According to the Scriptures, long before the creation of man God created an innumerable company of beings called angels. Like men, they have personality, intelligence and moral responsibility. The word "angel" means messenger, when referring to a special class of beings; the term is sometimes used by pointing to others who are the messengers, as with the angels of the seven churches of Asia (Rev. 2 to 3.), from which it follows that refers to men (Rev. 1:20; 2. : 1, 8, 12, 18; 3: 1, 7, 14), and sometimes the term is used for human messengers (Lk 7:24; James 2:25)... The term also applies to the spirits of men who have died (Mt. 18:10;. Acts 12:15), but when used in this way should not be concluded that the angels are the spirits of men or that dying men become angels. One must understand that the term "messenger" is a general term. Similarly, the term "angel" is applied to the Angel of the Lord referring to the apparitions of Christ in the Old Testament in the form of an angel as a messenger of God to men (Genesis 16: 1-13; 21. : 17-19; 22: 11-16).
When not used in reference to men or God himself, the term refers to a different order of beings who, like man, have moral responsibility and are servants of God in the moral sphere. Like the man, the angels, since its inception, have an eternal existence and are distinct from all other created beings. They form a prominent part in God's program for ages, and are mentioned over a hundred times in the Old Testament and even more frequently in the New Testament.
It follows that the angels were created simultaneously and all were a considerable number (Heb 2:22; Ap. 5:11.). They have all the essential elements of personality, including intelligence, moral responsibility, will and sensitivity or emotions, and are able to intelligently worship God (Ps. 148: 2).They are also responsible for the quality of their service and their moral choices.
His nature does not include the body, unless we understand that they are bodies of a spiritual order (1 Cor 15:44), although sometimes they can be seen in bodies and appear as men (Matthew 28: 3; Rev. . 15: 6; 18: 1). Experience no increase in their number through birth or physical experience of death or cessation of existence. Thus, while they are similar in character to man, man differ in very important features.
B. The Holy Angels
Angels are generally divided into two groups: 1) the holy angels, 2) the fallen angels. In the first classification are the angels who have remained saints throughout its existence, and hence received the name of "holy angels" (Matthew 25:31). Generally, when Scripture mentions angels, it refers to those who have not fallen. The fallen angels are those who have not kept their holiness.
The holy angels are divided into several special classes, some are mentioned individually.
1. The Archangel Michael is the head of all the angels and his name means "who is like God" (Dn 10: 21; 12: 1.; 1 Thessalonians 4:16; Jud 9; Rev. 12... 7-10).
2. Gabriel is one of the main messengers of God, his name means "hero of God." He was the bearer of important messages; as delivered to Daniel (Daniel 8:16; 9:21.), the message to Zechariah (Luke 1:18, 19.) and the message to the Virgin Mary (Luke 1: 26-38.).
3. A most angels are not given an individual name, but are mentioned as elect angels (1 Tim . 5: 21).This leads us to think that, like the saved men are chosen or elected, the holy angels were divinely chosen.
4. The terms "principalities" and "powers" are used both in relation to the holy angels and the fallen (Luke 21:26;. Ro 8:38;. Eph 1:21;. 3:10; Col. 1 : 16; 2: 10,15; 1 Peter 3:22). Throughout history there has been a constant struggle between angels and fallen for control of men angels.
5. Some angels are designated as "cherubim" living creatures who defend holiness of God of any sign of sin (Gen. 3:24; Ex 25:18, 20; Ezek 1:.. 1-18.). Satan, the chief of the fallen angels, was originally created for this purpose (Ezek. 28:14). Angelic figures in the form of golden cherubs and looking towards the mercy seat of the ark and the Holy of Holies was in the tabernacle and temple.
6. The seraphim are mentioned only once in the Bible in Isaiah 6: 2-7. They are described as having three pairs of wings; apparently they have the task of praising God and being messengers of God on earth, but its main concern is the holiness of God.
7. The term "angel of the Lord" is often found in the Old Testament regarding the apparitions of Christ in the form of an angel . The term belongs to God and is used in connection with the divine manifestations. On earth and therefore no reason to include it in the angelic hosts (Genesis 18: 1- 19:29; 22:11, 12; 31: 11-13 . ; 32: 24-, 1 32; 48:15 16; Jos . 5: 13-15; Thu 13: 19-22; 2 Kings 19:35; 1 Cr 21:.. 12-30; Psalm 34: 7).. The great contrast between Christ who is the Angel of the Lord and the angelic beings is presented in Hebrews 1: 4-14. "
In contrast to the holy angels, countless fallen angels are described as its first state. Led by Satan, who was originally a holy angel countless angels fell, rebelling against God and became sinners in nature and works.
The fallen angels are divided into two classes: 1) those that are free, and 2) those who are in chains.Fallen angels, Satan is mentioned only in a particular way by Scripture.
It is likely that when Satan fell (Jn. 8:44) he took after him a crowd of beings who had a lower his rank. Of these, some are reserved for judgment (1 Cor 6: 3; 2 Pet. 2: 4; Jude 6), while the remaining are free and demons are frequently mentioned in the pages of the New Testament (Mr. . 5: 9, 15; Lk 8:30; 1 Timothy 4: 1).. They are helping Satan in all his works and finally part of their eternal ruin or condemnation (Matthew 25:41; Revelation 20:10.).
Many of the references in Scripture about angels refer to his ministry, which covers a wide range of achievements. First they worship God, and, according to Revelation 4: 8, some "no rest day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, who is and who is to come".References are also within his ministry in portions as Psalm 103: 20 and Isaiah 6: 3.
In general, the ministry of the holy angels extends to many different forms of service to God.
1. were present at the creation (Job 38: 7), in the revelation of the law (Acts 7:53; Galatians 3:19; Hebrews 2:.... 2; Rev 22:16) in the birth of Christ (Luke 2:13.) in the temptation of Christ (Matthew 4:11), in the garden of Gethsemane (Luke 22:43.), in the resurrection (Matthew 28: 2), ascension ( . Acts 1:10), and also appear with Christ in his second coming (Matthew 24:31; 25:31; 2 Thessalonians 1: 7)..
2. Angels are ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for the heirs of salvation (Heb 1:14; Ps F . 34: 7; 91:11.). Although we have no means of communication with the angels, and enjoyed fellowship with them must, however, recognize the fact of his ministry, which is constant and effective.
3. Angels are spectators and witnesses of earthly things (Ps 103: 20; Lk . 12: 8-9; 15:10; 1 Cor 11:10; 1 Timothy 3:16; 1 Peter 1..: 12; Rev. 14:10)..
4. Lazarus was carried by the angels into Abraham 's bosom (Lc.16: 22).
5. In addition to his ministry on. history, angels are included in the large crowd that descends from heaven to earth at the second coming, and is said to be in an eternal state in the New Jerusalem ( Acts 12: 22-24; Rev. 19:14.. ; 21:12). Apparently, the angels will be judged and rewarded at theend of the millennium and the beginning of the eternal state, while the fallen angels or are judged and thrown into the lake of fire.
6. The ministry of angels through the Scriptures is an important and essential doctrine to understand God's providence and sovereign direction of its creation in history
1. What is the origin of angels?
2. In what sense the angels are like men?
3. In what sense is used the word "angel" when referring to other beings and what is derived from the meaning of the name?
4. How often do angels appear in Scripture and how it explains their appearance when they take the form of men?
5. ¿In what two major divisions can be classified angels and what meaning does it?
6. What holy angels are mentioned in the Bible and what is their work?
7. What is the meaning of the terms "elect angels", "principalities" and "powers" in relation to the angels?
8. What they are the cherubim and what they do?
9. How seraphim described in the Bible and what their mission ?.
10. What is the meaning of "Angel of the Lord" in the Old Testament and why not refer to the angels?
11. What two major classifications can be divided fallen angels and what their respective roles are according to the Scriptures?
12. Describe some of the important ministries of the holy angels in Scripture.
13. How are angels related to the providential and sovereign direction of God over his creation?
14. What part have the angels at the second coming of Christ and the eternal state?
Satan was originally created as the highest among the moral creatures of God being, although there is an abyss of immeasurable difference between this prince of beings created by God and the three Persons of the Godhead, which were not created and there itself same forever.
Since Satan is not manifested in flesh, the fact of its existence must be accepted, as in the case of Divinity and all the angelic host, based on the evidence offered in the Scriptures. When considering this evidence we note the following:
1. SATAN WAS CREATED AS A PERSON . In Colossians 1: 16 states that the creation was carried out by Christ and that "all things that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whetherthrones , or dominions, or principalities, or powers "all things were created by Him and for Him. the time of the creation of angels is not revealed beyond the fact that this event probably preceded the creation of all material things and which in turn it was preceded by the same eternal existence of God, which is given testimony in John 1: 1-2.
Among all the heavenly host only one being whose creation is mentioned in particular: Satan. This indicates the supremacy of the respect he enjoys all invisible creatures of God.
In Ezekiel 28: 11-19 we read the lamentation that goes to the "King of Tyre"; but if it is true that this passage could have an immediate and partial application to the king of that city, it is also clear that the prophet's words have in view when it is supreme among all creatures of God, for the character mentioned here he says that "is full of wisdom and perfect in beauty"; he had been "in Eden the garden of God" (probably the primitive Eden of the original creation of God, not the Eden of Genesis 3); which it was created according to God's plan and anointed cherub on the holy mountain, which, according to the biblical symbolism, represents the throne or the center where God exercises his power in the government of all things. This description, which may not correspond to the person and experience any of the kings of Tyre, it is possible to apply only to Satan, as he was before his sin and its corresponding drop of the place it had occupied.
2. SATAN performs all the functions of a person. Of the many Bible portions that highlight the personality of Satan may be noted the following:
A) Isaiah 14: 12-17. Contemplating Satan as if he were already finished his career as if he had already been finally judged in the end times, the prophet gives the title of "Lucifer, son of the morning" and treats it as a being who has fallen from its original state and its primitive glory.Which "weakened the nations" (v . 12) it is also guilty of having opposite his own will to that of God in five particular disclosed herein; and both this passage in Ezekiel 28:15 says that Satan's sin was a secret purpose was hidden deep in his heart, but God found him and revealed (cf. 1 Tim . 3: 6) .
B) Genesis 3: 1-15. It is for the events narrated in this passage that Satan received the title of "Snake", as it was through the serpent that he told Adam and Eve. Every word he uttered and every plan he revealed in this story of the fall of our first parents is evidence of the personality of Satan (cf. 2 Cor 11: 3, 13-15; Rev. 12: 9; 20. :2).
C) Job 1: 6-12; . 2: 1-13 A peculiar revelation of these passages is that Satan has access to God (cf. Lk 22:31; Rev. 12:10..) As much as men (Eph . 6: 10-12; 1 P . 5: 8) and he shows all the characteristics of a real personality.
D) Lucas 4: 1-13. Satan's personality is also revealed when confronted in the desert with the Son of God, who is the last Adam. Who had aspired to be "like the Most High" (Isaiah 14:14.) And had recommended this same purpose the first man (Gen 3: 5 . ), Is now offering all their earthly possessions Christ, with the proviso that he prostrates to adore him. The authority and power that Christ rejects this time will be received and exercised in the future by the character that Scripture called the Man of Sin (2 Thess 2: 8-10; 1 John 4: 3 . .).
E) Ephesians 6: 10-12. The tactic of Satan and his fight against the children of God presented in this passage as proof positive personality so powerful enemy. The Scriptures do not say that Satan is waging war against unregenerate men; they belong and, therefore, are under his authority (Jn 8:44; Eph . 2: 2; 1 John 5:19..).
Although Satan is morally already fallen and was judged on the cross (Jn 12:31;. 16:11; Col. 2:15), he still maintains its elevated position and has not lost but a little of their power, which both in relation to his person with the authority he exercised, it is revealed by the way Scripture noted below:
1. YOUR PERSONAL POWER CAN NOT BE ESTIMATED AT ALL. According to his own statement, which certainly did not deny Christ, he has power over the kingdoms of this world, which, having been delivered to him, you can give them according to the dictates of his own will (Lk . 4: 6). It is said that Satan had the power of death (Heb. 2:14), but that this power has already been given to Christ (Rev. 1:18).
Satan had power over disease, as in the case of Job (Job 2: 7), and could sift Peter as wheat (Lk 22:31; 1 Cor. 5: 5). The Bible also reveals that Satan weakened the nations, made the earth tremble, shake kingdoms, put the world as a wilderness, devastated cities and their prey never opened the prison (Is. 14: 12-17). Satan's power against even the archangel Michael dared to use judgment curse (Jud. 9); but no victory for the Son of God through the power of the Spirit and the blood of Jesus Christ (Eph 6: 10-12; 1 John. 4: 4; Rev. 12:11..). Satan exercised his authority and power only within the permissive will of God.
2. SATAN IS HELPED BY DEMONS. Satan's power is increased by the innumerable host of demons who do his will and serve. Although he is not omnipresent, omnipotent or omniscient, he has contact all over the world through evil spirits.
Demons play a very important role in the control of Satan on earth paper and make your power is present everywhere (Mark 5: 9). They are able to live and control both animals and men (Mark 5: 2-5, 11-13) and apparently want to be in physical bodies (Mt. 12: 43-44; Mr. 5: 10-12).
Sometimes the demons only have influence over men, and in other cases have so that their physical bodies and their language is controlled by demons (Mt. 4:24; 8: 16,28,33; 9:32; 12:22; Mr 1:32; 5: 15-16, 18; Luke 8:36; Acts 8:.. 7; 16:16).
Like Satan, they are totally wicked and malicious and thus affect those whom they control (Mt. 8:28; 10: 1; Mr. 1:23; 5: 3-5; 9: 17-26; . Lk 6:18; 9: 39-42). In many cases they show that they know that Jesus Christ is God (Mt. 8: 28-32; Mark 1: 23-24; Acts 19:15; James 2:19..).
In the same way that Satan, demons are fully aware that they are doomed to eternal punishment (Matthew 8:29; Luke 8:31.). They are able to bring physical disorders (Matthew 12:22; 17: 15-18. Lk 13:16) and mental illness (Mark 5: 2-13). While some mental disorders can be due to physical causes, there is no doubt that some forms of mental illness are due to demonic control. Demonic influence can lead to a false religion, skepticism and unbelief (1 Tim. 4: 1-3).
The fact of the influence of demons in Christians is evident (Eph 6:12; 1 Tim. 4: 1. 3). There seems to be a difference between the power and influence of demons on unsaved people and those who are born again, due to the fact that the Holy Spirit dwells in the Christian. While demons can take possession of an unsaved person and can oppress a saved person, there is a difference in the length and power of demonic influence on those who are born again. Satan's work as a whole would be impossible if it were not for the many demons that carry out their wishes, and continually a struggle of tremendous proportions between angels and demons is brought.
1. What was Satan originally place in God's creation?
2. What are some of the evidence that Satan was created as a person, and what qualities he possessed before his fall?
3. How does Satan exercise the function of a person? Illustrate his dealings with Adam and Eve, Job and Christ.
4. How Satan's personality is revealed in its conflict with Christians?
5. Explain the evidence of the great power of Satan.
6. How does it help the demons Satan?
7. To illustrate the degree of demonic influence on men and how far can a man be controlled by demons.
8. How the hell are related to physical and mental disorders of men?
9. How can relate demonic influence with false religions and religious practices?
10. What is the difference seems to exist between the power and influence of demons on unsaved people contrasted with those who are saved?
11. How does the Holy Spirit who dwells in the Christian helps him in his conflict with Satan and demons?
There are two very common errors regarding the person of Satan; and since only he is taking advantage to carry out its purpose, it is reasonable to conclude that they are of satanic origin.
1. Many believe that Satan does not exist in reality and that his alleged person is no more than a principle of evil, or influence, manifested in man and the world in general. The error of this concept is demonstrated by taking into account that there is the same abundant evidence regarding the personality of Jesus Christ as in that Satan is a real person. The Scriptures, which are the only word of authority in this matter, consider that both Jesus Christ and Satan are personal beings; and if the personality of Jesus Christ is accepted based on what the Bible teaches, the personality of Satan must also be accepted on the same testimony.
2. Others believe that Satan is the direct cause of the sins of every person. But this idea is not in harmony with the truth:
A) because, first, the purpose principal of Satan is not to promote sin in the world. He did not at first attempt to become a demon, but to be "like the Most High" (Isa. 14:14); he has no intention of destroying both as to build and realize his great ambition authority over this world system, in which program includes culture, morality and religion (2 Corinthians 11: 13- 15). The idea that Satan is currently the direct cause of sin is false:
B) because the Bible says that sins come directly from the depraved heart of man (Gen. 6: 5; Mark 7: 18-23 . ; James 1: 13-16)..
Isaiah 14: 12-17 is one of the many passages that testify about the work of Satan. This passage reveals the original and ultimate purpose of Satan. He wanted to ascend to heaven, exalt his throne above the stars of God and be like the Most High. In pursuit of this end he would throw hand immeasurable wisdom and power; weaken the nations; would shake the earth; disrupt the kingdoms; become the world like a desert; devastate cities and refuse to release their prisoners.
Although each of these statements is itself frightening, there including two that deserve special attention:
1. "be like the Almighty" (V. 14). This expression indicates the main reason that guides him after his fall all its activities. As we revealed in Scripture, the course of the activities of Satan after his downfall can be traced only along the lines of what has been its supreme motive "be like the most High." This was the purpose in all seriousness he recommended Adam and Eve (Genesis 3: 5 . ), And accepting the satanic ideal, they became independent of God, were depending on their own resources and the center of his life became his own self. Moreover, this attitude of Adam and Eve became its very nature, which have been transmitted to their posterity, to the extent that all their descendants are called "children of wrath" (Eph 2: 3, . 5: 6; Rom. 1:18), and they must be born again (John 3: 3 . ), and when they are already saved, have to go through major conflicts if they wish tosurrender your life completely to the will of God. Also Satan's desire to be "like the Most High" is seen in his passion to be worshiped by Christ (Lk . 4: 5-7). When for a brief moment the Man of Sin "sitteth in the temple of God as God, showing himself that he is God" (2 Thessalonians 2: 3-4; Dan 9:27; Matthew 24:15; Revelation 13... 4-8), the ultimate purpose of Satan will be carried out under the permissive will of the Lord.
2. "To his prisoners loose JAIL" (V. 17). This refers to this power of Satan so much about the unconverted as their inability to help them in their eternal judgment. All prophecy where this statement is extracted is what will be the work of Satan and accomplished in the days of his final judgment. .de Can not be doubted that there is much that will be fulfilled in the future in this prophecy; however, we know that now the devil is doing everything it can to prevent the unsaved are freed from the power of darkness and translated into the kingdom of the beloved Son of God (Col. 1: 13). Satan encourages "the children of disobedience" (Eph . 2: 2), blind the minds of men to keep them from seeing the glorious light of the Gospel (2 Cor 4: 3-4) and keeps the unconscious world in their arms (1 Jn. 5:19 VM).
It also reveals that as part of its strategy, Satan seek to imitate the things of God, which is in good agreement with its purpose to be "like the Most High". Therefore, he will promote the creation and dissemination of many religious systems (1 Tim 4: 1-3; 2 Cor. 11: 13-15). And in this connection it is necessary to remember that Satan may promote certain forms of religion that are based on certain texts from the Bible, exalting Christ as a leader and incorporate all aspects of the Christian faith, with the exception of one the doctrine of salvation by grace alone, based on the blood shed by Christ on the cross. Such satanic errors are present in the world today and multitudes are deceived by them. We need to test these religious systems they adopt the attitude toward the divine saving grace through effective blood of the Lamb of God (Rev. 12:11).
Evidently Satan is enmity against God. He is not, in any way, enemy of the unredeemed; and if directed his "fiery darts" against the children of God, this is only because they participate in the divine nature and, therefore, he can through them attack God.
It should also be remembered that the children of God are not attacked by "flesh" or "blood", but their conflict develops in the area of his heavenly relationship with Christ. This means that the believer may not be led to practice what is immoral, but he can completely fail in what touches to prayer, the Christian witness and spiritual victory. We should always bear in mind that such a state of spiritual failure is so dishonorable to the sight of God as are those sins spontaneously condemned by the world.
God's Word is so explicit in referring to the race and destiny of Satan as it is when we talk about the origin of this extraordinary being. There are five progressive judgments against Satan that we can distinguish in Scripture:
MORAL 1. THE FALL OF SATAN. Although the time of this event, which occurred in the distant past, not been revealed, the moral fall of Satan and his consequent separation from God are clearly indicated in the pages of the Bible (Ez . 28:15; 1 Tim 3: 6).. It is clear, however, that he did not lose his heavenly position, nor most of his power, nor his access to God.
. 2. SATAN'S JUDGMENT ON THE CROSS Through the cross Satan was judged in a complete way (Jn 12:31; 16:11; Col. 2: 14-15 . ); but the execution of the sentence is still pending for the future. In the garden of Eden God he foretold this judgment and their respective execution (Gn. 3:15).
3. Satan will be cast from heaven. In the middle of the Great Tribulation and as a result of a war in heaven, Satan will be cast from the heights and limited in their activities only to the land. Then he will act with great fury, knowing that it will only have a little time to continue his work (Rev. 12: 7-12; cf. also Isa 14:12; Luke 10:18...).
4. SATAN WILL BE CONFINED TO THE ABYSS . During the thousand year reign of Christ on earth Satan will be bound into the abyss; but then it is released for "some time" (Rev . 20: 1-3, 7). The purpose to confine the abyss is to make it impossible to act and continue deceiving the nations.
5. CONDEMNATION END OF SATAN AT THE END OF THE MILLENNIUM. Having promoted a rebellion against God, for the "little time" that will be released, Satan will be cast into the lake of fire to be tormented day and night for forevermore . (Rev. 20:10).
1. What evidence supports the conclusion that Satan exists as a person and that is more than a principle or evil influence?
2. What is wrong in teaching that Satan causes sin directly to each person?
3. What is revealed in Isaiah 14 relative to the original purpose of Satan to rebel against God?
4. How the original purpose of Satan is reflected in the temptation of Adam and Eve?
5. How does Satan's purpose is related to his desire to be worshiped by Christ?
6. When Satan held for a short time its intention to be worshiped as God?
7. How does Satan work in those who are not saved?
8. To what extent Satan counterfeits the things of God?
9. What is the purpose of Satan to attack a child of God?
10. Describe the five progressive judgments of Satan.