"Acquaint now thyself with Him, and be at peace, and it will come to you" (Job 22: 21). "Thus saith the Lord not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither in the mighty man glory, not the rich man glory in his riches. More alábese in this, that he praise; understands and knows me, that I am the Lord "(Jeremiah 9: 23-24). El Salvador spiritual knowledge of God is the greatest of the needs of every human being.
The foundation of all true knowledge of God is to be the clear mental understanding of their perfections, as revealed in Scripture. You can not serve nor worship an unknown God, nor put our trust in Him. In this brief study I have endeavored to present some of their perfections of the divine character. For the reader to benefit and enrich your knowledge as a true God who reveals his personality that is revealed. Really the attributes that will expose following need to ask serious and determinedly to God to bless them and become understood for their helpful knowledge of the divine character and is applied its truth to the conscience and heart, so that in this way, life is transformed .
We need more than a theoretical knowledge of God. The soul only God truly knows when he surrenders to Him .; when subjected to their authority, and their precepts and commandments regulate every detail of life. "And we know, if we follow on to know the Lord" (Hosea 6: 3). "He who will do his will, he shall know" (John 7: 17). "The people who know their God shall be strong" (Daniel 11: 32).
God's decrees
"And we know that God causes all things work together for good to those who love him, that is, those who are called according to his purpose" (Rom. 8:28) "according to the eternal purpose accomplished in Christ Jesus, our Lord". (Eph. 3:11) God's decree is their purpose or determination with respect to future things. Here we have used the singular, as does the Scripture because there was only one act of His infinite mind about the future.
We speak as if there had been many, because our minds can only think of successive cycles, as thoughts and occasions arise; or reference to the various objects of His decree, which, being many, we seem to require a different for each purpose. But gradually the Divine knowledge is not necessary, or in stages: (Acts 15:18;.). "Known unto God from eternity all his works"
The Scriptures mention the decrees of God in many places and using various terms. The word "decree" is found in Psalm 2: 7, (I will declare the decree.). In Efe. 3:11, we read about his "eternal purpose". In Acts.2:23 its "determinate counsel and foreknowledge." In Efe. 1: 9, the mystery of his "will." In Rom. 8:29, he also "predestined". In Efe. 1: 9, their "welcome".
God's decrees are called his "advice" to mean that they are perfectly wise. They are called his "will to show that God is under no restraint, but acts according to his own desire, in the Divine proceeding, wisdom is always associated with the will, and therefore it is said that God's decrees are "the counsel of his will."
The decrees of God relate to all future things without exception: everything is done in time, he was predetermined before the beginning of time. God's purpose affected everything, big or small, good or bad, but we must say that, although God is the Computer and Controller of sin, not its author in the same way that the author is good.
Sin could not come from a holy God by direct or positive creation, but only by his permission, by decree and its negative action. God's decree is as broad as its government, and extends to all creatures and events.It relates to our life and death; with our state in time and in eternity.
In the same way that we judge the plans of an architect inspecting the building erected under his direction, so by their works, we learn what is (was) the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his will. God did not decree simply creating man, put on earth, and then leave under his own uncontrolled guidance; but set all the circumstances of the death of individuals, and all the details that the history of the human race comprises, from its beginning to its end.
Not only it decreed that they should be established laws for the government of the world, but ordered the implementation of the same in each case. Our days are numbered, as well as the hairs of our head.(Matt. 10:30). We can understand the scope of the Divine Decrees if we think dispensations of Providence in which those are met. The care of Providence reaches to the most insignificant of creatures and the most thorough of events such as the death of a sparrow or the fall of a hair. (Matt. 10:30).
Let us now consider some of the characteristics of the Divine Decrees. They are, first, eternal. Suppose that one of them was issued in time, is to say that there has been an unforeseen event or some combination of circumstances that has led to the Almighty to take a new resolution.
This would mean that the knowledge of the Godhead are limited and will eventually grow in wisdom, which would be a horrible blasphemy. No one who believes that the Divine understanding is infinite, encompassing the past, present and future, assert the doctrine of temporal decrees. God does not ignore the future events to be executed by the will; he predicted countless times, and prophecy is nothing but the manifestation of His eternal presence.
Scripture says that believers were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world (Eph. 1: 4), moreover, that grace was their "dada" and then: (2 Tim. 1: 9). "It was he who saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time." Second, the decrees of God are wise.
Wisdom is shown in the selection of the best possible ends, and the most appropriate means to achieve them. From what we know of the decrees of God is evident they deserve such a feature. We are discovered in compliance; all samples of wisdom in God's works are proof of the wisdom of the plan which are carried out. As says the psalmist (Ps. 104: 24). "How many are your works, O Lord! In all wisdom you have made;the earth is full of your creatures. " We can only see a small part of them, but, as in other cases, should we proceed to judge the whole by the sample; the unknown with the known.
One who, in examining part of the operation of a machine, perceives the admirable ingenuity of its construction, believe of course that the other parts are equally admirable. Similarly, when doubts about the works of God assail our minds, we should reject the objections suggested by something we can not reconcile with our ideas (Rom. 11:33).
"O the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways "Third, they are free (Isa. 40: 13,14).."! Who has scrutinized the Spirit of the Lord, and who has been his counselor has taught him? who asked for advice to make him understand, or guided him on the right path, and taught him knowledge, or showed him the path of understanding? "
When God issued his decrees, he was alone, and its findings were not influenced by external cause. He was free to enact or quit, to decree one thing and not another. This freedom must be attributed to the One who is supreme, independent, and sovereign in all its actions. Fourth, God's decrees are absolute and unconditional. Its implementation is not subject to any that may or may not fulfill condition. In all cases where God has decreed an end, He has also decreed every means to that end.
Which he decreed the salvation of His elect also decreed to give faith (2 Thes. 2:13). "But we ought to thank God always for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief in the truth" (Isa 46:10.); "Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things not yet done. I say: My plan will be made, and I will do everything I want. " But this might not be so if your council depended on a condition that could be waived.God "worketh all things after the counsel of his will" (Eph. 1:11).
Along with the immutability and inviolability of God's decrees. Scripture clearly teaches that man is responsible for his actions, which is accountable creature. And if our ideas are the way God's Word, the affirmation of a teaching of them will not lead to the denial of the other. We recognize that there is real difficulty in defining where one ends and the other begins. This occurs whenever the divine and the human are mixed. True prayer is written by the Spirit, however, is also the cry of a human heart.
The Scriptures are the inspired Word of God, but were written by men who were something more than machines in the hands of the Spirit. Christ is God and man. He is omniscient, more grew in wisdom (Lk. 2:52). "And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men" is all-powerful and yet was (2 Cor. 13: 4 "crucified in weakness"). Is the Spirit of life, however he died. These are great mysteries, but faith receives without discussion. In the past it has often been noted that every objection made against the eternal decrees of God applies with equal force against His eternal foreknowledge. "Whether God has decreed all things that occur as if you have not done, all who recognize the existence of a God, they acknowledge that knows all things beforehand.
Now it is evident that if He knows all things beforehand, approves or not, that is, or would that happen or not. But wanting is to order such that happen. " Finally treat yourself to make a guess, and then consider the opposite of it. Denying God's decrees would accept a world, and everything connected with it, regulated by an accident without design or blind fate.
So what peace, that security, what consolation would be for our poor hearts and minds? What would that qualify refuge in the hour of need and trial? Not the slightest. There would be nothing better than black darkness and the sickening horror of atheism. How grateful we should be that everything is determined by infinite wisdom and goodness!
How much praise and gratitude we owe to God for his decrees! It is for them that "We know that God makes all things work together for good to those who love him, that is, those who are called according to his purpose" (Rom. 8:28). Well we can exclaim as Paul: "For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever. Amen". (Rom. 11:36).
The title of this article may not be enough to indicate its theme explicit. This is due in part to the fact that very few Christians today, they are accustomed to meditate upon the personal perfections of God.Relatively few of those who read the Bible occasionally know the greatness of the divine nature, which inspires fear and incites worship. God is great in wisdom, wondrous in power, yet full of mercy, is considered by many as almost the public domain; but consider something like a proper knowledge of their being, their nature, their attributes, as revealed in Holy Scripture, it is something that very few Christians have achieved in these decayed and degenerate times. God is unique in its excellence. "Who is like you, Lord, among the gods? Who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in their praises, doing wonders "?(Exodus 15: 11)
"In the beginning God" (Genesis 1: 1). There was a time, if "time" can be called, when God, in the unity of its nature (although existing in three equally divine beings) "people" lived alone. "In the beginning, God" There was no heaven, where His glory is now particularly manifested. There was no land to occupy his attention. There were no angels to sing his praises, or universe that could stand on the word of His power.There was nothing and no one but God; and this, not for a day, a year, or a time, but "from everlasting" During a past eternity, God was alone: Full, Sufficient, Pleased itself, needing nothing. If a universe, or angels, or humans it would have been necessary in some way, it had been called into existence from all eternity. God essentially added nothing to be created. He does not change (Malachi 3. 6), so its substantial glory can not be increased nor diminished.
God was not coerced, forced, nor any need to create. The fact that wished to do so was purely a sovereign act on his part, not produced by anything outside himself; not determined by anything but his own good will, since He "worketh all things after the counsel of his will" (Ephesians 1: 11). He created was simply pair your manifestative glory. Do you think any of our students who have gone beyond what Scripture authorizes us? Then our appeal will be to the law and to the testimony: "Stand up and bless the Lord your God from everlasting to everlasting; and bless the name of Thine, glorious and exalted above all blessing and praise "(Nehemiah 9: 5). God does not leave even won anything with our worship. He did not need that external glory of his grace that comes from His redeemed, because it is glorious enough in Himself without it. What was it that moved him to ordain his chosen for the praise of his glory of His grace?It was like Ephesians 1 tells us: 5, "The pleasure of his will."
We know that the high ground we are treading is new and strange to almost all of our students and readers; For this reason, we do well to move slowly. Let us turn back to the Scriptures. At the end of Romans 11: 34-35, where the Apostle concludes his long argument on salvation by pure and sovereign grace, he asks, "For who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor? Or who gave him first so that it is paid. The importance of this is that it is impossible to submit to Almighty obligation to the creature; God does not leave us won anything. "If you you are righteous, what do you give to Him? Or do you receive from your hand? Man like you Your wickedness, and the son of man your righteousness "(Job 35: 7-8), but can not really affect God, who is blessed in Himself. "When thou done all that I have commanded you, say, 'We are useless servants" (Luke 17: 10), our obedience is not used at all to God.
Moreover, our Lord Jesus Christ added nothing to be essential glory of God, not for what he did, or what he suffered because itself has all its fullness of God, both as eternal and glorious existence. (John 1: 1-3). It is true, holy and glorious truth that told us the glory of God the Father, but added nothing to God. He himself declares explicitly and without appeal and without appeal saying: "My good not to thee" Psalm 16: 2). All this psalm is of Christ. L goodness or righteousness of Christ took to his saints on earth, (Psalms 16: 3), but God was above and beyond all this, it is "The Blessed" (Mark 14: 61).
It is absolutely true that God is honored and dishonored by men; not in their substantial Being, but in their official capacity. It is equally true that God has been "glorified" by creation, providence and redemption. This does not deny, nor dare to do so. But all this has to do with his manifestative Gloria, and our recognition of it. Yet if God had so desired, he could have continued alone for all eternity, without revealing his glory to any creature. Which he did so or not was determined solely by his own will. He was perfectly blessed in Himself before the first creature was created, or call to life. And, what are God all the works of their hands, even now? Let Scripture again answers.
"Behold, the nations are as a drop of a acetre, and as the dust of the weight; behold, He taketh up the isles as dust. Lebanon is not sufficient to burn, nor its animals for sacrifice. As all nations are nothing before Him; and they are counted estimated at less than nothing, and what is not. "What then will ye liken God, or what likeness will?" (Isaiah 40: 15-18). This is the God of Scripture; yes, it is still "the unknown God" (Acts 17: 23) for neglected crowds. "He sits on the globe of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; He stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and tends as a tent to dwell; He becomes nothing the powerful, and those who govern the earth as vanity. " (Isaiah 40: 22-23). How infinitely different is the God of Scripture the "god" of current contemporary pulpits.
The testimony of the New Testament is no different than anything found in the Old: it could not be otherwise, both having the same author. Ai also read: "Which in his time show the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords; who only hath immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light; whom no man hath seen, nor can see; to whom be honor and power everlasting. Amen. (1 Timothy 6: 15-16). The such should be revered, worshiped and glorified. He is alone in his majesty, is unique in its excellence, unmatched in its perfections. He holds it all, but, in itself, is independent of everything. He gives everyone but is not enriched by anyone.
Such a God can not be known through research; He can only be known as the Holy Spirit he reveals to the heart, through the word. It is true that creation reveals a creator, and that men are totally "inexcusable" however, we have yet to say with Job, "Behold, these are parts of his ways; But, how little we have heard of Él¡ Because the thunder of his power, who will stop it "? (Job 26: 14). We think you called argument according to his purpose, used by some "apologists" sincere, has produced more harm than good, as they have tried to lose the great God to the level of finite comprehension, and thereby has lost sight of its only excellence.
It has drawn an analogy with the savage finding a watch in the jungle, who after careful consideration, follows that there is a watchmaker. So far this very well. But we try to go further: suppose the wild is to form a conception of this watchmaker, his personal affections and ways available, knowledge and moral character; all that together form a personality. Could you ever think or imagine a real man; the man who manufactured the watch and say, "I know him?" Such a question seems Futile But is the eternal and infinite God more accessible to human reason? Certainly not. The God of Scripture can be known only by those to whom he himself disclosed.
Neither the intellect can know God. "God is spirit" (John 4: 24), and therefore can only be known spiritually. The fallen man is not spiritual, but carnal. He's dead to all that is spiritual. Unless born again, it brought supernaturally from death to life, miraculously moved from darkness to light, you can not see the things of God (John 3: 3), much less understand (1 Cor 2. : 14). The Holy Spirit has to shine in our hearts (not the intellect) to give us "the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ" (2 Cor. 4: 6). And even spiritual knowledge is only fragmentary. The regenerated soul has to believe in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Pet. 3: 18).
The main purpose of prayer and Christians must be the 2andar worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God "(Col. 1: 10).
God's omniscience
"There is no creature that is not manifest in his sight. Rather, all are naked and exposed before the eyes of him to whom we must give account ". (Heb. 4:13). God is omniscient, knows everything: everything, all real, all events and all creatures of the past, present and future. knows perfectly every detail in the lives of all beings in heaven, on earth and in hell (Dan. 2:22). "Know what is in the darkness".
Nothing escapes his attention, nothing may find hidden, there's nothing you can forget. We can say with the Psalmist (Ps. 139: 6). "Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; so high that I can not reach "His knowledge is perfect; never wrong, or change, or overlook something. Yes, such is God whom we must give account! Psalm 139: 2-4;. "You know when I sit and when I rise; from far away you understand my thinking.
My walking and my lying down you considered; all my ways are known. For there is not a word in my tongue, but thou, O Lord, and know all ". How wonderful being is the God of Scripture! Each of his glorious attributes should honor him in our estimation.
Understanding your omniscience should bow before Him in worship. Yet How little we meditate on his divine perfection! Is it because even the thought of it fills us with anxiety? How solemn is this fact; nothing can be hidden from God (Ezek. 11: 5). "Tell them I have known the thoughts of your spirits up" Although invisible to us, we are not for him.
Nor gloom of night, nor the thick curtain, or the deepest prison can hide the sinner from the eyes of Omniscience. The orchard trees were unable to hide our first parents.
No human eye saw Cain when he killed his brother, but his Maker witnessed the crime. Sara could laugh for their disbelief hidden in his tent, and the LORD heard it. Achan stole a gold bar that carefully hid under the earth but God brought it to light (Josh. 7).
David took a lot of work to hide his iniquity, but the God who sees everything he soon send one of his servants to say to him (2 Sam. 12). "You are the man." And the tribes that were east of the Jordan are told: (Numbers 32:23.). "But if you do not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the Lord, and be sure your sin will find you".
If men could despoil the Deity of His omniscience; What this proof that "the carnal mind is enmity against God; because it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be "(Rom. 8: 7).
The wicked men hate this divine perfection, at the same time, they are forced to admit. Wish that there were no Witness of their sins, the Searcher of their hearts, the judge of his actions. Try to remove his thoughts to God as: (Hos. 7: 2). "And do not say in their hearts that I remember all their wickedness" How solemn is the eighth verse of Psalm 90!
Anyone who rejects Christ has good reason to tremble before him: "You have set our iniquities before you, our secret sins in the light of your face. But God's omniscience is a truth full of consolation for the believer. In perplexity, says Job, "But he knew my path" (Job 23:10). This can be profoundly mysterious to me, completely incomprehensible to my friends but, he knows our frame; "It remembers that we are dust" (Ps. 103: 14).
When we assail the doubt and mistrust we turn to this very attribute saying, "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts. See if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the "eternal path Psalm 139:. 23.24.
At the time of sad failure, when our actions have belied our hearts, our works repudiated our devotion, and we have heard the searching question that heard Peter: "Do you love me?", We said like Peter: "Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you "(John 21:17) Here we find encouragement to pray..
There is no reason to fear that the requests of the righteous will not be heard or that their tears and sighs escape God's attention, since he knows the thoughts and intents of the heart. There is no danger that a saint is overlooked in the multitude of those who daily and hourly present their requests, because the Infinite Mind is able to pay the same attention to millions, that one of those who seek their care .
Also the lack of appropriate language and inability to give expression to the deepest yearnings of the soul will not compromise our prayers because "And come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are speaking, I will hear. " (Isa. 65:24). "Great is our Lord and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite. " (Ps. 147: 5). God not only knows everything that happened in the past in any part of his vast domains, and everything now happens in the entire universe, but also knows all the facts, from the smallest to the largest which will take place in the future.
Knowledge of the future by God is as complete as complete is his knowledge of the past and present; and this is because the future depends entirely on him. If something could happen in any way without the direct agency or permission of God, that would be independent of him, and God would therefore be Supreme.
Divine foreknowledge is not a simple idealization, but something inseparably related to its purpose and accompanied it. God Himself has appointed all that must be, and what he has appointed must necessarily be made. As his infallible Word says: "He does as he pleases with the powers of heaven and the inhabitants of the earth. No one can hold back his hand or who tells you: What do you do "(Dan 4:35.) And (Prov 19:21.)?.
"Many are the plans in a man's heart; nevertheless the counsel of the Lord standeth. " The fulfillment of all that God has purposed is absolutely guaranteed, as their wisdom and power is infinite. The Divine advice is no longer run as great as it is impossible that the God thrice Holy lie. As regards the future, there is nothing uncertain as to the realization of God's counsels.
None of his decrees, both regarding creatures as secondary causes, is left to chance. There is no future event which is only a mere possibility, that is, something that may happen or not, "are known to God from eternity all his works" (Acts 15:18.). Whatever God has decreed is inexorably certain, "because it does not change like shifting shadows" (Jas. 1:17).
Therefore, in the beginning of that book that reveals both the future, we talk about "things that must happen soon" (Revelation 1: 1.). The perfect knowledge of all things God is exemplified and illustrated in every prophecy recorded in His Word. In the OT, dozens of predictions are related to the history of Israel that were fulfilled even in the smallest details centuries after they were made.
There, too, dozens have been predicting the life of Christ on earth, and these also were fulfilled literally and perfectly. Such prophecies could only be given by one who knew the end from the beginning, and whose knowledge rested on the absolute certainty of the realization of all preannounced.
Similarly, both the Old and the New Testament contain many still further notices, which must be met because they were given by Him who decreed. But it should be noted that neither the omniscience of God nor his knowledge of the future, considered in themselves, are the cause. Never, it happened or will happen, something simply because God knew. The cause of all things is God's will.
The man who really believes the Scriptures knows beforehand that the seasons will continue succeeding with certain regularity until the end of the earth (Gen. 8:22.) "As long as the earth, will not stop planting and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night. "but his knowledge is not the cause of this sequence. Thus, knowledge of God comes from the fact that things are or will be, but he's ordered that.
God knew and foretold the crucifixion of His Son many centuries before they incarnate, and this was because, in the Divine purpose, He was the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, hence we read that was "delivered by the determinate counsel and providence of God. "(Acts 2:23). The infinite knowledge of God should fill us with wonder. Unlimitedly wiser than men How is the eternal! None of us knows what tomorrow will bring; but the whole future is open to his omniscient eye.
The infinite knowledge of God should fill us with holy fear. Nothing we do, say, or even think, escapes the perception of Him to whom we must give account: "The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good" (Prov. 15: 3) brake that mean for us if meditated more often about it! Instead of acting indifferently, we would say, with Hagar, "You are a God who sees me" (Genesis 16:13.).
The understanding of the infinite knowledge of God should fill the Christian worship and say: My whole life has been open to his gaze from the beginning. The previous all my falls, my sins, my recidivism;however, even so, he set his heart on me. Understanding this fact, how you should bow down in admiration and adoration before him!
God's foreknowledge
"Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ; expatriates of the dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia, chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father through sanctification of the Spirit, to obey Jesus Christ and be sprinkled with his blood: Grace and peace be multiplied. " (1 Pet. 1.2).
It has engendered much controversy this issue in the past. But what is the truth in Holy Scripture that has not been taken as an occasion of theological and ecclesiastical battles? The Deity of Christ, His virgin birth, His atoning death, His second coming; the believer's justification by faith, sanctification, security;church, organization, government and discipline; Baptism, the Lord's Supper, and many other precious truths we could mention. However, sustained controversies around these not shut the mouths of God's faithful servants.
There are two things about the foreknowledge of God, that many ignore: the meaning of the term and its biblical scope. Because this ignorance is so widespread, it is easy to a preacher or teacher with defrauding perversions of this subject even the people of God. There is only one safeguard against error; be confirmed in the faith; and this must be diligent study and prayer, and a humble reception of assimilation of the Word of God, as some false Bible teachers pervert His foreknowledge in order to dispose of your absolute choice for eternal life Only then we will be strengthened against the attacks of those who assail us.
When the blessed and solemn subject of predestination, and of eternal election is exposed by God to certain persons to be made conformable to the image of His Son, the enemy sends a man to contradict the choice is based on the foreknowledge of God and this "foreknowledge" is interpreted to mean that before that some would be more amenable than others to respond more readily to efforts by the Spirit, and because God knew they would believe, He therefore predestined to salvation. But such a statement is radically wrong. Repudiates the truth of total depravity, as it argues that there is something good in some men.
God takes away their independence, as it makes its decrees rest in what He discovers in the creature.Upsets things completely, because before God say that certain sinners would believe in Christ, and therefore predestined for the salvation, is the opposite of the truth. Scripture says that God, in His absolute sovereignty, separated some to make them recipients of its distinctive favors "Upon hearing this, the Gentiles were glad and glorified the word of the Lord, and as many as were appointed to eternal life." (Acts. 13:48), and therefore determined to grant the gift of faith.
False theology makes God's foreknowledge of our faith is the cause of their choice for salvation; while God's election is the cause, and our faith in Christ is the effect. Before further discuss this issue, let us pause and define our terms. What does the word "foreknowledge"? "Knowing in advance" is the prompt response of many. But we must not judge hastily, nor accept as final the dictionary definition, as this is not a matter of etymology of the term used.
Using the Holy Spirit makes an expression always defines its meaning and scope. What causes so much confusion and error is the stop applying this simple rule. There are many people who think know the meaning of a particular word used in writing, but they are reluctant to test their assumptions by means of a concordance. Let's expand this point.
Take the word "meat". Its meaning seems so obvious that many consider the examining its various connections in Scripture is a waste of time. Hastily it assumed that the word is synonymous with the physical body, and seeks not inquire further. But in reality, the "flesh" in Scripture frequently includes far more than is body. Only through careful comparison of each case, and the study of each separate context, you can discover all that the term covers.
Take the word "world". The reader of the Bible often imagines that this word is equivalent to the human race, and in consequence wrongly interprets the passages in which it appears. Take the word "immortality". Without any doubt, it requires no study! Obviously it refers to the indestructibility of the soul. When it comes to the Word of God, to assume something without checking it is folly and error.
If you bother to carefully examine each passage where are the "mortal" and "immortal" words are taken will realize that these never applied to the soul, but the body. Everything said about "meat", "world", or "immortality," applies with equal force to the terms "know" and "foreknow" (to know before). Far from enough with the simple assumption that these words do not mean anything other than simple knowledge, we see that the different passages that are need to be considered carefully.
The word "foreknowledge" (translated in the Spanish version "to know before") is not found in the OT, but frequently gives the term "know". When it is used in connection with God often means looking with favor, communicating, not simply knowledge but an affection for the object looked. "I have known you by name" (Ex. 33:17). "have been rebellious against Jehovah from the day that I knew you" (Deut .. 9:24) "you only have I known of all the families of the earth" (Amos 3: 2.) in these passages "know" means to love or designate.
Also in the NT, it is frequently used the word "know" in the same sense as in the Old. "Then I will tell them I have never met. Depart from me, you evildoers! "(Matt. 7:23). "I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep and mine know me". (John 10:14). "But if someone loves God, this person is known by him." (1 Cor. 8: 3). "The Lord knows those who are his" (2 Tim. 2:19).
The term "foreknow" or "foreknowledge", as used in the New Testament is less ambiguous than in its simple form "to know". If all the passages in which it appears are studied carefully, you will discover that it is highly questionable that the term refers to a simple perception of events that have taken place. In fact, this term is never used in Scripture in connection with events or actions, but, on the contrary, always refers to people. God "knew in advance" people, not their actions.
To demonstrate this, we will quote the passages found this expression. The first is Acts 2:23, where we read of Jesus: "delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye took and killed by wicked hands have crucified." If you look carefully at the words of this verse, we see that the apostle was not talking about the foreknowledge of God the act of crucifixion, but of the Person crucified: "this, delivered by ...", etc.
The second is in Rom. 8: 29,30. "For those whom he foreknew, he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren; and whom He predestined, these He also called. "Look carefully at the pronoun used here. It is not that, but he did foreknow. What we are shown is not the submission of the will, nor the faith of the heart, but the people themselves. "God has not rejected his people, which he foreknew" (Rom. 11:22). Again, reference is clearly to persons only.
The last date is 1 Pet. 1: 2: "Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father" Who are they? The above verse tells us: the reference is to the "strangers scattered," ie the Diaspora, the Jewish believers of the dispersion. Here, too, the reference is to people, not to their intended acts. In view of these passages what no biblical basis for saying that God "Previous" the facts of some, namely its "repentance and faith," and that because of them, chose them to salvation? Absolutely no.
Scripture never speaks of repentance and faith as being foreseen or foreknown by God. It is true that God knew from all eternity that some repent and believe, but Scripture does not refer to this as the subject of the "foreknowledge" of God. The term refers to God invariably preconociendo people; So, "let us hold fast the form of sound words" (2 Tim. 1:13).
Another thing on which we want particularly to draw attention is that the first two passages quoted show clearly and implicitly teach that God's foreknowledge is not captive, but behind her prefacing, there is something else: his own sovereign decree. Christ was "delivered by:
(1) Determined advice and
(2) foreknowledge of God . "(Acts 2:23).
His "advice" or decree was the basis of his foreknowledge. Also in Romans 8:29. This verse begins with the word "because", which tells us what immediately precedes. What, then, what the above verse? "All things work together for good ... to those who according to his purpose are called" So "foreknowledge" of God is based on its "purpose" or decree (see Psalm 2: 7)
God knows in advance what will be, because he has decreed it. Affirm therefore that God chooses because foreknows is reverse the order of Scripture, it is like putting the cart before the horse. The truth is that foreknows because he has chosen. This eliminates the base or because of the election as some of the creature, and places it in the sovereign will of God.
God purposed choose certain people, not because there was anything good in them or because they foresaw something good in them, but only because of its sheer goodwill. Why they chose not know; all we can say is: "So, Father, for so pleased." The plain truth of Romans 8:29 is that God, before the foundation of the world, separated chose certain sinners and salvation (2 Thess. 2:13).
This is clear in the last words of the verse, the "predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son", etc. God predestined those he foresaw that "were conformed." But, on the contrary, predestined to those who "foreknew" (ie, loved and elected) "to be conformed." Their conformity to Christ is not the cause but the effect of God's foreknowledge and predestination.
God did not elect any sinner because he saw that believe, for the simple but sufficient reason that no sinner ever believes until God gives him faith; in the same way that no man can see God before him sight.Since sight is the gift of God, and see is the result of the use of his gift.
Also, faith is the gift of God "For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast" (Eph. 2: 8) and believing is the consequence of the use of this gift. If it were true that God chose some to be saved because in due time they would believe, that would make believing a meritorious act, and in this case, the sinner would have reason to boast, which Scripture emphatically denies (Eph . 2: 9).
Indeed the Word of God is clear enough in teaching that believing is not a meritorious act. He says that Christians are those who "by grace have believed." (Acts 18:27). So if they have believed "through grace," there is absolutely nothing meritorious, merit can not be the basis or cause which moved God to choose them.
No, God's choice does not come from anything that has in us, or anything that comes from us, but only on its own sovereign goodwill. Again, in Romans 11: 5, we read of "a remnant chosen by grace." That is clear enough; the same election is by grace, and grace is unmerited favor, something we have no right. Indeed, the importance is for us to have clear and biblical ideas about the foreknowledge of God. Who not only he knew the end from the beginning, but planned, set and predestinated everything from the beginning.
Because, if you are true Christians, they are because God chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world (Eph. 1: 4), and did so, not because prior to believe, but simply because so thorougly do what; you chose despite your natural unbelief. As such, all the glory and praise belongs to Him alone. You have no basis for atribuirte no merit. You have believed "through grace," and that because your very election was "of grace" (Rom. 11: 5).
"You thought I was altogether like you" (Ps 50:21.) In one of his letters to Erasmus, Luther said: "Your concept of God is too human." Probably the renowned scholar resented such a rebuke came from the son of a miner; however, it was well deserved.
We, too, although we have no place among the religious leaders of this degenerate age, present the same complaint against most preachers of our day and against those who, instead of searching the Scriptures for themselves, lazily accept the teachings of their denominations. Today, almost everywhere, the most dishonorable and degrading concepts about authority and the Kingdom of the Almighty are held. For countless thousands, even among those who profess to be Christians, the God of Scripture it is completely unknown.
In ancient times, God complained to an apostate Israel: "You thought that I was just like you" (Ps 50:21.).Such must be now his indictment against an apostate Christendom. Men imagine that the Almighty will move, not principles, but feelings. They assume that his omnipotence is an empty invention and that Satan can thwart His designs at will. They believe that if in fact He has forged a plan or purpose, it must be like theirs, constantly subject to change. They openly declare that whatever it may be the power it has, it must be restricted, lest they invade the territory of "free will" of man and reduce it to a "machine".
Lower the effective atonement, which redeemed all those for whom it was made, to make it a simple "medicine" that sin-sick souls may use if they are willing to do so; and undermine the invincible work of the Holy Spirit, making an "offer" of the Gospel that sinners can accept or reject their liking.
The "god" of this twentieth century no more resembles the Supreme Sovereign of Holy Writ than the confused and flickering flame of a candle looks like the glory of the midday sun. The "god" which often speak from the pulpit, which is mentioned in much of the current religious literature, which is predicated on most calls Bible conferences, is a figment of human imagination, a figment of sentimentality maudlin.Idolaters who are outside of Christianity "gods" of wood or stone, are made while the millions of idolaters who are within Christendom "gods" are produced product of their own minds.
Actually, it is nothing but an atheist, as there is no other alternative but to believe in an absolutely supreme God or not believe in God. A "god" whose will can be resisted, whose designs can be thwarted, and whose purposes can be defeated does not own any rights to the deity, and far from being worthy object of worship, deserves only contempt. The infinite distance between the most powerful creatures and the Almighty Creator is proof of the supremacy of the living and true God.
He is the Potter, they are nothing but mud in their hands, which can be transformed into vessels of honor, or comminuted (Ps. 2: 9) to your liking. As someone said, if all the denizens of heaven and all the inhabitants of the earth unite in rebellion against him would not cause any concern, and it would have less effect on its eternal and invincible throne has on the high rock of Gibraltar the foam of the waves of the Mediterranean. So puerile and powerless to affect the Almighty is the creature, that Scripture itself tells us that when the Gentiles princes unite with apostate Israel to defy the Lord and his Christ, "He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh" (Ps. 2 :4)
The absolute and universal supremacy of God is positively stated in many places of Scripture that is not in doubt. "Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory, victory, and honor; for all things that are in heaven and on earth is yours. Yours, O Lord, is the kingdom, and the height above all for head.And you have dominion all "(1 Chron. 19: 11,12).
Note that says "have dominion" now, not "have dominion in the Future". "Lord God of our fathers, are not you God in heaven, and you rule over all the kingdoms of the nations? Is not it in your hand all strength and power, which no one (not even the devil) will resist "(2Ch 20: 6.)?. But he is unique; Who will you give up? Whatever your soul desires, He does. "
The God of Scripture is not a false monarch, nor a mere imaginary sovereign, but King of kings and Lord of lords. "I know that everything can and that no thought can be withholden from thee" (Job 42: 2), or as someone has translated, "no purpose of yours can be thwarted". He does everything he has appointed.Meets everything has decreed. "Our God is in heaven: Everything he pleases" (Ps. 115: 3); and because?Because "there is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the Lord" (Prov. 21:30).
God's supremacy over the works of your hands is vividly described in Scripture. Inanimate matter and irrational creatures fulfill the mandates of their Creator. In its mandate the Red Sea was divided, and its waters rose as walls (Ex. 14); the earth opened her mouth and rebels descended alive into the pit (Num. 16). When He ordered, the sun stood still (Josh. 10); and on another occasion he returned ten degrees on the dial of Ahaz (Isa. 38: 8).
To show their supremacy, made ravens carry food to Elijah (1Kgs. 17), the swim iron over water (2Kin. 6), shut the mouths of the lions when Daniel was thrown into the pit, and caused the fire not burn when the three Hebrew children were thrown into the flames. So, "everything you wanted Lord has done in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all deeps" (Ps 135: 6.).
Supremacy of God is also demonstrated in its perfect government over the will of men. Exodus 34:24 study carefully. Three times a year, all the men of Israel had to leave their homes and go to Jerusalem, lived surrounded by hostile peoples who hated them for having appropriated their lands. That being so, what prevented the Canaanites, taking advantage of the absence of men, killed women and children, and take oppression of their possessions? If the hand of the Almighty was not even on the will of the wicked, how could anyone even promise that "wish" their lands? "As the divisions of waters, so the heart of the king in the hand of Jehovah: all that wishes" (Prov. 21: 1).
There will however who cast doubt on this again and again, we read in Scripture, how those men defied God, resisted His will, broke His commandments, dismissed his warnings, and turned a deaf ear to his exhortations. Yes, it is true; but does this nullifies what we have said above? If so, then the Bible is manifestly contradicts itself. But this can not be.
Which makes this objection refers only to the wickedness of man against the external word of God, whereas what we have mentioned is what God has purposed in himself. The standard of conduct that has given us is not perfectly fulfilled by none of us; however, their own "advice" eternal are fulfilled to the minutest of details.
The absolute and universal supremacy of God is affirmed with equal clarity and certainty in the New Testament. Here we are told that God "worketh all things after the counsel of his will" (Eph. 1:11), "it does" in Greek, means "make effective". For this reason, we read: "For from him and through him and to him, are all things. To him be the glory forever. Amen". (Rom. 11:36).
Men can boast of being free agents, with their own will, and that they are free to do as they please, but those who, boasting, saying: "We will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell and . we will win, "Scripture warns:" instead of which you should say: If the Lord wills "(Sgt. 4: 13,15).
Here, then, resting place for the heart. Our lives are not the product of blind fate nor the result of capricious fate, but every detail of them was ordained by the living and sovereign God. Not a hair of our heads can be touched without their permission. "A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps" (Prov. 16: 9). What certainty, power and comfort should provide this to true Christian! "In your hand are my times" (Ps. 31:15). So, let me say: "Be silent before the LORD and wait patiently for him" (Ps. 37: 7).
"My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure" (Isa. 46:10) God's Sovereignty can be defined as the exercise of its supremacy. God is the Almighty, the Lord of heaven and earth is infinitely exalted above the most eminent of creatures. He is absolutely independent; It is not subject to anyone, nor is influenced by anyone. God always acts and only as he likes. Nobody can frustrate or stop their purposes.
His own Word declares explicitly: "In the army of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth, does as he pleases: none can stay his hand" (Dan 4:35.). Divine sovereignty means that God is in fact as well as name, which is on the Throne of the universe directing and acting in all things "after the counsel of his will" (Eph. 1:11).
With great reason he told the Baptist preacher of the last century Charles Spurgeon, in a sermon on Matt. 20:15: "There is no more comforting to His children than that of God's Sovereignty attribute. Under the most adverse circumstances and the most severe trials, they believe that Sovereignty rules and sanctify them all. For them, there should be nothing to fight more zealously than the doctrine of the Lordship of God over all creation the kingdom of God over all the works of their hands the throne of God, and their right to sit in it.
On the other hand, there is no doctrine more hated by worldly person, no truth that has been abused, that the great and wonderful, but real doctrine of the Sovereignty of the infinite Jehovah.
Men will allow God to be everywhere except on His throne. Will allow fashion worlds and make stars, dispensing favors, give gifts, sustain the earth and bear the pillars of it, illuminate the sky lights, and govern the incessant waves of the ocean; but when God ascends His throne His creatures gnash their teeth.But we proclaim an enthroned God and their right to make their own accord with what belongs to dispose of His creatures as he pleases without consultation.
Then we curse and men turn a deaf ear to what we say because they do not love a God who sits on his throne. But it is God in His Throne that we want to preach. It is in God, in His throne whom we trust. " Yes, such is revealed in the Holy Scriptures Authority. Majesty rival without Power without limit, without anything outside itself, which may affect you. "Everything you wanted the Lord has done in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all deeps" (Ps 135: 6.).
However, we live in a few days when even the most "orthodox" seem to fear admitting the true divinity of God. They say they recognize the sovereignty of God means exclude human responsibility; when the truth is that human responsibility is based on the Divine Sovereignty, and is the result of it. "But our God is in heaven; everything he pleases "(Ps. 115: 3). Sovereignly he chose to place each one of his creatures in the condition that was good in his eyes.
He created angels: some were placed in a conditional state, others gave an immutable standing before him (1 Tim 5:21.), putting Christ as its head (Col. 2:10). Do not forget that the angels who sinned (2Pet. 2: 4). Yet God foresaw that fall and, however, alterable and placed on a conditional status, and allowed them to fall, although he was not the author of sin.
Also, God sovereignly placed Adam in the Garden of Eden in a conditional state. Had he wished he could have placed an unconditional state, as firm as that of the angels who have never sinned been in one so certain and immutable like the saints in Christ. Instead, he chose to place him on the basis of responsibility as a creature, to be maintained or fall as ajustase or not your responsibility: to obey his Creator.
Adam was responsible to God (God is law itself) by the commandment which had been given and the warning that had been made to him. That was a responsibility undiminished and tested under the most favorable conditions. God placed Adam in a conditional state and responsible creature because it was just him to do so. No, it was just because God did. He not even gives creatures being because that was just, that is, because he was forced to create them; but it was just because he did so.
God is sovereign. His will is supreme. God, far from being under a law, is law itself, so that whatever he does is fair. And woe to the rebel who puts their sovereignty into question! "Woe to him who strives with his Maker, is nothing but a piece of pot among earthen pots! Shall the clay that shapes it: What are you doing "(Isa. 45: 9). Furthermore, God is Lord sovereignly placed Israel on a conditional basis. Chapters 19, 20 and 24 of Exodus offer clear and abundant evidence of this.
They were under the covenant of works. God gave them certain laws and made blessings upon them as a nation depended on the observance of such. But Israel was stubborn and uncircumcised heart. They rebelled against the Lord, rejected his law, turned to false gods and fell away. Consequently, the divine judgment fell on them and they were delivered into the hands of their enemies, scattered throughout the land, and to this day, remain under the weight of God's disfavor.
It was God who, in the exercise of its sovereignty, put Satan and his angels, Adam and Israel in their positions of responsibility. But, in the exercise of its sovereignty, far from removing the responsibility of the creature, he puts it in the conditional position under the responsibilities he believed appropriate; and by virtue of this sovereignty, He is God over all. Thus, there is perfect harmony between the sovereignty of God and the responsibility of the creature. Many have mistakenly argued that it is impossible to show up where the sovereignty of God and begins the responsibility of the creature.
Here is where creature responsibility begins: in the sovereign ordination of the Creator. As for sovereignty, do not have and never will "finish"! We will approve further, that responsibility for the creature is based on the sovereignty of God. How many things are recorded in Scripture that were fair because God commanded and it would not have been if not had commanded? what right had Adam to eat from the trees of the garden of Eden? permission to their Creator. (Gen. 2:16), without which it would have been a thief! What right did the people of Israel to demand of the Egyptians jewels and dresses (Ex. 12:35)?
None, except that the Lord had authorized (Ex. 3:22). What right had Israel to kill as many lambs for sacrifice? None but God so commanded. What right did the people of Israel to kill all the Canaanites? None but God had commanded them to do so. What right did the husband to demand submission from his wife?None, unless God had established. What right had the wife to receive love, attention and care, none, if God had not established. We could cite many more examples to show that human responsibility is based on the Divine Sovereignty.
Here is another example of the exercise of absolute sovereignty of God placed his elect in a different state of Adam or Israel. He puts them in an unconditional state. In an eternal covenant, Jesus Christ became his head, took Obre '73 yes its responsibilities and acted for them with perfect, irrevocable and eternal justice. Christ was placed in a conditional state as it was "made under the law, to redeem those who were under the law" (Gal. 4: 4,5), only with this infinite difference: men failed but he did not fail or could. And who placed Christ in this conditional status?
The Triune God. He was ordained by the sovereign will, sent by the sovereign love and his work was assigned by the sovereign authority. The mediator had to meet certain conditions. It was to be made in the likeness of sinful flesh; He was to magnify and honor the law; He had to carry all the sins of the people of God in his own body on the tree; He had to make full atonement for them; He had to suffer the wrath of God, to die and be buried. Compliance with all these conditions, he was offered a reward: (Isa. 53: 10-12).
It was to be the firstborn of many brothers; He was to have a people who would participate in his glory.Blessed be his name forever because it met all those conditions; and because it fulfilled the Father is committed solemn oath to preserve forever and for all eternity bless each of those for whom mediation made his Incarnate Son. For he took his place, they now participate His.
His righteousness is theirs, their standing before God is His, and his life is theirs. There is not a single condition that they have to comply, not a single responsibility with which they have to carry to eternal glory. "For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are sanctified" (Heb. 10:14).
Here then that the sovereignty of God clearly demonstrated to all in different ways he has been linked to his creatures. Some of the angels, Adam and Israel were placed in a suspended position in which the blessing depended on their obedience and faithfulness of God.
But in stark contrast to these, the "little flock." (Luke 12:32) he has been given an unconditional and unchanging position in the covenant of God, in his advice and in His Son; his blessing depends on what Christ did for them. "The foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his" (2 Tim 2:19.).
The foundation on which rest the elect of God is perfect: nothing can be interested added, and nothing can be taken away (Eccl. 3:14). Here, then, the highest and greatest exponent of the absolute sovereignty of God. In truth, the "that he has mercy; and He hardens "(Rom. 9:18).
The immutability of God
"Father of lights, with whom there is no change, nor shadow of turning" (Jas. 1:17). This is one of the divine perfections that have never been adequately studied. It is one of the virtues that distinguish the creator of all creatures. God is the same perpetually; It is not subject to any change in his being, attributes, or determinations.
Therefore, God is comparable to a rock (Deut 32: 4.) Remains unshaken when the entire ocean surrounding it continually fluctuates; though all creatures are subject to change, God is immutable. The knows no change because it has no beginning or end. God is forever.
First, God is immutable in essence. Nature and be are infinite and, therefore, are not subject to change.There was never a time when he did not exist; there will never be day that ceases to exist. God has never evolved, grown or improved. What is today has always been and always will be. "I the Lord do not change me" (Mal. 3: 6). It is its own absolute statement. You can not improve, because it is perfect; and, being perfect, you can not change bad. Being totally impossible that something external affect you, God can not change either good or bad: it is the same for ever. Only he can say "I am who I am" (Ex. 3:14).
Over time it does not affect you at all. In the eternal face no old age. Therefore, its power can never diminish, nor his pale glory. Second, God is immutable in its attributes. Whatever the attributes of God before the universe was created, they are now exactly the same, and will remain so forever. It must be so, since such attributes are essential qualities and perfections of his being. Semper Idem (always the same) is written on each of them.
His power is indestructible, his infinite wisdom and holiness inmancillable. As the deity can not stop being, neither can change the attributes of God. His veracity is immutable, for his word "remains forever in heaven" (Ps. 119: 89). His love is eternal: "With eternal love I have loved you" (Jer. 31: 3) and "having loved his own who were in the world, loved them to the end" (John 13: 1.).
His mercy is endless, because it is "forever" (Ps. 100: 5). Third, God is unchanging in his advice. His will never changes. Some have already objected that the Bible says that "repented the LORD that he had made man" (Gen. 6: 6). To this we reply: So the Scriptures contradict themselves? No, that can not be. . The passage is clear enough Num 23:19 "God is not a man that He should lie, nor a son of man that he should repent." Also in 1Sam. 15:29 we read: "The winner of Israel will not lie nor repent; because it is not a man that he should repent. "
The explanation is simple, when he speaks of himself, God often adapts his language to our limited capacity. He describes himself as dress body parts, such as eyes, ears, hands, etc. He speaks of himself "awakening" (Ps 78:65.) "Rising early" (Jeremiah 7:13.); however, neither slumbers nor sleeps. Thus, when it adopts a change in his dealings with men, God describes its action as "repentance". If God is unchanging in his advice. "For the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable." (Rom. 11:29).
It must be so, because if he is in one mind, and who can turn him? His soul desires and made (Job 23:13).God's purpose never changes. There are two causes that make the man change his mind and reverse his plans: the lack of foresight to anticipate events, and lack of power to carry them out.
But, he is having admitted that God is omniscient and omnipotent, never needs to correct its decrees. No, "The counsel of the Lord stands forever; the thoughts of his heart to all generations "(Ps. 33:11). That is why we read about "the immutability of his counsel" (Heb. 6:17). In this we perceive the infinite distance between the largest of the creatures and the Creator. Creation mutability and are, in a sense, synonymous terms. If the creature would not variable nature, would not be creature, it would be God.
By nature, neither we nor we come from nowhere. Nothing, apart from the will and sustaining power of God prevents our annihilation. Nobody can sustain itself for a single moment. We depend entirely of the Creator in every moment we breathe. We recognize with the Psalmist that "he is the one who put our soul in life" (Ps. 66: 9). By understanding this truth, should humble sense of our own insignificance in the presence of Him in whom "we live, and move, and are." (Acts. 17:28).
As fallen creatures, we are not only variables, but everything in us is contrary to God. As such, we are "wandering stars" (Jude 13), out of orbit, "The wicked are like the troubled sea, when it can not rest" (Isa. 57:20). The fallen man is inconstant. Jacob's words, referring to Ruben are equally applicable to all descendants of Adam: "Unstable as water" (Gen. 49: 4.).
So, take that precept: "Cease to trust in man." (Isa 2:22), it is not only a sign of piety, but also of wisdom.No human being from which he can depend on. "Do not trust in princes, nor in the son of man, because there is no release him" (Psalm 146: 3.). If I disobey God, I deserve to be deceived and disappointed by my peers. People can love you today and hate tomorrow. The crowd shouted, "Hosanna to the Son of David" was not long in saying: "Crucify him!"
Here we have strong consolation. You can not trust the human creature, but in God. No matter how unstable is me, how fickle prove yourselves my friends; God does not change. If change as we do, if he wanted one thing today and another tomorrow differently, if acted on a whim, who could trust him? But, praise his holy name.
He is always the same. Its purpose is fixed, stable will, his sure Word. Here is a rock where we can set our feet while the mighty torrent dragging everything around us. The permanence of God's character guarantees the fulfillment of his promises: "For the mountains shall depart, and the hills; more will not depart from thee my mercy, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee "(Isa. 54:10) he said.
In this we find encouragement for prayer. "What comfort would pray to a god who, like the chameleon, continuously change color? Who would submit their requests to a prince so variable grant a demand refused today and tomorrow?. " If someone asks for prayer to the One whose will is already determined, we answer: Because He wants it. Has God promised to give us some blessing without the asking? "If demandáramos anything according to his will, he hears us" (1 John 5:14), and want for your children everything is for the best of them.
The order something contrary to His will is not prayer, but consummate rebellion. Here, too, terror for the wicked. Those who defy God, transgress His laws and not deal with His glory, but, on the contrary, live their lives as if He did not exist, can not expect the end, when they cry out for mercy, God alter his will annul his Word, and delete their terrible threats .. on the contrary, he said: "well, I also will act in my wrath: my eye shall not pity, nor have mercy. They cry in my ears with a loud voice, but not hear them "(Ezek. 8:18). God will refuse himself to satisfy the desires of them.
He is holy and can not stop being one. Therefore, he hates sin with eternal hatred. Hence the eternal punishment of those who die in their sins.
"The divine immutability, like the cloud that stood between the Israelites and the Egyptians, has a dark side and a light. Ensures the execution of their threats and fulfill their promises; and destroys the hope that the culprits passionately caress. That is, that God will be soft to their fragile and erring creatures, and they will be treated more lightly than they seem to indicate the claims of His Word. In these false and presumptuous speculations oppose the solemn truth that God is unchanging in veracity and purpose, in faithfulness and justice. "
"Who would not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify your name? Because you're only holy "(Revelation 15: 4.) He alone is infinite, independent and immutably holy. God is often called "The Saint" in Scripture; and it is because in it the sum of all the moral virtues is.
It is absolute purity, without the slightest shadow of sin. "God is light and in him is no darkness" (1 John 1: 5.). Holiness is the same excellence of the divine nature: the great God is "glorious in holiness" (Exodus 15:11.). We read: "eyes are too pure to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity" (Hab 1:13.). In the same way that God's power is the opposite of natural weakness of the creature, and his wisdom in stark contrast to the minor defect of understanding, holiness is the antithesis of all moral defect or imperfection.
In ancient times, God instituted some "appointed singers to Jehovah and praise the beauty of holiness."(2Ch .. 20:21). Power is the hand and arm of God, omniscience his eyes, mercy its meaning, its duration eternity, but "holiness is its beauty." This beauty is what makes it delightful to those who have been freed from the dominion of sin.
This divine perfection is given special emphasis. "It's called holy to God Almighty more times, and this part of their dignity appears more than any other. This quality is as a qualifier next to its name more than any other. We are never speaks of His mighty name, or his wise name, but his great name, and, above all, his holy name. This is its greatest title of honor; in this highlights all the majesty and respectability of his name "This perfection, like no other, is held before the throne of heaven by the seraphs who cry." Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts "(Isa. 6: 3).
God himself highlights this perfectly: "Once have I sworn by my holiness" (Psalm 89:35.). God swears by His holiness because this is the fullest expression of himself. For it exhorts us: "Sing to the Lord, you his saints, and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness" (Ps. 30: 4). "We can call this a transcendental attribute; it is as if penetrate other attributes and give them luster "(J. Howe 1670). Thus we read of the "beauty of the Lord" (Ps. 27: 4), which is none other than the "beauty of holiness" (Ps. 110: 3).
"This outstanding excellence over his other perfections, is the glory of them; is each of the perfections of deity; and its power is the force of his other perfections, holiness is the beauty of them; in the way that all would be weak without omnipotence, unholy everything would be unpleasant. If this were stained, the rest would lose their honor.
This would be as if the sun lost its light: instantly lose their heat, their power and generating virtues and life-giving. Just as in the Christian sincerity is the brightness of all graces, purity in God is the glow of all the attributes of divinity. His justice is holy, His holy wisdom, his powerful arm is holy arm (Ps. 98: 1).
Your word is truth or Holy Word (Ps. 105: 42). His name, which expresses all its attributes together, is a holy name (Ps. 103: 1) "The holiness of God is manifested in his works. Nothing short of excellent can proceed from Him. Holiness is the rule of all their actions. In the beginning he said everything he had made "very good" (Gen. 1:31), which could not have done if there had been something imperfect or impure.
The man did "right" (Ecc. 7:29), the image and likeness of its creator. The angels who fell were created holy, because, as we read, "left his room" (Jude. 6). Satan is written: "You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you" (Ezekiel 28:15.).
God's holiness is manifested in His law. That law forbids sin in all its forms: in the most refined forms and in the crudest, the intention of the mind as the body pollution, the secret desire as the overt act. Thus we read: "the law is holy, and the commandment holy and righteous and good" (Romans 7:12.). Yes, "the commandment of the Lord is pure enlightening the eyes.
The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether "(Ps. 19: 8,9). God's holiness manifested on the cross. The atonement shows in the most admirable manner, while solemn infinite holiness of God and His hatred of sin. How detestable Serle had this when he punished to the limit impute guilt to your child! "Judgments that have been or will be made about the wicked world, the burning flame of sinful conscience, the irrevocable judgment against the rebels demons, and the groans of the damned creatures show us so palpably hatred of God toward sin and unleashed the wrath of the Father of the Son.
Divine holiness never appeared more attractive and beautiful that when the face of the Savior was more disfigured by the groans of death. He himself declares in Psalm 22. When God hides from Christ her smiling face and sinking his sharp knife in the heart making him cry My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me ?, Christ loves the divine perfection, "but your you are holy, v. 3". God hates all sin because He is holy.
He loves everything that is in accordance with its laws and hates everything that is contrary to them. His word expresses it clearly: "the perverse is abomination to the LORD" (Proverbs 3:32.). And again: "Jehovah detests the thoughts of the wicked" (Proverbs 15:26.). It follows that it necessarily has to punish sin.
Sin can not escape his punishment because God hates it. God has often forgiven sinners, but never forgives sin; the only sinner can be forgiven because another has taken his punishment, because "without bloodshed does not remission" (Heb. 9:22). So we are told that "the Lord takes vengeance on his adversaries and keeps wrath for his enemies" (Nahum 1: 2.).
Because of sin God banished our first parents from Eden. For one sin all the descendants of Ham fell under a curse that still lingers. Moses was excluded from Canaan because of a sin. And for a sin Elisha's servant was punished with leprosy and Ananias and Sapphira were separated from the land of the living.That we have evidence of divine inspiration of Scripture. The unregenerate soul does not really believe in the sanctity of God the concept of character has is partial.
He hopes his mercy surpass everything else. "You thought I was altogether like you" (Ps. 50:21) is God's charge to such. They think of a god cut according to the pattern of their own evil hearts. Hence its persistence in a crazy race. Holiness attributed in Scripture to nature and divine nature is such that clearly demonstrates the supernatural origin of these.
Attributed to the "gods" of ancient and modern paganism character is the opposite of the immaculate purity that belongs to the true God. The fallen descendants of Adam could never devise a holy God who hates totally unaccountable all sin! In reality, nothing makes more manifest the terrible depravity of the human heart and his enmity with the living God that the presence of which is infinite and immutably wise.
The human idea of sin is practically limited to what the world calls "crime". What does not reach such gravity, the man called "defects," "mistakes", "disease", etc. And even when it recognizes the existence of sin, excuses and extenuating sought. The "god" that the vast majority of professing Christians "love" is like an indulgent old man, who, though not share benignly conceals "imprudence" juveniles. But God's Word says: "You hate all evildoers" (Ps. 5: 5) and "God is angry every day with the wicked" (Psalm 7:11.).
But men refuse to believe in this God, and gnash their teeth when they are spoken of as faithfully hates sin. No, sinful man could not imagine a holy God, nor create the lake of fire where he will be tormented forever. Because God is holy, it is completely impossible to accept the creatures on the basis of his own works. A fallen creature could more easily create a world to do something that deserved the approval of which is infinitely pure. Can darkness dwell with Light? Can the immaculate enjoy the "filthy rags"? (Isa. 64: 6).
The best that sinful man can have is contaminated. A corrupt tree can not produce good fruit, if deemed righteous and holy God what is not, he would deny himself and envilecería his perfections; and there is nothing just or holy if you have the slightest contrary to God's nature spot. But blessed be his name, because his holiness demanded, provided him his grace in Christ Jesus our Lord every poor sinner who has taken refuge in it is "accepted in the Beloved" (Eph. 1: 6). Alleluia!.
Because God is holy, we must approach it with the utmost reverence. "Terrible in the great congregation of saints and formidable God over all that are about him" (Ps. 89: 7). "Exalt the Lord our God, and bow down at his footstool; he is holy" (Ps. 99: 5). Yes, "the stand" in the most humble posture, kneeling before him. When Moses approached the burning bush, God said, "put off thy shoes from off thy feet" (Ex. 3: 5).
He must be served "with fear" (Ps. 2:11). The people of Israel said, "I will sanctify my relatives, and before all the people I will be glorified" (Lev. 10: 3). When we feel fearful at his ineffable holiness, we will be more acceptable to approach him. Because God is holy, we should desire to be conformed to it. His commandment is: "Be holy, because I am holy" (1 Peter 1:16.). commands us not omnipotent or omniscient as God, but saints, and that "in all manner of conversation" (1 Pet. 1:15).
This is the best way to please. We not glorify God with both our admiration and eloquent expressions or ostentatious service, as our aspiration to talk to Him with clean spirit, and live for living like Him. " Thus, because only God is the source and fountain of holiness, we seek holiness in him; our daily prayer be that "The God of peace sanctify you wholly; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved whole blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ "(1 Thess. 5:23).
"God hath spoken once; Twice I have heard this: that God is the strength "(Psalm 62:11.) The power of God is the power and virtue by which we can bring it to pass anything that pleases all that wisdom dictates infinite, all the infinite purity of his will determines. Unless we believe that it is not only omniscient, omnipotent but we can not have a correct concept of God.
He who can not do everything you want and can not carry out everything that is proposed, can not be God. He has not only the will to resolve what it looks good, but also the power to carry it out Just as holiness is the beauty of all the attributes of God, his power is what gives life and action to all the perfections Divine nature. How vain would be the eternal counsels if power did not intervene to meet them! Without the power, His mercy would be but a human weakness, His promises an empty sound, threats unfounded alarms.
God's power is like Himself: infinite, eternal, immeasurable; content can not be limited or frustrated by the creature. "God hath spoken once; Twice I have heard this: that God is the strength "(Psalm 62:11.)."Once God has spoken," it's not needed! Heaven and earth shall pass over his word stands forever. "Once God has spoken," How worthy is your divine majesty!
We poor mortals can talk and often not be heard; but when he speaks, the thunder of his power is heard on a thousand hills. "And Jehovah thundered in the heavens, and the Highest gave his voice: hail and coals of fire. And he sent his arrows, and scattered them; and cast lightning and destroyed. Honduras Then the channels of water, and the foundations of the world were discovered at thy rebuke, O Lord, for the wind blow your nose "(Ps. 18: 13-15).
"Once God he has spoken." Here is his immutable authority. "For who in the heaven can be compared with Jehovah? Who is like the Lord among the sons of the mighty? (Ps. 89: 6). "And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing; and the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth, does as he pleases; none can stay his hand or say to him: What are you doing "(Dan 4:35.)?.
This became clear when God became flesh and dwelt in the human tabernacle. He said the leper, "I will;Be clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed "(Matt. 8: 3). One who had been four days in the grave he called, saying, "Lazarus, come out," and the dead came forth. The stormy wind and fierce waves were calm with a simple word of his mouth; and a legion of demons could not resist his authoritarian rule."From God is the strength," and God alone.
Not a single creature in the universe has an atom of power, if God has given you. His power can not be acquired, nor is it in the hands of any other authority. Inherently it belongs to God. "God's power, as himself, and is held there by itself. The most powerful of all men could not add or increase nor a trifle the power of the Almighty.
The same is the central cause and the originator of all power. The whole creation confirms the great power of God and his complete independence of all created things. Hear his challenge: "Where were you when I laid the earth" Let me know, if you have understanding. Who hath laid the measures thereof, if you know? Or who stretched the line upon it? On what are its bases sunk? Or who laid its cornerstone "(Job 38: 4-6)? How true is that the pride of man is seated in the dust!
Power is also used as a name of God, "the Son of Man seated at the right hand of power" (Mark 14:62), that is at the right hand of God. God and power are so inseparable that are also reciprocal. Its essence is immense, it can not be limited in space; it is eternal, it can not be measured in terms of time; omnipotent can not be limited in relation to the action.
"Behold, these are parts of his ways: but how little is heard of him! Because the thunder of his power who can understand? "(Job. 26:14). Who is able to count all the monuments of his power? Even in the visible creation, it is shown their power, is beyond our comprehension; even less can we conceive of omnipotence itself. In the nature of God there are infinitely more power than all his works reveal. "Parts of His ways" is what we see in creation, providence and redemption, but only a small part of its power is revealed in them.
This is what, with obvious clarity, says Hab. 3: 4: "There was the hiding of his strength." It is impossible to find great and eloquent than this, in which we find such a wealth of images chapter; however, nothing beats its greatness to this statement. The prophet saw in vision how, in an amazing display of power, God crushed the mountains. However, the above verse says that, far from being a manifestation of power, was a concealment of it. What does this mean? Just the power of Divinity is inconceivable, immense and uncontrollable. And the terrible convulsions that he acts in nature are only a small sample of his infinite power.
It is very beautiful to join the following passages: "he ... walks on the heights of the sea" (Job 9: 8), which expresses the overwhelming power of God; "While strolling through the vault of heaven." (Job 22:14), which expresses the immensity of his presence; "He walks on the wings of the wind" (Ps. 104: 3), which talks about the speed of their operations. The latter expression is very interesting. It does not say that "fly" or "run" but "walk" and that it does in the very "wings of the wind", one of the most headstrong, capable of being launched with tremendous fury and drag it all quickly elements inconceivable, but, even so, this underfoot, and under his perfect control.
Now consider the power of God in creation. "Yours heaven, yours also the earth; the world and the fullness thereof, thou hast founded them. North and south thou hast created them "(Ps. 89: 11,12). To work, man needs tools and materials, but God; a single word created all things from nothing. Intelligence can not understand. God, "he said, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood "(Ps. 33: 9). We may well exclaim: "Thou hast a mighty arm; strong is thy hand, your right hand "(Ps. 89:13). Who, looking at the sky at midnight and considering the miracle of the stars with the eyes of reason, can help wondering that were formed in their orbits? Astonishingly, they were made without material of any kind. They flowed from the vacuum itself.
Impotent work of universal nature emerged from nowhere, what the Supreme architect instruments used to adjust the various parts exactly such, and to give the whole look so beautiful? How it was united all forming a structure so well proportioned and finished? A simple command is consummated. "Sea", God said, and added no more; and then came the wonderful building adorned with all the beauty, displaying innumerable perfections, and declaring, with the seraphim, the praise of his great Creator. "By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth" (Ps. 33: 6). Consider the power of God in conservation.
No creature has power to preserve itself. "Can the rush grow up without mire? Can the flag grow without water? "(Job 8:11). If there were no edible herbs, both men and beasts die, and if the land was not cooled by the fertilizing rain, the herbs would wither and die.
Therefore, God is the Preserver "of man and animal" (Ps. 36: 6) "upholds all things by the word of his power" (Heb. 1: 3) What a miracle of divine power in life prenatal human being! The fact that a being can live for many months, in such a small and dirty place, without breathing, would be inexplicable if it were not for the power of God. Truly, "He is the one who put our soul in life" (Ps. 66: 9).
The land conservation sea of violence is another clear example of the power of God. How is that raging element remains locked in the limits in which He placed in the beginning, continuing there without flooding and destroying the lower part of creation? The natural position of the water is on the earth, because it is lighter, and immediately under the air, because it is heavier. Who restrains his natural qualities? The man certainly not because I could not. What it is the mandate represses its creator: "And said, Hitherto shalt thou come, and will not go ahead, and here cease the pride of your waves" (Job 38:11).What more permanent monument to the power of God is the conservation of the world! Consider God's power in government.
Take for example, the subject that has to Satan. "The devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour" (1 Pet. 5: 8). It is full of hatred against God and furious enmity against men, particularly the saints. He who envied Adam in paradise, envies the happiness which for us means the enjoyment of the blessings of God.
If I could, I would treat everyone as he treated Job: send fire from heaven on the fruits of the earth, destroy the winning, a windstorm would tear down the houses and cover our bodies with boils. However, although men do not realize this, God punishes him to some extent, preventing it from doing their evil purposes, and holding him to his orders. God also restricts the natural corruption of man. He allows sufficient outbreaks of sin as to show the tremendous ruin that man's apostasy has produced, but who can imagine the terrible extremes to which the man if God would withdraw his arm moderator?
All descendants of Adam, by nature, are "full of cursing and bitterness mouths; Their feet are swift to shed blood "(Rom. 3: 14,15) How triumph abuse and obstinate madness if God was not imposed and in building, retaining walls to them! "They raised the rivers, O Lord, the floods lift up their voice; the floods lift up their din. Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, than the mighty waves of the sea "(Ps. 93: 3,4)..
Observe the power of God in judgment. When God strikes, no one can resist: "Will sign your heart? Will your hands strong in the days when I deal with you? I the Lord have spoken, and I will do it "(Ezek. 22:14.) What a terrible example of that which gives us the deluge! God opened the windows of heaven and broke the fountains of the deep, and the entire human race (except those who were in the ark), helpless before the storm of his anger, he was devastated. With a rain of fire and brimstone they were destroyed the cities of the valley.
Pharaoh and all his hosts were impotent when God blew upon them in the Red Sea. Over the terrible words of ROM. 9:22! "What if God, willing to show his wrath and make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction?" God will show his great power over the reprobate, not only imprisoning them in Gehenna, but also preserving their bodies, besides their souls in eternal torment in the lake of fire.
Well we can tremble before such a God! treat contemptuously One who can crush us like we were flies, is a suicidal behavior. Defy it is dressed omnipotence, which can cause us to pieces and throw us into hell when you want it, is the height of folly. To put it most clearly: to obey his commandment is, at least, act sensibly. "Kiss the Son, that he be angry, and you perish in the way, when his wrath is kindled little" (Ps. 2:12).
Well does the soul illuminated worship such a God! The wonderful and infinite perfections of such a Being require the most fervent worship. If the powerful and famous men claim the admiration of the world, how much more should fill us with awe and reverence the power of the Almighty. "Who is like you, Lord, among the gods? Who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders? "(Ex. 15:11)
Well does the saint trust such a God! He is worthy of implicit confidence. Nothing is impossible. If God's power was limited. We might despair, but watching him dress omnipotence, no prayer is too hard to prevent him answer, no need too big to prevent supply it, none too violent passion to prevent master, no temptation too strong to prevent rid of it, no grief too deep for prevent alleviate it.
"The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" (Ps. 27: 1). "Now to him who it is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations of all ages, forever. Amen "(Eph. 3: 20,21)
"Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God" (Deut. 7: 9). Infidelity is one of the most prevalent sins of these evil days. In the business world, with some exceptions increasingly rare, men do not feel bound and the word. In the social sphere, marital infidelity abounds everywhere; the sacred bonds of marriage are broken with the same ease with which an old garment is discarded. In the ecclesiastical realm, thousands who promised solemnly preach the truth, the attack and deny unscrupulously.
No reader or writer can claim to be immune to this terrible sin; How many different ways we have been unfaithful to Christ and the light and privileges which God has entrusted to us! This quality is essential to your being without it would not be God. For God to be unfaithful would work against nature, which is impossible: "If we are faithless He remains faithful: he can not deny himself" (2 Tim 2:13.). Fidelity is one of the glorious perfections of his being. It is as if her dress: "O Lord God of hosts, who is like you? Strong LORD, and thy truth is round about thee "(Ps. 89: 8). Likewise, when God became incarnate, it was said: "Justice will be the belt of his loins, and faithfulness will be your waist." (Isa. 11: 5).
What word of Psalm 36: 5: "Jehovah the heavens is your mercy; Your truth to the clouds! "The unchanging faithfulness of God is far above finite comprehension. Everything concerning God is vast, large, unmatched. He never forgets or misses his word; never utters it hesitantly, never give it up. The Lord has promised to fulfill every promise and prophecy, covenant established each and every threat because "God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man to repent. He said, "and it will not ?; He spoke what not fulfill? "(Num. 23:19).
Therefore the believer exclaims: "His compassions fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness "(Lam. 3: 22,23). The illustrations on the faithfulness of God are abundant in the Scriptures.more than four thousand years ago, He said, "While the earth shall not cease planting and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night" (Gen. 8:22.). With each passing year is a new proof of the fulfillment of this promise by God.
In Genesis 15 we read that Jehovah told Abraham: "And God said to Abram," Know for certain that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, and enslave and oppress 400 years. But I will also judge the nation whom they serve, and afterward shall they come out with great wealth. But thou shalt you go to thy fathers in peace and be buried in a good old age. In the fourth generation they will return here, "(vs. 13-16).
The centuries followed its course, and the descendants of Abraham wailed as baked bricks in Egypt. Had God forgotten His promise? No, indeed. Read (Exodus 12:41.) After 430 years, on the same day they left the land of Egypt all the armies of Jehovah. God, speaking through the prophet Isaiah said: "Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel" (Isa. 7:14).
Again centuries passed, "but the time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman" (Gal. 4: 4). God is true. His word of promise is sure. In all dealings with his people God is faithful. In Him, man can trust. No one has ever trusted God in vain. This precious truth is found expressed in any place of Scripture, because the people need to know that fidelity is an essential part of the divine character.
This is the foundation of our trust. But one thing to accept the faithfulness of God as a divine truth, and quite another to act on it. God has given us great and precious promises, but do you really have compliance? Do we expect actually to do for us what he said? Do we rest with absolute certainty in the words: "He is faithful that promised"? (Heb. 10:23).
There are times in the life of all men, including the Christians, when it is not easy to believe that God is faithful. Our faith is sorely tried, our eyes obscured by tears, and we can not guess to see the work of his love. The noises of the world stun our ears disturbed by the atheistic whisperings of Satan, that prevent us hear the sweet accents of his voice tender and left.
Acariciábamos the plans have been thwarted, some friends in whom we trusted have abandoned us, someone who professed to be our brother in Christ has betrayed us. We stagger us. We try to be faithful to God, but a dark cloud hides him from us. We found that, for the carnal understanding, it is difficult, nay, impossible to harmonize the setbacks of providence with his good promises. "Who among you fears the LORD and obeys the voice of his servant? He who walks in darkness and has no light, trust in the name of the Lord, and stay upon his God "(Isa. 50:10).
When we are tempted to doubt the faithfulness of God shout: "Go away, Satan !. Although we can not harmonize the mysterious God's dealings with declarations of his love, wait on him, and ask more light. He will show it in due time. "What I do, thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter "(John. 13:79.
The results show that God has not forgotten his people defrauded. "But Lord longs to be gracious to you, and therefore will be exalted having mercy on us: for the LORD is a God of judgment; Blessed are all waiting for you "(Isa. 30:18). "Thy testimonies that thou hast commanded are righteous and very faithful" (Ps. 129: 36). God has not only know the best, but we did not hide the worst.
He has faithfully described the ruin brought the fall. He has faithfully diagnosed the terrible state which sin has produced. He has made known his ear rooted to evil, and it must be punished. He has faithfully warned us that He is "a consuming fire" (Heb. 12:29). His word not only abounds in illustrations of his faithfulness in fulfilling his promises, but also records many examples of faithfulness in fulfilling their threats.
Every stage of Israel's history exemplifies that solemn fact. The same is true with respect to individuals: Pharaoh, Achan and many others are so many proofs; unless we have already gone, or we go to Christ for refuge, eternal torment the lake of fire will be to wait for us. God is faithful. God is faithful to protect its people. "God is faithful, by whom ye were called to the fellowship of his Son" (1 Cor. 1: 9).
In the preceding verse it promises that God will confirm his own to the end. The faith of the Apostle in absolute assurance of salvation of believers was based, not on the power of their resolutions or ability to persevere, but on the veracity of Him who can not lie. God will not allow perish none of those who are part of the inheritance that He gave His Son, but has promised to free them from sin and damnation, and make them partakers of eternal life in glory. God is faithful in disciplining his.
He is so faithful in retaining and giving. True to send penalties, as well as to give joy. The faithfulness of God is a truth we must recognize not only when we are at peace, but also when we suffer the severest reproof.
This recognition must be in our hearts, should not be lip service. It is God's faithfulness which manages the yardstick by which hurts us. Recognize this amounts to humble ourselves before Him and confess that deserve correction, and instead of murmuring, thank Him. God never afflicts without reason: "For this cause many are weak and sickly among you" (1 Cor 11:30.) Illustrates this principle. When His rod falls upon us say with Daniel: "Thine, O Lord, justice, and our confusion of face" (Dan. 9: 7). "I know, O Lord, that thy judgments are right, and that thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me" (Ps. 119: 75). Grief and sorrow are not only compatible with love promised in the eternal covenant, but parts of the administration.
God is faithful, not only in spite of afflictions, but also to send. "Then their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes. But I will not take my loving kindness from him, nor falsify my truth "(Ps. 89: 32,33). Punishment is not only reconcilable with his mercy, but the effect and expression of it. How much more peace of mind would God's people if everyone remembered his covenant of love that requires you to send correction when it is convenient!
Afflictions are necessary for us: "In their affliction they will seek me" (Hosea 5:15). God is faithful to glorify their children. "Faithful is He who called you; which will "also (1 Thes. 5:24). This refers to the saints that are integers stored blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. God does not treat us according to our merits (for we have none), but according to his own great name.
God is faithful to himself and his own purpose of grace: "To those who called. To these He also glorified "(Rom. 5:30). God gives a full demonstration of the permanence of his everlasting goodness toward His elect to call them effectively out of darkness into his marvelous light; and this should fully assure the certainty of their perseverance. "The foundation of God standeth sure" (2 Tim. 2:19). Paul rested on the faithfulness of God when he said: "I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to guard my deposit against that day" (2 Tim 1:12.).
Understanding this blessed truth will free us from anxiety. When we are filled with anxiety, when we see our situation with fear, when we look to tomorrow with pessimism, we are rejecting God's faithfulness.Anyone who has care of your child through the years will not forsake him when he is old. Anyone who has heard your prayers in the past, will not fail to meet your needs at the time of trouble. Rest in Job 5:19: "deliver thee in six troubles, and in seven no evil shall touch".
Understanding this blessed truth restrain our backbiting. The Lord knows what is best for each of us, and the rest in this truth will silence our impatient complaints. God will be greatly honored if, when we passed the test and reproof we have good remembrance of Him, vindicate His wisdom and justice, and recognize His love even in the same reprobation.
Understanding this blessed truth will increase our trust in God. "So those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls as faithful Creator, doing good" (1 Pet. 4:19). When confidently us put our lives and our things in God's hands, fully persuaded of His love and faithfulness, will soon be content to its provisions, and we realize that "God does everything well."
"Praise the Lord, for he is good" (Ps. 136: 1). "Goodness" of God corresponds to the perfection of his nature: "God is light and in him is no darkness" (John 1: 5.). The perfection of the nature of God is so absolute that there is nothing in it that is incomplete or defective, or anything added may be interested or better. He is originally only good in itself; the creatures can be good only by participation and communication from God.
He is essentially good, and not only good, but goodness itself; the goodness of the creature is only one quality about added, while God is its very essence. He is infinitely good; goodness in the creature is like a drop in God is like an infinite ocean. He is eternally and immutably good, because it can not be less good than it is. God can not be the addition or subtraction. God is "summum bonum", the highest good. God is not only the greatest of all beings but also the best.
All the good that can be in a creature he has been taught by the creator, but kindness is proper in God because it is the essence of his eternal nature. God was eternally good before there was any manifestation of his grace, and before there was any creature which impart or which exercise it, just as it was infinite in power from all eternity, before he would use his omnipotence.
Hence the first manifestation of divine perfection were given being to all things. "You are good and do good" (Ps. 119.68). God has, in itself, an infinite and inexhaustible treasure of blessing which is enough to fill all things.
All that emanates from God-His decrees, laws, providence, creation-can only be good, as it is written: "God saw everything he had made, and behold, it was very good" ( Gen. 1;. 31). So that God's goodness is revealed, first, in creation. When more carefully studied the creature, the more obvious is the goodness of God.
Take the man, the supreme among terrestrial creatures, as an example. Everything in Scripture of our bodies attests the goodness of his Creator. How appropriate are hands to carry out their work! How benevolent to provide eyelids and eyebrows in the eye for protection! And we could go on indefinitely.
However, the goodness of the Creator is not limited to man, but is exercised toward all creatures. "The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food in its time. You open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing "(Ps 145;. 15, 16). Whole volumes could be written, -more than those who have already been escrito- to expand this truth. God has made abundant provision to meet the needs of the birds of the air, forest animals and fish of the sea.
"Who gives food to all flesh, for forever his mercy" (Ps. 33: 5). Truly, "the mercy of the Lord fills the earth" (Ps. 136: 25). God's goodness is evident in the variety of natural pleasures he has provided for his creatures. God could have contented satisfy our hunger without the food was pleasing to the palate. What is evident is his goodness in the variety of tastes that has given the meat, vegetables and fruits! God has given us not only the senses, but also that which satisfies; and this, too, reveals his goodness.
The land could have been equally fertile without its surface was so successfully varied. Our physical life could have been maintained without the beautiful flowers that give our eyes and exhaling sweet perfume.
We could have gone without ears bring us the music of the birds. Whence, then, this loveliness, this charm so generously poured over the face of nature? Truly, "the Lord's mercies over all his works" (Psalm 145: 9.). The goodness of God is manifested in the fact that when man transgressed the law of its creator, did not begin immediately a dispensation of pure anger.
God might well have deprived the fallen creatures of every blessing, comfort and pleasure have. Instead of doing so, he introduced a mixed system of mercy and judgment. If properly consider this fact, we will notice how wonderful it is; and when we study more carefully, more clearly it appears that "mercy triumphs over judgment" (James 2;. 13). Despite all the ills that accompany our fallen state, the balance of good greatly prevails.
With relatively few exceptions, men and women know many more days of good health than illness and pain. In creation there is much more happiness than unhappiness. Even for our thn considerable relief, and God has given to the human mind a flexibility that allows it to adapt to the circumstances and make the best out of them. The goodness of God can not be called into question because there is suffering and pain in the world.
If man sins against God's goodness, if despises the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering, and then for his toughness and his unrepentant heart, treasures for themselves wrath against the day of wrath (Rom. 2: 4,5), who do you blame if not himself?
If God does not punish those who misuse their blessings, abuse His benevolence, and trample His mercies, would the "good"? When God save the land of those who have broken their laws, defying his authority, derided their messengers, despised his Son and persecuted those for whom Christ died, God's goodness will not suffer, but, on the contrary, it will be the brightest example of it.
The goodness of God appeared more glorious than ever when "sent his Son, born of woman, born under law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons" (Gal . 4: 4,5). It was then that a multitude of the heavenly host praised their Maker and said: "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men" (Luke 2:14.).
Yes, in the Gospel, "Grace (in the original Greek" goodness ") of God that brings salvation to all men, was manifested" (Titus 2:11). Neither the goodness of God can be questioned because they did object of His redeeming grace to all sinful creatures. Nor he did so with the fallen angels.
If God had let all perish, this has not been reflected in his kindness. When you discuss this statement we remind the sovereign prerogative of our Lord: "Is it not lawful for me to do what I want with my own? Or is your eye evil, because I am good "(Matt .. 20:15). "Praise the Lord's mercies, and his wonderful works to the children of men" (Ps. 107: 8). Gratitude is precisely the response required of those who are the object of his benevolence; but because his goodness is so constant and abundant, to our great Benefactor is denied often this gratitude.
It is held in low esteem because it is exercised towards us in the normal course of events. It is felt that the experience daily. "You despise the riches of his goodness?" (Rom. 2: 4). His goodness is "despised" when it is perfected as a means to bring men to repentance, but, on the contrary, serves to harden assuming that God overlooks their sin.
God's goodness is the essence of trust of the believer. This excellence of God is the one that most appeals to our hearts. His kindness endures forever, and therefore we should never lose heart: "The Lord is good stronghold in the day of trouble; and he knows those who trust in him "(Nahum 1: 7.).
When other misbehave with us, it should lead us to thank the Lord, for he is good; and when we are aware of being far from being good, we should bless more reverently, for He is good. We must not allow a moment of disbelief about the goodness of God; but everything else is put in doubt, this is absolutely true: the Lord is good; their privileges vary, but its nature is always the same.
"The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger" (Ps 145: 8.). It has been written much less on this than on other excellences of the divine nature. Not a few of those that have spread on their attributes, they have stopped commenting on the patience of God. It is not easy to find the reason, as the long-suffering of God is certainly one of the divine perfections, much as they can be their wisdom, power or holiness, and, for our part, so worthy of admiration and reverence as the other .
It is true that this term is not in the agreement as often as the others, but the glory of this grace shines in almost every one of the pages of Scripture. How much good we miss by not meditate often on God's patience, and not pray earnestly that our hearts and ways be conformed to it.
In all likelihood, the main reason that so many writers have left to offer us something, separately, on the patience of God, has been the difficulty in distinguishing between this attribute and kindness and mercy, particularly the latter. The longsuffering of God is mentioned again and again in relation to his grace and mercy, as can be seen in Ex. 34: 6; No. 14:18.; Ps. 86:15.
God's patience is actually a manifestation of mercy, it is something that can not be denied (at least this is one way in which it is often manifested); but what we can not accept is that are the same excellence, and that can not be separated from each other. Perhaps the distinction between them is not easy; however, Scripture fully authorizes us to attribute to one which can not be attributed to the other.
The Puritan Stephen Charnock God's patience defined as follows: "It is a part of the goodness and mercy of God, and yet differs from both. God, being the greatest goodness, has the greatest kindness; benignity is always the companion of true goodness, and the greater the goodness, kindness greater. Who is as holy as Christ? And who so meek?
God slow to anger is a consequence of his mercy: "The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger" (Ps 145: 8.). Differs from mercy in the formal consideration of the theme: mercy concerning the creature as miserable as criminal patience; mercy pities her in her misery, suffering patience sin that engendered misery, and leads to more. "
Now personally, we would define the divine patience as the power of God exercises control over itself making be lenient with the wicked and stops punishing him so long. Nah. 1: 3, we read: "The Lord is slow to anger, and great in power," about which said Charnock: "Great men according to the world are irascible, and not forgive the wrongs inflicted on them as so easily lowliest. It is the lack of power over themselves what makes these men improperly react to provocation.
The prince who can master his passions is the King, not only for his subjects, but also for himself. God is slow to anger because he is great in power. He has no less power over himself that on his creatures. "We believe it is at this point that God's patience is most clearly distinguishes his mercy. Although benefits the creature, God's patience is primarily concerned with him; is the limitation imposed on their actions by their own will; while his mercy just entirely on the creature.
God's patience is excellence that makes him endure serious offenses without avenge them immediately.He has the power of patience as well as that of justice. Hence the Hebrew word used to describe the divine long-suffering, be translated "longsuffering" in Neh. 9:17, Psalm 103: 8..
Not that there passions in the divine nature, but God in His wisdom and will, is pleased to act with nobility and sublime majesty of his own sobriety. Let us note, in support of the above definition, it was this excellence of the divine character that Moses appealed when Israel sinned grievously at Kadesh Barnea, provoking vehement wrath of God. The Lord said to his servant, "I will smite them with death, and destroy them." It was then that the characteristic mediator appealed: "Please be magnified the strength of the Lord, as thou hast spoken, saying, Jehovah is slow to anger" (Num. 14: 17,18).
Thus its "long-suffering" is his "power" self restraint. Moreover, in Rom. 9:22, we read: "And what if God, willing to show his wrath and make his power known, endured with much longsuffering (patience) vessels of wrath fitted to destruction" If God immediately break these reprobate vessels, power self-control would not be so remarkable; to cope with their wickedness without punishing him for so long, it is gloriously demonstrated the power of his patience.
It is true that the wicked plays his long-suffering very differently "Because no judgment is then run against an evil work, the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil" (Eccl. 8:11) -but, yet the anointed eye adores what they do wrong.
"The God of patience" (Rom 15: 5.) Is one of the divine titles. Deity is so named because, first, God is the author and the object of the grace of patience in the creature. Second, because this is what he is in himself: patience is one of his perfections. Third, as a model for us: "Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering" (Col. 3:12). "Therefore be imitators of God as dear children" (Eph. 5: 1).
When we are tempted to feel disgusted by the awkwardness of someone or get revenge which has offended us, remember patience and longsuffering of God for us. God's patience is manifested in their dealings with sinners. How surprisingly it revealed to the antediluvian men. When humanity was totally degenerate, and all flesh had corrupted his ways, God destroyed without prior notice. God "waited" (1 Peter 3:20.) Probably not less than one hundred and twenty years (Gen. 6: 3.), During which Noah was "a preacher of righteousness" (2Pet. 2: 5).
Similarly, later, when Gentiles not only worshiped the creature more than the Creator, but committed the vilest, contrary even to the dictates of nature (Rom. 1: 1926) abominations, thus filling the measure their wickedness, God, instead of using his sword to destroy them, left "to all nations to walk in his ways" and gave "rains from heaven and fruitful seasons" (Acts. 14: 16,17).
God's patience was wonderfully exercised and manifested toward Israel. First "by the time of forty years endured their manners in the wilderness." (Acts 13:18). Later, when they had entered Canaan, the Israelites followed the wicked ways of the people around them, turning to idolatry; and even then God punished them severely, not destroyed completely, but in his distress, raised for them liberators.
When his sin reached such extremes that only a God of infinite patience could tolerate them, He, however, postponed the punishment for many years before they were transported to allow Babylon.Finally, when his rebellion against climaxed by crucifying His Son, God waited forty years before sending the Romans against them and that not before they have deemed "unworthy of everlasting life." (Acts 13:46).
How wonderful is the patience of God in the world today! Everywhere the people sin boldly. God's law is trampled, and God himself is despised. It is truly amazing that no fulmine instantly to challenge them so blatantly.
Why not hit the infidel exterminates arrogant and vociferous blasphemer, as he did Ananias and Sapphira? Why does the earth open and devour the persecutors of his people, so that, as Dathan and Abiram, down alive into the abyss? What about apostate Christendom, where every possible form of sin is tolerated and practiced in the shelter of the holy name of Christ? Why the righteous wrath of heaven does not end such abomination? is only one possible explanation: because God bears with "much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction". And what of this preaching and hearing?
Let us examine our life. Not much we followed the crowd to do evil ago, and had no interest in God or in His glory, living only to please ourselves. How he was patient and indulgent towards our impious behavior!And now that grace has snatched us as brands from the fire, he has given us a place in the family of God and he brought us to an eternal inheritance in glory, which will reciprocate miserably. How shallow is our gratitude, how slow our obedience, how frequent are our backslidings! One reason why God allows the believer to remain in the flesh is to show how "patient is for us" (2Pet. 3: 9).
Since this divine attribute is revealed only in this world, God uses it to extend to "theirs". May the meditation of this divine excellency soften our hearts, enterneciera our consciences, and make us to learn in the school of holy experience the "patience of saints", ie, submission to God's will and perseverance in the well done.
Earnestly seek grace to imitate this divine excellence. "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect" (Matthew 5:45.); in the immediate context Christ exhorts us to love our enemies, bless those who curse us and do good to those who hate us. God is patient with the wicked notwithstanding the multitude of sins; ¿We will want to take revenge for a single offense?
"And if by grace, not by works; otherwise grace is no more grace. And if by works, it is no longer grace;otherwise work is no more work. " (Rom. 11: 6) This perfection of the divine character is exercised only for the elect. Neither the Old nor the New Testament is never mentioned God's grace in relation to mankind in general, much less in relation to other of his creatures.
In this it differs from the "mercy" because it is "over all his works" (Psalm 145: 9.). Grace is the sole source from which flows the goodwill, love and salvation of God for His elect. Abraham Booth, in his book "The Kingdom of Grace", describes this attribute of the divine character: "It is the eternal and completely free favor of God, manifested in granting spiritual and eternal to the guilty and unworthy creatures blessings."
Divine grace is sovereign and saving favor of God exercised in granting blessings to those who do not have their own merit, and which are not required compensation. Even more; is the favor that God shows to those who not only have no merit in themselves, but also evil and deserve hell. It is completely undeserved, and anything that may be on those who are granted can achieve. Grace can not be bought, earned or achieved by the creature. If I could be, it would no longer be grace. When we say a thing is "grace" it is meant that the recipient has no control over it, which is not owed right. He comes as a simple charity, and, at first, did not ask for nor wanted.
The most comprehensive exhibition there of the amazing grace of God is found in the epistles of the Apostle Paul. In his writings, grace shown in direct contrast to the works and merits, all works and merits of any class or grade they are. This appears clear and conclusive Rom. 11: 6: "And if by grace, not by works then; otherwise grace is no more grace. And if by works, it is no longer grace; otherwise work is no more work. "
Grace and works can not be mixed, nor can light have with darkness "By grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God; not by works, so that no one can boast "(Eph. 2: 8,9). The absolute favor of God is not compatible with human merit; it would be as impossible as mixing water and oil: see Rom. 4: 4.5. "When that work is not considered wages as grace but as an obligation. But that does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness. "Divine grace has three main features.
First, it is eternal. It was designed before being used, given before being given: "That saved us and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before times forever "(2 Tim. 11: 9). Secondly, it is free, because nobody ever bought it: "Being justified freely by his grace" (Rom. 3: 4). Third is sovereign, because God exercises and grants to whom he wants, "That grace reign ..." (Romans 5:21.).
If grace "queen" is that is on the throne, and occupying the throne is sovereign. Hence "the throne of grace" (Heb. 4:16). Grace, when unmerited favor, must be granted in a sovereign manner. Thus says the Lord: "I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy" (Eph 33:19.). If God show His grace to all the descendants of Adam, they come at once to the conclusion that God was obliged to take them to heaven as compensation for allowing the human race fell into sin. But the great God is not bound to any of his creatures, much less to which you are rebellious.
Eternal life is a gift, and therefore, can not be achieved by works, nor claimed as a right. If, then, salvation is a gift, one who has the right to tell God who should grant it? Not that the blessed Giver denies this gift to those who seek him with all my heart, and according to the rules he has prescribed. No, he does not reject anyone to go empty handed and on the way you set. But if God decides to exercise its sovereign right to choose from a world full of sinners and unbelievers a limited number salvation, who may feel hurt?Are you forced God to give his gift by force those who do not appreciate? You are forced to save those who have decided to go their own way?
Still, nothing to put the natural man angrier and more pull to the surface his innate rooted enmity against God, that make him see that his grace is eternal, absolutely free and sovereign. For the broken heart it is not too humiliating to accept that God formed his purpose from eternity, without asking for anything the creature. For believed rectum it is too hard to believe that grace can not be achieved or make the effort itself. And the fact that grace separates those who want to make them the subject of their favors causes the heated protests of the proud rebels.
The mud up against the Potter and asks, "Why did you make me like this?" The riotous rebel dares to dispute the justice of divine sovereignty. The distinctive grace of God shown to save him, in his sovereignty, has separated to be his favorite. "Distinctive" we understand the grace that distinguishes it makes no difference who chooses some and ignore others. It was this grace that brought Abraham from his idolatrous neighbors and made him "the friend of God."
It was this grace which saved "publicans and sinners" and said of the religious Pharisees "leave them alone" (Matt. 15:14). The glory of free and sovereign grace of God shines visibly more than anywhere else in the indignity and diversity of those who receive it. "The law entered the offense, but as sin widened, grace" Rom 5:20. Manasseh was a monster of cruelty because he passed to his son by fire and filled Jerusalem with innocent blood, was a master of iniquity because he not only multiplied, and to extravagant extremes, their impious sacrilegious, but corrupted the principles and perverted customs of his subjects, making them do worse than the most detestable pagan idolaters; see 2 Chronicles 33.
However, by this superabundant grace, he was humiliated, was regenerated, and became a child forgiven for love, an heir of immortal glory. "Consider the case of Saul, the cruel and relentless persecutor spewing threats, ready to make a butchery, harassing and killing sheep Jesus' disciples. The desolation caused and families had ruined were not enough to calm his vengefulness. They were just like a sip away from satiate the bloodhound, made him keep track more closely and sighed most ardently for destruction.He was thirsty for violence and death. So greedy and insatiable thirst was even breathing murderous threats (Acts 9: 1.). His words were like spears and arrows, and their tongue like a sharp sword.Threatening Christians was for him a natural as breathing.
In the purposes of his rancorous heart but he had no desire to extermination. And only the lack of more power prevented every syllable and every breath coming out of his mouth no more death scatter and did not fall more innocent disciples. Who, according to the principles of human justice, there would have declared vessel of wrath prepared for an inevitable doom?
Moreover: who would not have come to the conclusion that, for this implacable enemy of true holiness, were forcibly reserved the heaviest chains and darker and distressing dungeon? Yet, we admire and adore the unfathomable treasures of grace; this Saul was admitted to the blessed company of the prophets, was counted among the noble army of martyrs, and became a leading figure among the glorious company of the apostles. Here's another example: "The evil of the Corinthians was proverbial.
Some of them wallowed in the mire of such abominable vices, and they were used to such violent acts of injustice, which were reprehensible even to human nature. Yet even these sons of violence, these slaves of sensuality were washed, sanctified and justified (1 Cor. 6: 9-11). "Washes" in the precious blood of the Redeemer; "Sanctified" by the powerful operations of the blessed Spirit; "Justified" by the infinite and tender mercies of the good God. Those who once were affliction of the earth, were made the glory of heaven, the delight of the angels. "The grace of God is manifested in the Lord Jesus Christ, through him and through him. "For the law was given by Moses; more grace and truth came through Jesus Christ was made "(John 1:17).
This does not mean that God had acted without favor with anyone before his Son incarnate; Genesis 6: 8, Exodus 33:19, etc., clearly show otherwise. But grace and truth were fully revealed and declared perfectly when the Redeemer came to this earth and died for his people on the cross. The grace of God flows to His elect only through Christ the Mediator. "Much more the grace of God abounded to the many, and the gift by the grace of one man Jesus Christ ... more reign in life through Jesus Christ those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of justice .. . the grace reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord "(Rom. 5: 15 to 17.21).
The grace of God is proclaimed in the Gospel (Acts. 20:24), which is "stumbling block" for the Jew who believes is right, and "madness" for the Greek philosopher vain. Which is the reason? Of that there is nothing at all that flatters the pride of man in the Gospel. Announces that we can not be saved if not by grace. He declares that, outside of Christ, ineffable gift of God's grace, the situation of every man is terrible, hopeless, hopeless.
The Gospel speaks to men as criminals guilty, convicted and killed. He states that the most honest of moralists is in the same terrible condition that the most profligate voluptuary; the most vehement religious, with all his works, is no better off than most profane infidel. The Gospel considers every descendant of Adam as a sinner fallen, polluted, hell-deserving and helpless.
Grace advertising is their only hope. All appear before God convicted of transgression of His holy law, and therefore as guilty and convicted criminals; not waiting for the sentencing, but awaiting the execution of the judgment and against them (John 3:18). Complain about the partiality of grace is suicidal. If the sinner persists in use their own righteousness, your eternal portion in the lake of fire. His only hope is to bow to the judgment that divine justice been brought against him, recognize the absolute rightness of it, abandoned to the mercy of God, and presenting empty-handed to take hold of the grace of God that the Gospel presents him .
The third Person of the Godhead is the Communicator of grace, therefore it is called the "Spirit of grace" (Zech. 12:10). God the Father is the source of all grace, because he appointed the eternal covenant of redemption. God the Son is the only channel of grace. The Gospel is the enacting of grace. The Spirit is the giver or applicator. The one who applies the Gospel in saving power to the soul: quickening the elect while they are still dead, conquering their rebellious wills, softening their hard hearts, opening their eyes blinded, limpiándoles leprosy of sin.
Hence we can say as GS Bishop: "Grace is the provision for men who are so fallen that they can not lift the ax of justice, so corrupt they can not change their own natures, as opposed to God they can not turn to him, so blind that you can not see, so deaf you can not hear, so dead that he has to open their graves and lift the resurrection. "
"Praise the Lord, for he is good; forever because his mercy "(Ps. 136: 1). God deserves to be highly praised by the perfection of its divine character. The psalmist exhorts the saints, three times in so many other verses, to thank God for this adorable attribute. And, indeed, this is the least that can be asked to those who have benefited so greatly from it. When we consider the characteristics of this divine excellence, we can not help but bless God. His mercy is "great" (1 Kings 3: 6), "a lot" (Ps. 119: 156), "from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him" (Ps. 103: 17).
We can say with the psalmist: "Tomorrow will praise your mercy" (Psalm 59:16.). "I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and will proclaim the name of Jehovah before thee; and I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and will show mercy with which will show mercy "(Ex. 33:19). What the "mercy" and "grace" of God different? Mercy is born of God's goodness. The first consequence of God's goodness is his goodness or mercy, by which freely gives his creatures as such; why has being and life to all things. The second consequence of the goodness of God's mercy, which denotes the inclination prompt God to relieve the misery of fallen creatures. Thus, the "mercy" presupposes the existence of sin.
Although it may not be easy at first glance perceive a real difference between grace and mercy of God, it will help us close study of their behavior with the angels. He has never exercised mercy on them, because they have never had need for it to be no sin or fallen under the influence of the curse.
Even so, they are subject to the sovereign and free grace of God.
FIRST because he chose from among the angelic entire race (1 Tim. 5:21).
SECOND , as a result of their choice, because God preserved of apostasy when Satan rebelled and took with him a third of the heavenly host (Revelation 12: 4 . ).
THIRD, to make Christ their Head (Col. 2:10 and 1 Pet. 3:22), so they are eternally secured in the holy condition in which they were created. Fourth, due to the high immediate presence of God (Dan. 7:10), constantly serve in the heavenly temple, and receive honorable committed him (Heb. 1:14). This is abundant grace toward them, but no "mercy".
In trying to study God's mercy as it is presented in Scripture, we need to make a triple distinction for "rightly dividing the word of truth".
First, there is a general mercy of God, which extends not only to all men, believers and nonbelievers, but also to the whole creation: "His tender mercies are over all his works" (Psalm 145: 9 . ). "He gives to all life and breath and all things . " (Acts 17:25). God has mercy of irrational creation in their needs and supplemented with the appropriate provision.
SECOND, there is a special mercy that God holds the children of men, helping and socorriéndoles despite their sins. To these, too, God gives what they need, "he makes his sun rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust" (Matthew 5:45.).
THIRD, there is a sovereign mercy which is reserved for the heirs of salvation, and is communicated tothem by the way of the covenant, through the Mediator. If you look a little more on the difference between the second and third distinctions we have mentioned, we note that the mercies that God gives the wicked are of a purely temporary nature; ie are strictly limited to the present life.
Not extend mercy to them beyond the grave: "He is not a people of understanding; therefore their Maker will not have mercy upon him, nor bemoan him that formed "(Isa. 27:11). But, at this point, there may be some difficulty, namely: Does not the Scripture that "His love endures forever"? (Ps. 136: 1).
There are two things to consider with reference to this. God can never stop being merciful because this is a quality of the divine essence (Psalm 116: 5.); but the exercise of mercy is regulated by their sovereign will. This must be so, because there is nothing outside himself that causes him to act in one way or another; if there was something, that "something" would be supreme, and God would cease to be God. It is only the sovereign grace that determines the exercise of divine mercy. God affirms categorically in Romans 9:15: "But Moses says, I will have mercy on whom I have mercy".
It is the misfortune of the creature because of God's mercy, since nothing outside yourself can influence it. If God were influenced by the degrading misery of leprous sinners, cleanse them and save them all. But it does so. Why? Simply because it is not to your liking and purpose to do so. Less can still be the merits of the creature that made him give his mercies on it, because the talk of 'mercy' deserved would be a contradiction. "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us" (Titus 3: 5); one is directly opposite the other.
Nor are they the merits of Christ who move God to bestow His mercies on the elect "through" or because of the tender mercy of God, Christ was sent to his people (Luke 1:78). The merits of Christ made it possible for God precisely spiritual mercies granted his elect, having been fully satisfied justice by the Surety. No, mercy comes only from the sovereign will of God itself. Moreover, even if true, holy and glorious truth that God's mercy "endures forever" We must look closely at who is shown mercy. Even the reprobate throw the lake of fire is an act of mercy. We must consider the punishment of the wicked from three points of view.
From the point of view of God is an act of justice, who avenges his honor. God's mercy is never shown to the detriment of his holiness and justice. For the wicked will be an act of fairness let them suffer the punishment because of their iniquities. But from the standpoint of the redeemed, the punishment of the wicked is an act of unspeakable mercy. How terrible it would be if the present state of things continue forever; if God's children had to live surrounded by the children of the devil! If the ears of the saints were to hear the filthy and blasphemous language of the reprobate, heaven would not be heaven at the time.
What mercy shown by the fact that in the New Jerusalem will not take "dirty anything, or that worketh abomination." (Rev. 21.27). For those who listen, do not think that what was said at last we left our imagination, we appeal to Scripture as proof of what we have said. In Psalm 143: 12 we find David praying, "And by your mercy cut off my enemies, and destroy all the adversaries of my soul, for I am your servant."
Also in Psalm 136: 15 we read that God "overthrew Pharaoh and his army in the Red Sea, for forever his mercy". It was an act of vengeance upon Pharaoh and his people, but to the Israelites, was an act of "mercy". And again, in Revelation. 19: 1-3, we read: "I heard a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation and glory and power belong to our God. His judgments are true and righteous;because he has judged the great harlot who corrupted the earth with her fornication, and has avenged the blood of his servants at her hand. And again they said: Alleluia. And her smoke goes up forever and ever. "
So we have just seen, we note how vain is the presumptuous hope of the wicked, who, despite their constant challenge to God, that He will have mercy. Many of them have to say, "I do not think God ever take me to hell; He is too merciful. " Such hope is like a snake that is nested in the chest, cause their death. God is a God of justice as well as mercy, which has declared categorically that "by no means clear the guilty" (Ex. 34: 7).
Yes, he has said that "the wicked shall be turned into hell, all the nations that forget God" (Ps. 9:17). No matter what men say, I do not think. It is equally true that those who neglect the laws of spiritual health forever suffer the second death. It is very serious to see how many are abusing this divine perfection. They continue to disregard the authority of God, trampling his laws, living in sin, and, even so, boast of his mercy. However, God is not unjust to himself.
He shows mercy for the impenitent (Luke 13: 3.). Is diabolical continue in sin, and yet, count on divine mercy forgives the punishment without repentance. It's like saying, "Let us do evil that good may come"; of those who talk, it is written: "The condemnation of whom is just" (Rom. 3: 6). Such a presumption will be frustrated; Carefully read Deut. 29: 18-20. Christ is the spiritual enabler, and all who despise and reject his authority perish "in the way, when his wrath kindled but a little" (Ps. 2:12).
Be our last thought the spiritual mercies of God to their own people. "Great is Thy mercy in the heavens" (Ps. 57:10). The riches of the same transcend our loftiest thoughts. "For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward those who fear him" (Ps. 103: 11). No one can measure it.
The elect are called "vessels of mercy" (Rom. 9:23). It was the mercy that quickened when they were dead in sin (Eph. 2: 4,5). Mercy saved (Titus 3: 5.). His great mercy has regenerated to the eternal inheritance (1 Pet. 1: 3). And finally, we would lack the time to talk about mercy preserves, maintains, and provides forgive. For his own, "God is the Father of mercies" (2 Cor. 1: 3).
In the Scriptures we tell us three things about the nature of God.
FIRST, that "God is Spirit" (John 4:24). In Greek there is no indefinite article, so to say "God is a spirit" would be blameworthy end, since it would match other beings. God is "Spirit" in the highest sense. Being "Spirit" has no visible substance is incorporeal. If God had a tangible body, it would not be omnipresent, and would be limited to one place; being "Spirit" fills the heavens and the earth.
SECOND, that "God is light" (1 John 1: 5) which is the opposite of darkness. Darkness, in Scripture stands for sin, evil, death; light represents holiness, goodness, life. "God is light" means that the sum of all excellences.
THIRD, that "God is love" (1 John 4: 5). It is not simply that God "loves" but is Love itself. Love is not just one of its attributes, is its very nature. Many today speak of the love of God, but they are entirely devoid ofloving God.
Divine love is commonly regarded as a kind of affectionate weakness, some affectionate indulgence; It is reduced to a mere sickly sentiment, copying human emotions. However, the truth is that in this, as in everything else, our ideas are to be regulated in accordance with what the Scriptures reveal. This is an urgent need that is evident not only by the general ignorance prevails, but also for the low state of spirituality that, sad to say, is a general characteristic of many who profess to be Christians.
What little there is genuine love for God! One of the main reasons is that our hearts take up very little of your wonderful love for his family.
The better we know your character stronger His love, fulfillment, bliss will impulse of our hearts in love for him.
We mean that there is nothing in the objects of their love that can provoke or anything in the creature that can attract or push it. The love that a creature feels the other is produced by something in it; but God's love is free, spontaneous, unmotivated. The only reason that God loves someone lies in its sovereign will."Not because you more than all the people I wanted to Jehovah, and I have chosen; for you were the fewest of all peoples; but because the Lord loved you "(Deut. 7: 7-8). God has loved his own from eternity, and, therefore, nothing that is of the creature can be the cause of what is in God from eternity. He loves himself "according to his own" (2 Tim. 1: 9).
"We love him because he first loved us" (1 John 4:19). God did not love us because we loved him, but loved us before we had a particle of love for him. If we have loved God corresponding to our love, it was not spontaneous; but because he loved us when there was no love in us, it is clear that nothing influenced his love. If God is to be worshiped, and the hearts of their children tested, it is important that we have clear ideas about this precious truth.
The love of God for each one of "theirs" was not moved at all by anything I had in them. What was it that attracted me to the heart of God? Absolutely nothing. On the contrary, everything that repels, all you would loathe him -Sin, depravity, corruption was in my heart; me there was no good thing.
It must necessarily be so. God Himself is eternal, and God is love; therefore, as he had no beginning, neither will your love does. It is true that this concept beyond the scope of our finite minds; however, when we can not understand, we can worship. How clear is the testimony of Jeremiah 31: 3 "With eternal love I have loved you; I therefore with loving kindness! "What a blessed knowledge to know that the great and holy God loved his children before heaven and earth were created, and had set his heart on them from all eternity!
It is clear that their love is spontaneous test because he loved them countless centuries before they had being. The same wonderful truth is exposed in Ephesians 1: 4,5: "He chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him in love; He predestined. " What praise should produce heart to think that if the love of God had no beginning nor end can have! If it is true that "from everlasting to everlasting" He is God and is "love" then it is equally true that loves his people "from everlasting to everlasting."
This, too, is self-evident. God is sovereign, he is not obligated to anyone; God is his own law, always acts according to his own royal will. So if God is sovereign, and it is love, it necessarily follows that His love is sovereign. Because God is God, he acts like he likes; because it is love, who loves you. Such is its own explicit statement: "Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated" (Romans 9:13.). There was no love object in Jacob in Esau. Both had the same parents, were born at the same time, since they were twins; yet God loved the one and hated the other! Why? Because he liked to do so.
The sovereignty of God's love necessarily follows from the fact that is not influenced by anything that is in the creature. Hence the claim that the cause of their love lies in himself is just another way of saying he loves he loves. Suppose, for a moment, otherwise. Suppose the love of God was regulated by something outside their control. In this case love would be governed by rules and, if so, He would be under a rule of love, so that, far from being free, would be governed by a law. "In love; He predestined us to adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to "-what? Any merit he saw in us? Do not; but, "according to the good pleasure of his will" (Eph. 1: 4,5).
Everything about God is infinite. His substance fills the heavens and the earth. His wisdom is unlimited, because he knows all the past, present and future. His power is immense, because there is nothing difficult for him. Also, your love has no limit. It has a depth that no one can fathom; a height that no one can climb; a length and a width that are beyond all human measure.
This indicates in Eph. 2: 4: "But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love with which he loved us"; the word "much" here is synonymous with "God so loved" in John 3:16. It speaks of a love so outstanding that can not be calculated. "No language can faithfully express the endlessness of God's love, and no mind understand it" passeth knowledge "(Eph 3:19.). The vastest ideas that the finite mind can form of divine love are well below their true nature.
Just as that in God "there is no change, nor shadow of turning" (Jas. 1:17), not his love knows no change or decrease. Jacob unworthy provides a powerful example of this truth: "Jacob I loved," said the Lord, and, despite all his unbelief and disobedience, He never stopped loving him. In John 13: 1 gives us another beautiful illustration.
That same night, one of the apostles would say, 'Show us the Father "; another would deny Him with oaths, everyone would be shocked and abandoned. Still, "he is having loved his own who were in the world, loved them to the end." Divine love is not subject to vicissitudes of any kind. Divine love "strong as death ... Many waters can not quench" (Cant. 5: 6,7). Nothing can separate us from the same (Rom. 8: 35-39).
God's love does not regulate the caprice or passion or feeling, but a principle. Just as His grace reigns not at the expense of it, but "righteousness" (Rom. 5:21), so His love never conflicts with His holiness. "God is light" (1 John 1: 3) is before "God is love" (1 John 4: 5). God's love is not a simple affectionate weakness, or a kind of spring tenderness. Scripture declares that "the Lord loves he chastens, and scourges any son whom he receiveth" (Heb. 12: 6). God does not wink at sin, even to their children. His love is pure, unalloyed maudlin sentimentality.
Love and favor of God are inseparable. This is highlighted in Romans 8: 32-39. The idea and scope of the context is clearly seen that is this love, which can be no separation: the good will and grace of God that determined to give his Son for sinners. That love was the driving power of the incarnation of Christ: "So God loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son" (John 3:16)
Christ did not die to make God love us, but because he loved his people. Calvary is the supreme demonstration of divine love. Always, we are tempted to doubt God's love, remember Calvary. Here, abundant reason to trust God, and patiently endure affliction sending, Christ was the beloved of the Father, and yet was not without poverty, shame and persecution. He suffered hunger and thirst.
Hence, by allowing the men spat and wounded, the love of God for Christ did not suffer impairment. So that no Christian doubts the love of God to be tested and painful afflictions. God enriched Christ with temporal prosperity in this world, since "had not where to lay his head." But she gave him the Spirit without measure. As such, we learn that spiritual blessings are the principal gifts of divine love. What a blessing it is to know that, even if the world hate us, God loves us!
"Fear him who, after he has killed, has power to cast into hell. Yes, I say to you, Fear him. " (Luke 12: 5.).It is sad to see so many Christians who appear to regard the wrath of God as something that needs excuses and justification, or at least held it did not exist.
There are some who, although they would not go so far as to openly admit that they consider a stain on the Divine character, are far from her with delight, do not like to think of it, and rarely hear it mentioned without a secret resentment rises to her in their hearts. Even among more moderate view, there are few who imagine that the severity of divine wrath is too terrifying to be a useful subject for meditation.
Others admit the delusion that God's wrath is not compatible with your goodness, and so seek to banish the thought. Yes, many fleeing vision of God's wrath as if they are forced to look at a spot of the divine character, or lack of divine authority. But what the Scriptures say? Reading them, we realize that God has not tried to hide the reality of his anger. He is not ashamed to proclaim that vengeance and fury belong.
His own claim is: "See now that I, I am, and there is no god with me; I kill, and I make alive, I wound, and I heal; and no one can deliver out of my hand, and say, I live forever, if I whet my glittering sword, and my hand take hold on judgment, I will render vengeance to my enemies, and will reward them that hate me "(Deut . 32: 39-41).
A look at the agreement reveal that there are more references to the anger, fury, and wrath of God that your love and kindness. He hates all sin, because it is holy; and because he hates his anger burns against the sinner (Ps. 7:11). God's wrath is as important as their faithfulness, mercy divine power or perfection.
It must be so, because in the character of God there is no defect, even the slightest blemish; However, he would have if he lacked "anger"! Indifference to sin is a moral offense, and whoever does not hate is a moral leper. How could He who is the sum of all excellences, look with equal satisfaction virtue and vice, wisdom and folly? How could he, who delights only in what is pure and kind, stop despising what is impure and vile? The very nature of God makes Hell as real a necessity, an imperative requirement as eternal as the sky. Not only is there some imperfection in God, but there is no perfection that is less "perfect" than another.
The wrath of God is His eternal detestation of all unrighteousness. It is the displeasure and indignation of divine righteousness to evil. It is the holiness of God put into action against sin. Is the driving cause of the just sentence pronounced against wrongdoers. God is angry against sin because it is a rebellion against its authority, an outrage committed against their inviolable sovereignty. Those who rebel against God's government will learn that God is the Lord. It will make them know the greatness of His Majesty they despise, and how terrible it is that anger that were announced and they repudiated.
Not that the wrath of God is an evil revenge, which hurt for hurt, or a means to return an insult received.Do not; God will vindicate His dominion as Governor of the universe, but never vindictive. Divine wrath that is one of the perfections of God is evident not only by the considerations presented so far, but what is more important, because so state categorical statements of his own Word. "For manifests is the wrath of God from heaven" (Rom. 1:18).
He manifested when it was first pronounced the death sentence, when the earth was cursed and man thrown out of the earthly paradise; and then by exemplary punishments such as the Flood and the destruction of the cities of the Plain (Sodom and Gomorrah) with fire from heaven, and especially by the reign of death worldwide. He also said the curse of the law for each violation, and was given to understand in the institution of sacrifice. In chapter 8 of Romans, the apostle draws attention of Christians to the fact that the whole creation is subject to vanity, and groaning in travail.
The same creation which declares that there is a God, and publishes His glory, also proclaims that it is the Enemy of sin and the Avenger of the crimes of men. But above all, God's wrath was revealed from heaven when his son came to manifest the Divine character, and when that wrath was presented in his sufferings and death of a most terrible way in all the signals that had previously given his anger at sin.
In addition, the future and eternal punishment of the wicked is now declared in a more solemn and explicit terms than ever. Under the new dispensation, there are two heavenly revelations; one is angry, the other is of grace. Moreover, the wrath of God is a divine perfection is clearly demonstrated in what Psalm 95:11 says, "Therefore I swore in my wrath." There are two reasons why God "swears" by making a promise (Gen. 22:16), and to announce a punishment (Deut. 1:34). In the first case, God swore in favor of their children; in the second, to frighten the wicked.
An oath is a solemn confirmation (Heb. 6:16). Gn. 22:16 God said, "By myself I have sworn." . In Psalm 89:35, he said: "Once I have sworn by my holiness." While in Psalm 95:11, he said "I swore in my wrath.".Thus the great Jehovah appeals to his wrath, and anger, as a perfection equal to His Holiness; Swear both the one and the other! But there's more: as that in Christ "had all the fullness of the Godhead bodily" (Col. 2: 9), and since it gloriously look all divine perfections (John 1:18), that is why we read of "the wrath of the Lamb." (Rev. 6:16).
The wrath of God is a perfection of the divine character upon which we need to meditate frequently.First, that our hearts are properly inculcated hatred that God feels toward sin. We always trivially we are inclined to consider sin, excuse, and to consent its ugliness.
But the more we study and ponder God's aversion to it, and his terrible revenge upon him, the more easily we will realize its enormity. Second, to engender in our hearts a true fear of God. "Let us hold the grace by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and awe; For our God is a consuming fire "(Heb. 12: 28,29). We can not serve Him "acceptably" unless we have "reverence" to his sublime majesty, and "fear" of his righteous wrath; and the best way to produce it in us is often recalling that "our God is a consuming fire." Third, to raise our souls in fervent praise for having freed "from the wrath to come" (1 Thess. 1:10).
Our fast or our unwillingness to meditate on God's wrath is an effective way to see what our true position before him. If we do not truly rejoice in God for what is in itself and all the perfections that live eternally in him, how can therefore dwell in us the love of God? Each of us needs to pray and be on guard not to be an image of God according to their own ideas and evil inclinations. The Lord, in ancient times, complained that "you thought I was altogether like you" (Ps. 50:21).
If not praise "the memory of His Holiness" (Ps. 97:12), but we rejoice knowing that, one day soon, God gloriously displayed his anger to revenge on all those who now oppose Him, that is proof positive that we are still in our sins, on the road that leads to eternal fire. "Rejoice, nations (Gentiles), his people, because avenge the blood of his servants, and will render vengeance to his enemies" (Deut. 32:34). And again: "I heard as a loud voice of a vast multitude in heaven, saying," Hallelujah!
Salvation and glory and power belong to our God. His judgments are true and righteous; for he has judged the great harlot who corrupted the earth with her immorality, and has avenged the blood of his servants at her hand. And for the second time they said, "Hallelujah!" (Revelation 19: 1-3.). Great will be the joy of the saints in that day when the Lord will vindicate His Majesty will exercise its powerful domain, it magnifies his righteousness and defeat the proud rebels who have dared to challenge him.
"If mark iniquities, who oh, Lord, he could stand?" (Ps. 130: 3). We do well to ask ourselves this question, because it is written that "the wicked shall not stand in the judgment" (Ps. 1: 5). What agitated and distressed was the soul of Christ under the weight of the iniquities of his people that God imputed him to die! His cruel agony, his sweat blood, his strong crying and supplication (Heb. 5: 7), his repeated plea "if possible, pass this cup from me", his last terrifying scream "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? "
All this shows how terrible was the fear for what it means that God "look sins." Well may poor sinners cry out, "Lord who shall stand" when the same child of God and trembled under the weight of his wrath !, If you have not "taken hold of hope" which is in Christ, the only savior, "What will you do in the swelling of Jordan?" (Jer. 12: 5).
The great God and can destroy all enemies with a word of his mouth, is lenient with them and provide for their needs. No wonder of it, that does good to the ungrateful and wicked, you send us bless those who curse us. But do not think the sinners escape; God's mill goes slowly, but it grinds fine; the more admirable, is now his patience and kindness, more terrible and unsustainable be the furor his kindness desecrated cause. There is nothing as smooth as the sea, however, when it is shaken by the storm so violently nothing can roar.
There is nothing as sweet as the patience and goodness of God, nothing so terrible as His wrath when turning ". So, "flee" to Christ; "Flee from the wrath to come" (Matt. 3: 7) before it is too late. We need to think that this exhortation is not directed at someone else. It is addressed to us! We are not content with thinking that we have delivered us to Christ. Let's make sure it! Ask the Lord to scrutinize our hearts and reveal it.
"Canst thou trace of God? Can you find out the perfection of the Almighty? It is higher than heaven, what will you do? It is deeper than hell; what canst thou know? Its dimension is longer than the earth and wider than the sea "(Job 11: 7-9). In previous studies, we have observed some of the admirable and precious perfections of the Divine character.
After this simple and poor meditation attributes, it must be clear to all of us who God is, first, an incomprehensible being, and marvel at His infinite greatness, we are forced to use the words of Sofar, " You will reach the trail you God? Can you find out the perfection of the Almighty? It is higher than heaven, what will you do? It is deeper than hell; what canst thou know? Its dimension is longer than the earth and wider than the sea "When we turn our thoughts to the eternity of God, his immaterial being, his omnipresence and omnipotence, we feel overwhelmed.
But the impossibility of understanding the Divine nature is no reason to give up on our efforts and reverent devotees to understand what God himself has so graciously revealed in His Word. It would be crazy to say that, because we can not acquire a perfect knowledge it is better not strive to achieve part.
'Nothing increases both the capacity of the intellect and the human soul as the devout, sincere and constant research of the great theme of Divinity. The most excellent study to develop the soul is the science of Christ crucified and knowledge of the Godhead in the glorious Trinity. " Quoting CH Spurgeon, the great Baptist preacher of the last century, we will say that:
"The proper study for Christians is the Divine: The highest science, the most sublime speculation and the most important philosophy that the son of God can occupy your attention is the name, nature, person, work and the existence of the great God whom he calls Father. "in meditation of Divinity there is something extremely beneficial to the mind. It is such a vast subject, which makes our thoughts are lost in the immensity; so deep, that our pride is drowned.
We can understand and master other subjects; in doing so, we are satisfied, we say: I am here wise, and follow our own path. However, we approach our master science and we realize that our plumb line does not reach its depth, and that our eagle eye can not reach its height, we turn away thinking: We are of yesterday, and know nothing, (Mal. 3: 6). Yes, our inability to understand the divine nature should teach us to be humble, cautious and reverent.
After all our search and meditation, we have to say like Job: "Behold, these are parts of his ways; But, how little is heard of him! "(Job 26:14). When Moses implored to show him his glory, he replied: "I proclaim the name of the Lord before thee" (Exodus 33:19.), And, as someone said, "the name is the set of attributes".
We can dedicate ourselves completely to the study of the various perfections by which God reveals his own self, attributing all, although we still poor and bad of each conceptions. However, while our understanding corresponds to the revelation he gives us his several Excellencies, we have this vision of his glory.
Indeed, the difference between the knowledge of God have the saints in this life and which will in heaven is great; however, neither the first to be dismissed, or exaggerated the second. It is true that Scripture declares that "face to face" and "know as we are known" (1 Cor. 13:12).
But to deduce from this then know God as he knows us is to be seduced by the mere appearance of words, and without limitation that necessarily impose themselves on subject like this.
There is a big difference between saying that the saints will be glorified, and that will be divine facts.Christians, even in his state of glory, are finite creatures, and, therefore, unable to fully comprehend the infinite God. "In heaven, the saints see God with spiritual eyes, because he will always be invisible to the physical eye; you will see more clearly as you could see by reason and faith, and more extensively than they have so far revealed their works and dispensations; but the ability of their minds will not be increased to the extent to behold at a time and in detail all the excellence of their nature.
To understand the infinite perfection would require them to be infinite. Even in heaven their knowledge will be partial; however, their happiness will be complete because their knowledge will be perfect, in the sense that it will be appropriate to the capacity of being, although not exhaust the fullness of the end, we believe it will be progressive, and, as his vision to develop , your bliss will also increase; but it will never reach a limit beyond which there is nothing more to discover; and when the centuries have passed, he will still be the incomprehensible God.
Second, the study of the perfections of God is evident that it is quite enough. It is in itself and for itself.First of all beings could not receive any other thing. Being infinite, it is in possession of all perfection possible.
When the triune God was just, he was all for himself. His understanding, love and energy were directed at himself. If I had needed something external, it had not been independent, and therefore had not been God. He created all things "for him" it (Col. 1:16). However, he did not to meet any need you may have, but to transmit life and happiness to angels and men, and to admit them to the vision of His own glory. It is true that demands loyalty and devotion of his intelligent creatures; however, it does not benefit from their service, on the contrary, they are the beneficiaries (Job 22: 2,3).
God uses means and instruments to fulfill his purposes, not because his power is inadequate, but often to prove more surprising despite the weakness of the instruments mode. The all-sufficiency of God makes the supreme object of our aspirations. True happiness consists only in the enjoyment of God. His favor is life, and his care is better than life itself.
"My portion is the Lord, says my soul; therefore I hope in him "(Lam. 3:24); the perception of his love, his grace and glory is the main object of the desires of the saints, and the source of its noblest satisfaction.Many say, "Who will show us good?" Make shine upon us, O Lord, the light of your face. You have given such joy to my heart that surpasses the joy that they have on the occasion of his harvest and his harvest "(Ps. 4: 6-7)..
Yes when the Christian is in his right mind can say: "Although the fig tree shall not blossom or the vines fruit, even if it fails the olive crop and produce no food fields, although sheep sheepfold run out and no cattle in the stables; yet I will rejoice in the Lord and I will joy in the God of my salvation "(Hab. 3: 17-18).
Third, the study of the perfections of God highlights the fact that He is Supreme Ruler of the universe.Someone has said rightly that "no domain is as absolute as that of creation. One who could not have hacho anything, had the right to do everything according to his will.
In the exercise of its sovereign power made some parts of creation were mere inanimate matter, more or less refined texture, very different qualities, but inert and unconscious. He gave other body, and made them capable of growth and expansion, but still, lifeless in the proper sense of the word. Others gave them not only body but also conscious existence, organs of sense and proper motion. To these added in man the gift of reason and an immortal spirit which is connected to a higher order of beings that inhabit the upper regions.
The waves the scepter of omnipotence over the world he created. Praised and honored him who lives forever; whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom for all ages. And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing; and the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth, does as he pleases: none can stay his hand and say, what are you doing? (Dan. 4: 3435).
The creature, considered as such, has no rights. You can not demand anything to your Creator, and whatever it is treated, has no reason to complain. However, the thought of the absolute lordship of God over all things, we should never forget their moral perfections. God is just and good, and always does what is right. However, it exercises its sovereignty by imperial and equitable will.
Assigns each creature his place as seems good to him. Arrange the different circumstances of each according to its own devices. Molds each vessel according to its immutable determination. He has mercy he wants, and he wants to harden. Wherever we are, His eye is upon us. Whoever we are, our lives and possessions are at your disposal.
For Christians it is a tender Father; for the rebellious sinner he will be consuming fire. "Therefore, the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen "(1 Tim. 1:17).