thousand years. Consequently, it can be assumed that even die in the millennium saved even when their lives will be very long.
According to Isaiah 65:20, "there will be no more there an infant of a few days, nor old that theirdays are not fulfilled; because the child will die a hundred years old, and the sinner a hundred years will be cursed " . This statement, moreover, indicates that life will be prolonged long, that is, at the age of 100 years , a person is still young. In the millennium, believers who are old will fulfill their years, which is meant to reach a very old age. In contrast, the person who dies 100 years is because he is a sinner, and death will come to him as a judgment.
Subsists evidence that in the millennium saints will die and be resurrected at the end of the millennial reign. However, this doctrine is not based on a specific passage of Scripture, but it is probably the best explanation. While the saints are resurrected millennium will be raptured saints who are alive, that is, will be taken from the earth without dying, just as the church when it was snatched away. This will be in preparation for the destruction of the earth and the heavens that now.


The final resurrection is related only with the wicked. According to Revelation 20: 11-15, in connection with the judgment of the great white throne, not all the dead have risen before will be resurrected and stand before God to be judged. This is the final resurrection before the creation of the new heaven and the new earth. The details of this trial will be considered in a later chapter.
In short, the Scriptures clearly teach that all men shall rise again. As summarized by Daniel: "Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt" (12: 2) . Although men die, all will be resurrected, but the resurrections not be the same. The resurrection of life is a glorious resurrection in the bodies of believers will be conformed to the body of Christ 's resurrection.
However, the resurrection of condemnation is a terrible sight. Men receive bodies that will last forever, but bodies are sinful and subject to pain and suffering. As the devil and his angels will exist forever in the lake of fire. This poignant fact has made ​​men carry the gospel to the ends of the earth so that the greatest possible number of people can be snatched from the fire (Jud. 23) and is released from the wrath of God will certainly come upon ungodly. However, for just the doctrine of the resurrection is the foundation of our hope, and although the last generation of the church will be raptured without dying, for the vast majority of the world the resurrection of the tomb has been the divine method to transform a body that was to land in a suitable body to his glorious presence.
1. they revive from the dead all die?
2. Who is the first person to be resurrected from the dead?
3. Explain the resurrection in Matthew 27: 52-53.
4. Describe the resurrection of the church.
5. What evidence supports the conclusion that the Old Testament saints resurrected at the time of Christ's coming to earth?
6. What Scripture reveals about the resurrection of tribulation saints?
7. Will bird flu wipe the saints in the millennium?
8. What will happen to the saints who are alive at the end of the millennial kingdom?
9. Describe the resurrection of the wicked.
10. Make a contrast between the bodies of resurrection of the saved and the lost.
11. Why the doctrine of eternal punishment is a reason that impels to preach the gospel to every creature?


In connection with the second coming of Christ judgments on Israel and they include nations among the great events that set the kingdom on earth.
The trials begin with the judgment of the resurrected saints of the Old Testament Israelites and Gentiles, and the tribulation saints, Israelites and Gentiles. However, they are present at this event, in separate trials, the Israelites and Gentiles who are still living on earth. Recent judgments have to do with the separation of those who have been counted worthy to enter the kingdom and those whohave been deemed unworthy and excluded.


The doctrine of the resurrection is a familiar truth in the Old Testament, as noted in the previous chapter. In addition to the resurrection that occurs in the rapture of the church, there is a resurrection of righteous dead in connection with the second coming of Christ to establish his kingdom. As stated above, this is mentioned in Daniel 12: 2, Isaiah 26:19 and Job 19: 25-26.
The resurrection of Israel is also seen in connection with its restoration as a nation at the time of his second coming. In Ezekiel 37, in the view of the valley of dry bones, we learn that while the restoration of dry bones to be a living body is symbolic of the restoration of Israel, is also the time when Israel will come out of their graves (37: 12-14). Here seems to combine the symbolic andliteral. In the same chapter it presents David as a resurrected person who serves as king over Israel under Christ. In general, the Old Testament gives a faith firm to all who believe in the resurrection of the dead.
In Revelation 20 it is said that the resurrection of the martyrs of the Apocalypse will occur in connection with the second coming of Christ. Probably it is connected with the resurrection of the saints of the Old Testament. It is said that the resurrected live and reign with Christ a thousand years (Revelation 20: 4 . ) And apparently will be rewarded in the same way that the church was awarded in the court of Christ. Faithfulness to God to death in the service provided is acknowledged them by giving them part of the reign with Christ on earth.
Some confusion has arisen from the fact that it is also said that the church will reign with Christ.The Scriptures seem to indicate that all the righteous resurrected before the millennium will share in some way the millennial kingdom, each in his order and in accordance with the sovereign purpose of God. The Church will reign as the wife of Christ; the resurrected saints will reign in their various capacities as Israelites saved or saved as Gentiles. An illustration is provided by the book of Esther, where reigned as Queen Esther, as Mordecai reigned as prime minister of the king. Both Esther and Mordecai reigned, but in different ways and in different capacities. So it will be in the millennium.
Consequently, it can be concluded that the righteous dead of Israel and the Gentiles will be resurrected at the time of the second coming of Christ, and this resurrection will include all those who are not included in the resurrection and translation performed in the rapture of the church.


When Christ returns in His second coming he will also deliver his people from the pursuers. Many have already been killed (Zech . 13: 8), but those who survive will be released by Christ when He (Ro 11:26.) Comes. The Israelites who are delivered from their enemies, yet they are not all worthy to enter the kingdom, since some are not saved. They will be gathered before God and be judged (Ez .20: 33- 38). First meeting of all Israel around the world (Ezek. Be fulfilled 39:28). In Ezekiel 20: 35-38 the Lord says: "I bring you into the wilderness of the peoples, and there will I plead with you face to face. As I pleaded with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so will I plead with you, saith the Lord. I will make you pass under the rod, and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant; and from among you the rebels, and those who rebelled against me; the land of their wanderings I will bring them, but to the land of Israel will not enter; and ye shall know that I am theLord. "
On the basis of this text, Israel gathered is divided into two kinds of people, those who have accepted Jesus as Savior and Messiah and counted worthy to enter the kingdom, and those who are still rebellious, unbelievers and are excluded and dead. Although Israel is a favored nation and although God has given abundant special blessings, even personal salvation depends on faith andpersonal relationship with God.
As it has been in the past, at this time there are those who are considered the "true Israel" (ie, saved) and those who are Israelites only name and unsaved. As Paul puts it in Romans 9: 6: "For not all who are descended from Israel are Israel." In Romans 9: 8 describes the unsaved as "children of the flesh" and who are not children of God. The purge the rebels leave in Israel only truly redeemed, and will be their privilege to enter the land and possess it , in contrast to the unsaved, which God says, "They shall not enter the land of Israel" (Ez . 20:38).


The judgment of the nations concerned the individual judgment of God upon the Gentiles, incontrast to his judgment on Israel. This judgment describes our Lord in Matthew 25: 31-46 as a judgment that immediately follows His second coming. In verse 31 it is said to occur in this way: "When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then he will sit on his throne of glory."
In the following description the Gentiles are described as sheep and goats gathered and mixed with the pastor. Being different in kind, are separated from each other, the sheep on the right hand of the King and the goats on the left. Then the King invites the sheep to enter the kingdom. To them he tells them: "Come, blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
For I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you took me in; I was naked, and you clothed Me; sick, and I you visited; in prison, and you came to me. Then the righteous will answer him , saying: Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink "(vv 34-37.)?.
When asked when the sheep were made ​​the righteousness, the King will answer in Matthew 25:40: "Verily I say unto you whatever you did for one of these my brethren, you did it to me."
Then the King turns to the left and said to them, "Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels" (and 41.). The King still saying that they have not done the works of mercy performed by the sheep.
Kids respond: "Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not help you?" (And 44.). The King replied: "Of Verily I say not as you did it to one of these, neither to me you did '(45.). Then it declares that the kids will be thrown into eternal punishment, but the righteous are introduced to the blessings of eternal life.
This passage has created some misunderstandings because of its emphasis on works. A cursory study seem to indicate that the sheep are saved because of their work and the kids are lost for lack of work. However, the Bible makes it clear that salvation is not by works in any dispensation. Even the Mosaic Law emphasized the works ever had among its promises salvation as a reward for faithful works. Rather the norm for all dispensations the states Ephesians 2: 8-9: "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves : it is the gift of God; not by works, so that no one can boast. "
Because of the innate depravity of man, who is born with a nature sinful, and because of its position in Adam, the first father sinned against God, all men are born lost and hopeless in themselves. Only on the basis of Christ's sacrifice could anyone be saved in the Old or New Testament (Rom . 3: 25-26). The law of works is only one way of condemnation, while the law of faith is the way of salvation (Rom . 3: 27-28). If this is well established in other passages, how he could explain the judgment of the sheep and the goats?
The principle included in this trial is works as an evidence of salvation, not as a basis of salvation.Although only faith can save, it is also true that faith without works is dead, that is, it is not a true faith (Jas. 2:26).
The works of sheep are especially significant in the context of the Great Tribulation why these people have passed. In this period there will be a global anti - Semitism and many Israelites will be killed. Under such circumstances it will be very significant that a gentile protect a Jew, "one of these my brothers smaller" (Matthew 25:40).
In fact, a Gentile protect a Jew in a time when Jews are being persecuted to death would endanger the very life and freedom.
The only possible reason for such kindness under such circumstances, in a time of great satanic deception and hatred of Jews, is that the Gentile is a believer in Christ and the Scriptures recognize a peculiar position of Israel as a people chosen of God.
Consequently, although kindness to a Jew could not be particularly significant in special circumstances, in this context of global suffering for Israel kindness to a Jew it becomes an unmistakable mark of true salvation in Christ. Thus, while the sheep are not saved on the basis ofhis works, his works show that they are saved. It is the principle of being known by their fruits.
In this trial are allowed to righteous gentiles enter the kingdom. They are not given the promised land, which belongs only to Israel, but are allowed to live in the Millennial earth in a time of unprecedented blessings for Gentiles and Israel.
Moreover, kids are cast into everlasting fire. If this means that they are cast into hell, to be resurrected later and be cast into the lake of fire, or if it refers to the immediate entry into the lake of fire, is not entirely clear; in any case, they undergo eternal punishment and denied the privilege of being citizens of the millennial kingdom. God's judgment on the Gentiles is another reminderthat God observes our works and our works must show our faith.
Even small actions like giving a glass of water to the thirsty or feed the hungry do not go unnoticed for a loving God who is always attentive to the care of his people. This passage is another reminder that the recognition adequate human need around us and kindness and goodwill towards our fellow human beings is one of the finest evidence of a heart transformed that is the product of faith in Jesus Christ. The God who does not allow a sparrow falls to the ground without his will is also worried about all the little problems of his creatures. Who has the heart of Christ will have asensitive heart to the people of God.
In summary, say that the Scriptures clearly teach that the second coming of Christ all the righteous will be resurrected and judged before the kingdom Millennial be fully initiated. Only the wicked willremain in the grave, awaiting trial before the great white throne at the end of the millennium.
1. What judgments occur in connection with the second coming of Christ?
2. What resurrections will be in connection with trials in the second coming of Christ?
3. What is the nature of the reward given to those who are judged?
4. How to explain that the church and the other saints will reign with Christ?
5. What particular judgment will be made ​​on the living Israelites in the second coming of Christ?
6. Describe the judgment of the sheep and the goats.
8. Explain the difference between works as evidence of salvation and works as a basis of salvation.
7. Do you teach this trial salvation by works?
9. Why are so especially significant the works attributed to the sheep in view of the Great Tribulation?
10. What practical applications can be made ​​of the fact that God considers of importance the small acts of kindness?
11. What are dead in their graves after the beginning of the millennium?



In the Scriptures, the expression "kingdom of God" generally refers to the sphere of the government of God in the universe. Since God has always been sovereign and omnipotent, there is a sense that the kingdom of God is eternal. Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon that was humiliated by God, testified to this when he said: " I blessed the Most High and praised and honored him who lives forever, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom for all ages. All inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing; He does according to his will in the army of heaven and among theinhabitants of the earth and none can stay his hand or say to him: What are you doing "(Dn.? 4: 34-35).
However, the universal government of God was challenged in eternity past by Satan and the angelic beings who joined him in rebellion against God. Although God demonstrated His sovereignty judging the rebels, the entrance of sin into the world introduced the program to demonstrate divine sovereignty of God in human history. This includes the concept of a theocratic kingdom, that is, akingdom that God is the supreme governor, even though he works through his creatures. When Adam was created, he was given dominion over all the earth (Gn. 1:26, 28). However, in disobedience to God, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit.
In his fall into sin Adam lost the right of government, and thereafter the sovereignty of God that had been given to man was delegated to certain chosen people whom God gave the government.Consequently, it has allowed some men prevail through history. For example, Daniel recalled that Belshazzar referring to the fact that God had punished Nebuchadnezzar "until he recognized that the Most High God rules the kingdom of men, and sets over it whom he pleases" (Dn. 5:21).
In the Old Testament, an important demonstration of theocratic government was the kingdom of Israel under Saul, David and Solomon. Gentile governors might also have a sphere of political government in the sovereign purpose of God. This general concept of government under divine guidance and permission is mentioned in Romans 13: 1, where Paul writes: "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities; because there is no authority except from God, and there, by God they have been established. "
In addition to the sovereignty of God manifested in the political governments and their governors, the Scriptures testify to the spiritual government, in which God rules the hearts of men. This has been true since the beginning of the race human, and the spiritual realm includes all who voluntarily subjected to God, whether men or angels. Paul referred to this spiritual concept of the kingdom inRomans 14:17 saying: "For the kingdom of God is not food and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit."
In the Gospel of Matthew a distinction between the use of the expressions is "kingdom of God" and "kingdom of heaven". Many interpreters consider these terms as synonyms, since Matthew often uses the expression "kingdom of heaven" in verses like that in other Gospels used "kingdom of God."Although the expressions themselves are very similar, use seems to indicate that " the kingdom of heaven" is broader than "kingdom of God" expression, and includes the area of the profession of faith, as in the parable of the wheat and the weeds , where the kingdom of heaven apparently includes the weeds, and in the parable of the network, where the kingdom of heaven seems toinclude good and bad fish (cf. Mt 13: 24-30, 36-43, 47-50 ).
Moreover, the kingdom of God is not I considered as a sphere of profession but a sphere of true spiritual situation, as illustrated in John 3: 5, where Christ says to Nicodemus, "Verily, verily , I say unto you , one is born of water and the Spirit, he can not enter the kingdom of God. "However, mostexhibitors prefer the view that there is no essential difference between the two kingdoms.
However, there is an important distinction lies in the contrast between the kingdom in the current era and the kingdom in the millennium. The kingdom in today 's age is a mystery, that is, its main features are revelations that were not given in the Old Testament (cf. Mt. 13); but the kingdom in its millennial form will be met after the second coming of Christ and is not a mystery.
This also includes the invisible realm distinction between "government of God in the hearts of believers in the present age" and the visible and glorious kingdom of God that all will see on earth after His second coming. This distinction is quite important and essential to distinguish between the current era as a sphere of divine government and will exist in the millennial kingdom.
There are three important interpretations in relation to the concept of millennial kingdom. The point of premillennial view interprets Scripture saying that the second coming of Christ is first, then come a reign of Christ a thousand years on earth before the eternal state of a new heaven and a new earth be established. It is called premillennial, because it puts the coming of Christ before the reignmillennial.
The second view is amillennialism, which denies that there is a millennial kingdom literal upon the earth. Generally speaking, this view holds that Christ will come in His second coming and immediately give way to the new heaven and the new earth without having a thousand - year reign.This view interprets many- passages from the Old and New Testaments that refer to the millennial kingdom as predictions are being fulfilled in not literally, either in the actual experience of the church on earth or experience of the church in the sky.
A third view is postmillennialism. This interpretation believed in the triumph of the gospel in the world will be current age and age will be introduced and gold to some extent when justice and peace be fulfilled prophesized the millennial kingdom. It is called postmillennialism because it believes that the second coming of Christ will be the climax of the golden age, and will end the millennium.The conservative postmillennialism represents a supreme reign of Christ over the hearts of men by a literal thousand - year period. The postmillennialism liberal is similar to the views of evolution and considered a gradual advance in the progress of the world that culminates in a golden age.Because of all the trends in the history of the twentieth century, there has been little basis for believing that the cause of God will prosper in the world by human means, and most performers today are amillennialists or premillennial.
While there have been many arguments for and against the concept of a literal millennium, the solution is determined by the extent to which the prophecies of the Scriptures are interpreted literally. In this discussion we will assume that the prophecy should be interpreted literally in the same way as any other subject of divine revelation. Consequently, many predictions of the OldTestament as well as the classic chapter of Revelation 20 in the New Testament are interpreted literally as they mean what they say: there will be a literal reign of Christ on earth after His second coming and before are created the new heavens and new earth. Walvoord's book The MillennialKingdom (the millennial kingdom) presents detailed arguments about the various views on the millennium, and is a detailed discussion of this issue.


In contrast to the point of amillennial view, which considers the kingdom of God primarily as a spiritual reign in the hearts of men, many passages support the conclusion that the kingdom is a literal kingdom on earth, in which Christ will really the supreme political ruler and spiritual leader and worshiped. This concept is presented extensively in the Old Testament and the New.
In Psalm 2, where the rebellion of the nation against God is announced, given the following order the Son of God: "Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and as your possession the ends of the earth" (v . 8). This is not a spiritual government, but
A real political government, as seen in the following verse: "Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron, as a potter's vessel in pieces" (v . 9). Obviously this can not refer to the church or a spiritual reign in heaven, but rather represents an absolute monarch who beat down the wicked and put onhold.
Another important passage that emphasizes the earthly character of the kingdom is Isaiah 11, where Jesus, as a descendant of David, is presented as it brings a fair trial on earth and punishes the wicked. Isaiah 11: 4 states: "He shall judge with justice to the poor, and decide with equity for the meek ​​of the earth; and he shall smite the earth with the sword of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips slay the wicked "In this passage is. frequently mentions the land (as in Isa . 11: 9), and dealings described God with nations to gather Israel from among all nations.
An almost countless other verses assert or imply that the kingdom will be on earth (cf. Is 42: 4; Jer .23: 3-6; Dan . 2: 35-45; Zechariah 14: 1-9 . .) . The description in these passages of the reign of Christ on earth in the millennial kingdom obviously does not describe the present age or describe the sky.Any reasonable compliance would require a literal reign on the earth after the second coming of Christ.


Many passages of the Old and New Testaments combine your testimony that Christ is supreme ruler on earth. Christ, as the son of David, he will sit on the throne of David (2 Sam 7:16; Ps 89: 20- 37; Is 11; Jer . 33: 19-21 . .).
When Christ was born, he came as King, as was announced by the angel Gabriel to Mary (Luke 1: 32-33 . ). As King was rejected (Mark 15:12, 13; Luke 19:14.). When he was crucified he died as King of the Jews (Matthew 27:37). In his second coming is described as "KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS . " (Rev. 19:16). Literally hundreds of verses in the Old Testament declare or imply, at least, that Christ will reign on earth. Some of the most important texts are especially clear (Isaiah 2: 1-4; 9:. 6-7; 11: 1-10; 16: 5; 24:23; 32: 1; 40: 1-11; 42: 1-4; 52: 7-15; 55: 4; Dn 2:44; 7:27; Mi. . 4: 1-8; 5: 2-5; Zech . 9: 9; 14: 16-17) .
One of the characteristics of the millennial kingdom is that David will be resurrected and will reignas prince under the command of Christ (Jer 30: 9; 33: 15-17 . ; Ez 34: 23-24; 37: 24-25 . ; Os. 3: 5).Certainly this situation is not seen in this church and demands that occur the coming of Christ and the resurrection of the saints of the Old Testament before it can fulfill-is prophecy.


As reveal the passages that speak about the future kingdom, there are at least three important aspects of the rule of Christ during His millennial reign.
. Many passages testify that Christ's rule will be over all the earth, more beyond the limits of any previous earthly kingdom and the kingdom of David himself. By establishing world government, God fulfilled His purpose that man should rule over the earth. Although Adam was disqualified, Christ as the second Adam, can meet this goal as mentioned in Psalm 2: 6-9. According to Daniel 7:14, the Son of Man "was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations and languages ​​should serve him; his dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass and his kingdom that shall not be destroyed. " The same thought is mentioned in Daniel 2:44; 4:34; 7:27.The universality of the rule of Christ on earth is also mentioned in Psalm 72: 8; Micah 4: 1- ;Zechariah 9:10.
2. The government of Christ will be of authority and absolute power. Christ will rule "with a rod of iron" (Ps 2:.. 9; Revelation 19:15). All opponents will be punished with destruction (Ps 2: 9; 72: 9-11 . ; Is. 11: 4 ). Such absolute government is not the characteristic of the rule of Christ over hischurch or the world in the present dispensation and could only be fulfilled if Christ has a literal reign on earth after His second coming.
3. The government of Christ in the millennium will be justice and peace. This follows from classical passages as Isaiah 11 and Psalm 72. These unusual characteristics of the kingdom are only possible thanks to the judgments introductory of Israel and the Gentiles (discussed in the previous chapter) and the fact that Satan is chained and has It has been left out of action. The only source of evil in the world is the sinful nature of men who are still in human flesh.
The separation of the wheat from the chaff (Mt. 13: 24-30) and the separation of the good fish from the bad (Mt. 13: 47-50) are preparations necessary for the reign of Christ. The millennium will begin with all adult converts as true believers in Christ. Children born during the millennium will be subject to the righteous reign of Christ and will be punished to the point of physical death if rebel against their king (Isaiah 65: 17-20; Zech . 14: 16-19.). Sin open and no one can be punished rebel against the King in the millennial kingdom.


During the period of the millennial kingdom Israel enjoy a privileged and special blessing. In contrast to the present age of the church, Jews and Gentiles are in the same plane and have the same privileges, the people of Israel in the millennium inherit the promised land and shall be the special favor of God.
Will be the time of the meeting of Israel, its reestablishment as a nation and the renewal of the Davidic kingdom. Israel finally possess the land permanently and completely.
Many passages deal with this subject. In the millennium Israel will be gathered and restored to their former land (Jer 30: 3; 31: 8-9 . ; Ez 39: 25-29; Am . 9: 11-15.).
Having been driven back to their land, Israel will consist of the subjects of the Davidic kingdom revived (Is 9: 6-7; 33:17, 22; 44. 6; Jer 23: 5; Dn . 4: 3;. 7:14, 22, 27; Mi. 4: 2-3, 7). The divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah will be reunited again (Jer 3:18; 33:14; Ez 20:40; 37:.. 15-22; 39:25; Os 1:11.). Israel, as the wife of Jehovah (Is 54; 62: 2-5 . ; Os . 2: 14-23), will be in a privileged position on the Gentile believers (Isaiah 14: 1-2; 49:22,. 23; 60: 14-17; 61: 6-7). Many passages also speak of the fact that Israel will revive spiritually (Isaiah 2: 3; 44: 22-24 . ; 45:17; Jer 23: 3-6; 50:20; Ez . 36: 25-26; Zech.. 13: 9; Mal . 3: 2-3). Many other passages give additional information about the blessed state of Israel, its spiritual revival and their enjoyment of communion with God.
Although the Gentiles shall not have title to the promised land, also have abundant blessings, as can be deduced from various passages in the Old Testament (Isaiah 2: 2-4; 19: 24-25 . ; 49: 6, 22; 60: 1 -3; 62: 2; 66: 18- 19; Jer 3:17; 16:19)..
The glory of the kingdom to Israel and to the Gentiles exceed by far any thing the world has ever experienced before.

F. spiritual blessings IN THE MILLENNIUM

Although the millennium is correctly described as the political rule of Christ on earth, the characteristics of the kingdom will provide a context for a life abundant spiritual to such an extent that no previous dispensation had been able to achieve. By the way, this is due to the fact that Satan is chained, the sin is judged immediately and the universal knowledge of the Lord is achieved.
According to Isaiah 11: 9: "The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waterscover the sea."
Many promises of inner spiritual blessings that come from given new covenant. Jeremiah 31:33, 34 states: "This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord: I will put my law in their minds, and write it in their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And they shall teach more a man his brother, saying, Know the Lord; they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, saith the Lord; I will forgive . their iniquity, and I willremember their sin no more "It will be a period of justice (Ps 72: 7; Isaiah 2: 4..). Spiritual conditions will also make possible a joy and unaccustomed blessing for the people of God (Isaiah 12: 3, 4; 61: 3 . 7).
Although there is no evidence that the Spirit of God will baptize believers in a new spiritual unity as in the present church, there will be, however, the power and indwelling presence in believers during the millennium (Isa 32:15;. 44 : 3; Ezek. 39:29; Ji 2: 28-29).. Due to the special situation undoubtedly be a greater spiritual blessing in the world during the millennium than any other dispensation before.
As a center for worship, millennial temple described in Ezekiel 40-46. In this temple sacrifices that differ somewhat from the Mosaic sacrifices they are offered. The interpreters have differed as to whether it should be taken literally or should receive other explanation. There is no strong reasons for not accepting the temple and the sacrificial system as a literal prophecy.
Although the death of Christ has put an end to the Mosaic Law and the sacrificial system, mentioned by Ezekiel seem to have a commemorative character, looking back at the cross, and the Old Testament sacrifices looked forward to the sacrifice of the cross.
In the millennium, with its extraordinary spiritual blessing, the awfulness of sin and the need for sacrifice of Christ will be more difficult to understand than in previous dispensations.Consequently, it seems that the sacrificial system was introduced as a reminder of the need there was the sacrifice of Christ, one who can take away sin. If the Old Testament sacrifices were a proper announcement of the death of Christ, a similar means could be used in the millennium as a way to commemorate it .
In any case, there is clear evidence that the millennium will be a time of blessing greater spiritual than usual, during which the earth will be characterized by justice, joy and peace.
The abundance of spiritual blessings progress will bring important social and economic factors that will exceed anything known in previous dispensations. The fact that everyone will have justice and that the meek ​​will be protected ensure equity in economic and social affairs. Probably most people know the Lord. The earth itself will be liberated from the curse that is on your productivity (Is 35: 1-2.), And there will be heavy rains (Isaiah 30:23; 35: 7 . ). In general, there will be prosperity, health and physical and spiritual blessings as never before the world had ever known.
The Millennial situation will also include major changes to the land, some of them produced by the great catastrophes of the Great Tribulation and others related to the second coming of Christ.Where he is now the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, a large valley from east to west (Zech . 14: 4) will be extended. Another special feature of the period is that Jerusalem will be exalted above the territory surrounding it (Zech. 14:10). As a whole, the promised land will once again be the gardenof the world, the center of the kingdom of God on earth and the place of blessings special. In many respects, the millennial kingdom will be a golden age, the climax of the history of the earth and the fulfillment of God's purpose to establish His Son as the supreme governor of the universe.
1 . In general, what is the meaning of the kingdom of God?
2. In what sense is the kingdom of God eternal and universal?
3. How does the entrance of sin served to introduce the concept of kingdom theocratic?
4. In what sense the fall of Adam resulted in the surrender to God certain men the right to rule?
5. In what way was the kingdom of Israel a special demonstration of the principle theocratic?
6. In what sense is the kingdom of God in the heart different from its theocratic kingdom?
7 . What have made ​​some distinctions between the terms "kingdom of heaven" and "kingdom of God"?
8. What important distinctions should be made ​​between the present form of the kingdom and the future shape of the kingdom in the millennium?
9. What it is meant by premillennial interpretation of Scripture?
10. What it is meant by amillennial interpretation of Scripture?
11. What it is meant by post - millennial interpretation of Scripture?
12. What is the principle of interpretation involved in these various points of view?
13. What is the contribution of Psalm 2 to the idea of ​​a literal kingdom on earth?
14. What is revealed in Isaiah 11 about the earthly kingdom?
15. Why is unreasonable to make the word "earth" represents the sky in these passages?
16. What reveals the Old Testament about Christ as the supreme ruler on earth as the Son of David?
17. What passage supports the concept that David will be resurrected and will rule as prince under the command of Christ in the millennial kingdom, and why it requires a future kingdom on earth?
18. Check by the Scriptures that Christ will reign over all the earth, far surpassing the limits of the Davidic kingdom of the Old Testament.
19. What evidence can be presented to show that the rule of Christ will be of absolute power and authority?
20. What evidence is found in Scripture that the kingdom on earth will be justice and peace?
21. How will pave the way for fair trials reign over Israel, the Gentiles and Satan being made ​​at the beginning of the millennium?
22. What special place is given to Israel in the millennial kingdom, and what will be features of the blessings conferred?
23. What special blessings will be given to the nations in the millennial kingdom?
24. What is the evidence of unusual spiritual blessings for everyone in the millennial kingdom?
25. What ministry of the Spirit you will be in the millennium?
26. What is taught about a millennial temple and sacrificial system in the millennium?
27. In view of the fact that Christ died on the cross, how can you explain such sacrifices?
28. What social and economic developments of importance will be in the millennium?
29. In what sense will change the land productivity in the millennium?
30. What important topographical changes occur on earth in the millennium?
31. Make a summary of the extraordinary blessings that characterize the kingdom millennial.



The conflict between God and Satan began with the fall of Satan from his state original holiness long before Adam and Eve were created (see Chapter 22).
Throughout the history of man, Satan fell on several trials, including the trial of the Garden of Eden that was inflicted on the serpent and the pronouncement of Genesis 3:15 announcing the final fall of Satan. There Satan was informed that the seed of the woman "shall bruise thy head , and thou shalt bruise his heel."
This referred to the conflict between Satan and God brought about the crucifixion of Christ.Although Christ died on the cross, he was raised from the dead, and this refers to the "thou shalt bruise his heel." By contrast, Satan suffered a mortal wound that mean your total defeat, expressed in the phrase "you shall bruise thy head." Christ, in his death, he won a lasting victory over Satan.
In John 16:11 refers to this same truth, where Christ says that the Holy Spirit, when he comes, willconvict the world "of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged." Satan's judgment was pronounced on the cross, and Satan was convicted of rebellion against God, which necessitated thesacrifice of Christ in order to save fallen men.
An earlier incident in the life of Christ also announced the victory of Christ over Satan. When theyreturned the seventies he had sent out to preach, they said in Luke 10:17, "Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name." Christ they replied, "I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning" (10 : 18). This was a prophetic announcement of the final defeat of Satan.


In the beginning of the Great Tribulation, forty two months before the second coming of Christ, according to Revelation 12: 7-9, a war takes place in heaven between Michael, the chief of the holy angels and Satan, described as the dragon and his angels (called fallen angels). Satan and the fallen angels are defeated, and "was thrown down the great dragon, the ancient serpent, who is called thedevil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; He was thrown down to earth and his angels werethrown down with him "(Revelation 12: 9 . ).
As stated in Revelation 12:10, Satan has been incessantly engaged in accusing the brothers, and "accused them before our God day and night." The work accuser Satan is presented for the first time in Scripture in the book of Job, and ends with the announcement of the final judgment will be against him . From this point in the prophetic program, approximately forty-two months before the second coming of Christ (cf. Rev. 12: 6 . ) Satan and evil angels are finally excluded from the sky.The defeat of Satan, which began when he was unable to successfully tempt Christ, made ​​evident by the casting out of demons by Christ and his followers and secured by the death of Christ on the cross, now fast approaching its climax. Satan, already tried and convicted, is about to see executed judgment against him now.

C. SATAN, bound and cast into the abyss

At the second coming of Christ the damning judgment not only on a running blasphemer world and its rulers, but also over Satan and the fallen angels.
In Revelation 20: 1-3 John writes: "I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand. He seized the dragon, the serpent old, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years; and he casts him into the abyss and locked, and set a seal upon him, that he would not deceive the nations until they were thousand years; After that hemust be loosed a little time. "
This graphical overview further progress is recorded in the judgment of Satan. John not only see Satan bound and cast into the abyss being confined there, but also gives the reason for this action.The purpose is that Satan is unable to deceive the nations until they have fulfilled a thousand years and has reached its end the millennial kingdom. Although this truth is given to John in a vision, theinterpretation is clear. Satan is incapable not deceive the world over as it did since Adam and Eve were created.
The vivid presentation of Satan bound for a thousand years , "what does the reign of Christ" is another important evidence that the millennial kingdom is still future and should not be identified with any present reign of God. In Scripture it is very clear that Satan is now not tied, as seen in the previous study of Satan (see Chapter 23). Any literal fulfillment of Revelation 19 to 20 requires occurs first coming of Christ is bound immediately after Satan. In Revelation 20 it is mentioned six times the period of a thousand years, indicating the events that precede and those that happen.Chaining Satan occurs, very clearly, before the start of the thousand years.
Although nothing is said in this passage about fallen angels, one can assume that at this point are also confined, and were also expelled from heaven with Satan forty-two months earlier. In no millennial passage he speaks of satanic activity until the very end, when Satan is loosed for a little time.


Revelation 20: 7 says, "When thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison." The next verse states that "go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them for battle; the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. " Led bySatan, now show their true color a crowd of people who had professed to follow Christ only outwardly. These are children born in the millennium, forced by circumstances to profess faith in Christ, but had never really had the new birth. Now, in open rebellion, "surround the camp of the saints and the beloved city," Jerusalem. Their fate is an immediate trial and, according to Revelation 20: 9, "fire came down from heaven, and devoured them ."
According to verse 10, immediately after "the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet; and they shall be tormented day and night forever and ever. " This is the condemnation end of Satan, for his destiny is the eternal fire prepared by God for the devil and his angels (Matthew 25:41).
The fallen angels are also judged, because they followed the original rebellion of Satan against God (Isaiah 14: 12- 17; Ez . 28: 12-19.). According to 2 Peter 2: 4, "God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved for judgment." Hell here it refers to Tartarus, a place of eternal punishment, not to Hades, where the wicked dead go before being cast into the lake of fire (Rev. 20:13, 14).
The trial of the angels also mentioned in Jude 6, where the following is revelation: "And the angels which kept not their first estate , but left their own habitation, he hath reserved under darkness in everlasting chains for judgment the great day. "When this statement is placed next to other passages that refer to the fall and judgment of Satan and evil angels, it is clear that although Satan and some of the angels have a certain measure of freedom and due this leads to a relentless war against the holy angels and the people of God on earth there are angels who are chained and have no freedom.Without But all are intended for the judgment of the great day, referring to the judgment of Satan and all the fallen angels will happen at the end of the millennial kingdom.
Although they have exerted great in God's providence Satan and the fallen angels power and influence in the world and have continually opposed God, defeat the end is true and eternal judgment will follow it . However, Christians afflicted by Satan, like Job in the Old Testament, can rest in the fact that his final victory is assured and that the enemies of God will be judged in duetime. The fact that the beast and the false prophet have been cast into the lake of fire at thebeginning of the millennium and still be there when it ends, shows that the punishment is endless.The Scriptures clearly teach that there are only two outcomes end in trials, one eternal bliss of heaven and the other torment without end in the lake of fire.
1. What prediction of the final defeat of Satan he was in Eden?
2. What did Christ indication about the final defeat of Satan in Luke 10:18 and John 16:11?
3. Describe the war that takes place in heaven between Michael and Satan, and its result.
4. What has been doing Satan in the sky through the history of man?
5. Describe Satan's fall at the beginning of the millennium.
6. How we literally take the chaining of Satan, and how it affects the millennial kingdom?
7. What is the result of Satan unleashed at the end of the millennium?
8. Describe those who join Satan against Christ at the end of the millennium.
9. What is the result of the rebellion?
10. Describe the final judgment of Satan and the fallen angels.
11. How can be sure of final victory Christians in the midst of spiritual conflicts?


As the final climax of human history at the end of the millennial kingdom, the scriptures record the great judgment of the great white throne (Rev . 20: 11-15). In contrast to previous judgments of the righteous, and the various judgments of God upon Israel and Gentiles living in the world, this is the final judgment; in the context you can see that refers only to the judgment of the wicked.


Before the judgment of the great white throne in Revelation 20:11 declares, "they fled the heaven and earth; and no place was found for them. " Accomplished the race of human history, the old creation is destroyed, as stated in Revelation 21: 1, "the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and the sea was no more." 2 Peter 3: 10-12 refers to this event and describes the dramatic destruction with these words: "The heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall be dissolved, and earth and the works that are therein shall be burned up " ( and. 10). In the next verse declares, "all these things shall be dissolved" (v . 11); and in verse 12 these concepts are combined when he says, "the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements, being burned, will merge." Due to the destruction of the earth and the sky today, it seems that the great white throne judgment is performed in space.


According to Revelation 20:12, John saw "the dead, small and great, stand before God." Revelation 20:13 adds: "And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them. "All the wicked dead here have been resurrected and stand before God to be judged. In John 5:27 is clear that the judge is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, because it states that the Father "gave him authority to execute judgment, because the Son of Man."


Revelation 20:12 declares, "two books were opened : and another book was opened, which is the life;and the dead were judged by the things which were written in the books according to their works. "The next verse repeats this damning fact: "according to their works." Here the result of the rejection of grace is expressed in terms absolute. There is no forgiveness apart from Christ (Acts. 4:12), and those who reject the grace inevitably be judged for their sins.
After consulting his works the book of life are examined for their names. Whether, as some believe, that the book of life is simply the record of all that you have eternal life, or as others say, which is the list of all those who have lived and she eliminated the names of the unconverted, the result is the same. If their names do not appear in the book of life, it is that they have not received eternal life. States that are condemned, and Revelation 20: 14-15 it is written: "And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And that was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. "
Some of those convicted may have been relatively good compared to others who were comparatively bad, but the lack of eternal life .es the damning fact. All those who have eternal life are judged on the basis of his works and the rejection of Christ, and are cast into the lake of fire. The tragedy isthat, according to the Scriptures, Christ died for them and for those who are saved.
According to 2 Corinthians 5:19, "God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, not imputing to men their sins." In 1 John 2: 2 states that Christ is the "propitiation for our sins; and not only for ours but also for the whole world. " Those who have been thrown into eternal punishment could have been saved if they had turned to Christ. His state of destruction is not due to the lack of love of God or the unavailability of the grace of God, but to the fact that they have not wanted to believe.Those who have never had an opportunity to hear the gospel are condemned by the rejection of the testimony of God in the natural world (Rom . 1: 18-20). They also rejected the light they had and arejustly condemned for their unbelief. The great white throne judgment is the sad end of those who do not have Christ as their Savior and Lord.
1. What important difference can be seen between the judgment of the great white throne and the previous judgments?
2. Where the judgment of the great white throne is held and how it contrasts with previous judgments?
3. Describe the destruction of the present earth.
4. What Scripture reveals about the resurrection of the wicked dead?
5. What is the basis of the judgment of the wicked dead?
6 . What is the tragedy of the judgment of the wicked dead?
7. In what sense is an incentive to win souls to the revelation of the lost?



After the judgment of the great white throne and the destruction of the first heaven and the firstearth, John writes in Revelation 21: 1: "I saw a new heaven and a new earth; because the . first heaven and the first earth passed away, and the sea was no more "The new heaven is not described, and all that is said about the new land is" the sea did not exist anymore . "(Rev. 21: 1). The strange silence of Scripture on the appearance of the new earth and heaven again not explained anywhere.Instead our attention is directed towards the city holy, the new Jerusalem.


John wrote his vision in these words: "I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband" (Rev 21: 2 . ). The immediate problem facing all interpreters is the meaning of what John saw. If one accepts the statement as expressed, John saw a new call holy city Jerusalem, in contrast to the old Jerusalem earth that had been destroyed when the earth was scorched. It is said that the city descends from "heaven from God." Significantly, not to mention that the city was created, and apparently existed during the period before the millennial kingdom, possibly as a satellite city on the earth; as such, it may have been the home of the millennial resurrected and raptured saints. For the description of themillennial earth it is clear that there was no city on earth and the new Jerusalem during the millennium. Some believe that Christ was referring to the new Jerusalem when he said in John 14: 2: "I go to prepare a place for you."
Here in Revelation is the New Jerusalem descending from heaven and certainly with the fate of land on the new land. John also described the city as "a wife adorned for her husband." Without however, as shown by later revelations, new Jerusalem includes Saints of all dispensations, and is therefore preferable to consider it as a descriptive phrase and not as a standard reference. The new Jerusalem is beautiful as a bride adorned for her husband's beautiful. Consequently, although the city is literal, her beauty is that of a girlfriend.
Although comparatively few Bible passages deal with the issue of the new heaven and the new earth, not in Revelation where this truth appears for the first time. In Isaiah 65:17 God said: "For behold, I create new heavens and new earth; and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind. "This verse occurs in the context of the millennial land and some think it is referring to a renewed Jerusalem that will be during the millennium. However, it would be preferable to consider it as a reference to the new Jerusalem that will be in the new land seen in the background, while the renewed Jerusalem in the millennium is seen in the foreground, as in Isaiah 65:18.
Another reference is found in Isaiah 66:22, which states: "For as the heavens new and the new earth that I make shall remain before me, saith the Lord, so . Shall your seed and your name" While earthly Jerusalem will be destroyed at end of the millennium, the new Jerusalem will remain forever as the seed of Israel will remain forever.
In 2 Peter 3:13 another prediction of new heavens and new earth is made, characterized as places where justice will dwell. Consequently, one can conclude that through the Scriptures are considered the new heaven and the new earth as the ultimate goal of history and as the final resting place of the saints.
Having introduced the new heaven and the new earth and the new Jerusalem, John proceeds to describe its main characteristics in Revelation 21: 3-8. There God will dwell with men and be their God. Crying, death and pain will be abolished, as John says, "because the first things have passed away" ( v . 4). This is confirmed in verse 5 by the statement: "Behold I make all the things."
In the new Jerusalem, Christ as the Alpha and the Omega, promises: "To him who is thirsty I will give from the fountain of the water of life. He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be my son "(vv. 6-7). By contrast, the unconverted described by their works and lack of faith "have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death" ( v . 8). In contrast to the first death, which is physical and spiritual, the second death is eternal separation from God. John is invited to look at "the bride, the wife of the Lamb" and carry "in the spirit to a great and high mountain" (Rev. 21: 9-10 . ). Here John sees the new Jerusalem comingdown out of heaven from God.
In the following description in Revelation 21 it declares that the New Jerusalem has "the glory of God"; the city is bright with a "glow like a stone to precious like a jasper stone, clear as crystal" ( v . 11). Although Jasper is usually the name of stones of different colors, and are opaque stone with which it is compared is beautiful and crystal clear. You must have given an impression of incredible beauty and brilliance.
The verses that follow describe the city itself as it is surrounded by a wall about 70 meters high, with twelve gates in the wall guarded by twelve angels. On the doors are the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. The city is square in shape and look north, south, east and west, indicatingapparently that the new earth are cardinal points as in the current land.
The wall is about twelve foundations, according to verse 14, bear the names of the twelve apostles.
The city is measured and is seen to have 12,000 furlongs, or about 2,400 kilometers per side, with a height equal. This has raised the question about the form of the city, if a cube or a pyramid.Probably best considered a pyramid, since this explains how the river could flow through their sides, as presented in Revelation 22: 1, 2.
In general, all materials of the city are diaphanous and allow the passage of light unimpeded. Even gold is like glass clean (21:18). The foundations of the wall bearing the names of the twelve apostles, and represent the church, and are adorned with twelve precious stones that give all colors of the rainbow, and the bright light of the city provide a beautifully breathtaking view (vv.19, twenty).
The city gates are one big pearl, and the street of the city is pure and crystalline gold ( v . 21). The city has no temple because God is in it ( v . 22), and has no need of the sun, moon or stars, for theglory of God and the Lamb provide light (v 23). The saved among the Gentiles (the nations) walk in the light of the city and freely enter through its doors, not close because there is no night ( v . 25).
According to this description the inhabitants of the city are saints of all dispensations. Not only Israel and the Gentiles are mentioned, but also the twelve apostles representing the church. This is in accordance with the description of Hebrews 12: 22-24, which lists the inhabitants of the new Jerusalem as including 'the myriads of angels, the congregation of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, God the judge of all, to the spirits of just men made ​​perfect, to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant. " From this we can deduce that the church will be in the new Jerusalem, like the"spirits of just men made ​​perfect" referring to all the saints not included in the church, Jews and Gentiles, and the angels, and Jesus as the mediator the new covenant.
Continuing the description of the new Jerusalem, John speaks of a "pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb" (Rev. 22: 1 . ). The Tree of Life, which bore twelve kinds of fruits, is in the midst of the street of the city and each side of the river providing healing for the nations . (Rev. 22: 2).
He wonders why the healing of the nations is necessary if this is a description of the eternal state.The difficulty is resolved if the translation "accepted health of nations". It may be that the fruit of the tree of life and water of life are the explanation for the existence endless bodies of the saints will have in eternity.
Continuing the description of the city, John says: "And there shall be no more curse; and the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and his servants will serve him "( v . 3). The state blessed of them will be that will see God face to face and his name will be on their foreheads ( v . 4). John repeats the fact that the new city will be bright and not need artificial light, and concludes with the word of God "
Behold, I am coming soon! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of ste book "( v . 7).
Considering the fact that the new heavens and new earth will be the abode eternal saints, it is notable that there are few descriptions of them in the Scripture. It is true that the Bible has the primary purpose of giving light to our current daily path. At the same time we are given a sufficient glimpse of the coming glory, to encourage us to advance our life of faith. Without a doubt, there ismuch more that we can reveal that the brief glimpse that we have given in these final chapters of the book of Revelation.
Although God has revealed to his people some measure of what "eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man" (1 Cor 2: 9), undoubtedly there is much more that God will reveal the man in the eternity. Not even half that, and our great God is happy to eternity endless manifest His love and grace to those who have received Christ as Savior and Lord.
The Bible, which is the only thing that reveals the wonders of the sky, is equally explicit in their statements about the conditions under which sinners of this fallen race can enter there. However, there are multitudes who cherish the idea of being able to enter heaven and at the same time do not pay attention to the advice of God in exposing the only way given to men that they can be saved. Noteveryone will enter heaven; the glory and bliss is for the redeemed. The redemption depends entirely on the acceptance of the Redeemer.
That acceptance is a transaction as simple and yet so vital and conclusive that the soul that trusts receive security over all things that are depending only on Christ for salvation.
1. What has been revealed about the new heaven and the new earth?
2. Why described the new Jerusalem as a bride adorned for her husband?
3. What is the significance of the fact that the new Jerusalem has not been created at that time?
4. What light does this say about the possibility that the new Jerusalem to be the abode, during the millennium, the resurrected and raptured saints?
5. What Isaiah 65:17 and 66:22 reveal about the new heavens and new earth?
6. How would you characterize the new heaven and the new earth 2 Peter 3:13?
7. According to Revelation 21: 3-8, what are some main features of the new heaven and the new earth in the spiritual?
8. What is the general description of the new Jerusalem, according to John sees in Revelation 21:11?
9. Describe how, walls and gates of the New Jerusalem.
10. What is the evidence that Israel and the angels are in the New Jerusalem?
11. What are the dimensions, length, width and height of the city?
12. What possible explanation as to the form of the city?
13 . What characterizes all materials of the city, and how it relates with its brilliance?
14 . Describe the breathtaking beauty of gemstones foundation of the city.
15. What is the significance of the fact that the names of the twelve apostles are the foundation of the city?
16. Why the city has no temple and no need sunlight, the moon and the stars?
17. Also in the city are Gentiles saved?
18. What evidence can be presented to show that all the saints of all ages will be in the New Jerusalem?
19. What contribution does Hebrews 12: 22-24 for the identification of the inhabitants of the New Jerusalem?
20. What it is the way it is possibly related to the endless existence of the bodies of the saints in the New Jerusalem the water of life and the tree of life?
21. What will the saints in the New Jerusalem?
22 . How do you explain the fact that out of these final chapters of the book of Revelation has little revelation of the eternal state in the Bible?

23 . In the light of Scripture, why is it so important to be sure that one has been saved by faith in Christ?