Even for a casual reader of the Bible, it soon becomes clear that reading a book is out of the ordinary. Although it covers thousands of years of human history and is written by more than forty human writers, the Bible is not just a collection of writings, but a whole book that has a fascinating continuity. It is called "The Bible", from the Greek word Biblos, which means "A book." Its outstanding feature is due to the fact that it is indeed the Word of God, even if it was written by human authors.

Two lines of evidence support the conclusion that the Bible is the Word of God offered: 1) internal evidence; the facts found in the Bible itself and the self-affirmation of the Bible concerning its divine origin; 2) external evidence; the nature of the facts given in Scripture to support their supernatural character.


Hundreds of passages, the Bible says or claims itself to be the Word of God (Deuteronomy 6: 6-9, 17-18; Jos 1: 8 . ; . 8: 32-35; 2 Sam 22:31; Psalm 1: 2; 12: 6 . ; 19: 7-11; 93: 5; 119: 9, 11, 18, ​​89-93,97-100, 104-105, 130; Prov . 30: 5-6; is . 55: 10-11; Jer 15:16; 23:29; Dn 10:21;.. Matthew 5: 17-19; 22:29; Mr. 13:31; Lk 16:17; Jn.. 2:22; 5:24; 10:35; Acts 17:11;. Ro 10:17;. 1 Cor 2:13; Col. 3:16; 1 Thessalonians 2:13;.. 2 Timothy 2:15 ; 3: 15-17; 1 P.1: 23-25; 2 Peter 3: 15-16; Rev. 1: 2;. 22:18). The Scriptures declare, in many different ways, that the Bible is the Word of God and that his statement is clear and intelligible to anyone. The constant assertion of the writers of the Old Testament, the New and Jesus Christ himself, is that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. For example, Psalm 19: 7-11 states that the Bible is indeed the word of the Lord, and appoints six perfections, with its six corresponding transformations of human character, that the Word fulfilled. Jesus declared that the law must be fulfilled (Matthew 5: 17-18).
In Hebrews 1: 1-2, not only it states that God spoke in the Old Testament prophets with God's word, but so did His Son in the New. The Bible can only be rejected if their constant claims to be the Word of God are rejected.


The Bible not only claims and claims for itself to be the Word of God, but supports these claims by abundant evidence that often have convinced even the most skeptical readers.
1. THE CONTINUITY OF THE BIBLE . One of the most surprising and extraordinary facts about Scripture is that, although they were written by more than forty authors who lived over a period of over 1,600 years, the Bible is not However, a book and not just a collection of 66 books. Their authors come from diverse places and life situations; There are kings, peasants, philosophers, statesmen, fishermen, doctors, scholars, poets and farmers. They lived in different cultures, different existential experiences, and often were completely different in character. The Bible has a continuity that can be seen from Genesis to Revelation.
The continuity of the Bible can be observed in historical sequence beginning with the creation of the present world to the new heavens and new earth. The Old Testament reveals doctrinal issues such as the nature of God Himself, the doctrine of sin, salvation and the program and purpose of God for the world as a whole, for Israel and for the Church. The doctrine is gradually introduced since its beginnings in the form of introduction to its fullest development. The type is followed by the anti-type, prophecy compliance. One of the ongoing themes of the Bible is the anticipation, presentation, realization and exaltation of the most perfect person on earth and the heavens, our Lord Jesus Christ. The story so fascinating book, with its continuity of development, requires a much greater inspiration in itself a miracle. Accordingly, believers of Scripture, while recognizing human bill of several of his books, continuity and guidance are due to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
2. THE EXTENSION OF BIBLICAL REVELATION. In its manifestation of Truth, the Bible is unquenchable. Like a telescope, it delves into the universe from the infinite heights and depths of the heavens, to the tremendous depth of hell and captures the works of God from the beginning to the end. As a microscope reveals the tiniest details of the plan and purpose of God and the mostperfect work of creation. As a stereoscope, it places all beings and objects, whether they are in heaven and on earth, in right relationship with each other.
While many of the books of the Bible were written in the early days of human knowledge, at a time when its authors knew nothing of modern discoveries, what they wrote, however, it has never been contradicted by later discoveries, and ancient writings of Scripture are amazingly adapted to modern situations. In the broad context of its revelation, biblical truth reaches unsuspected horizons beyond human discovery, reaching, as indeed it does, from eternity past to eternity future, revealing facts that only God can know. There is no other book in the world that has even attempted to present the truth in an understandable way the Bible does.
3. THE INFLUENCE AND PUBLICATION OF THE BIBLE. No other book has ever been published in many languages ​​and languages, and so different peoples and cultures, as the Bible itself. Its pages are among the first that were printed when modern printing presses were invented. Millions of copies of Scripture have been published in all the major languages ​​of the world, and no single written language that does not have at least a printed portion of the Bible. While skeptics like French Voltaire, unfaithful and heretical, have predicted often the Bible would be relegated to oblivion in the passing of a generation, and even writers of the twentieth century have predicted that the Bible soon be a forgotten book, the truth it is that the Bible continues to be published more often and in more languages ​​than before. Other religions have surpassed Christianity in number of followers, but have not been able to offer any comparable written revelation to Scripture. In our modern era, the influence of the Bible continues its relentless pace of diffusion. For the unsaved is the "sword of the Spirit" (Eph 6:17.) And saved for an effective, sanctifying and clean from all stain (John 17:17 power;. 2 Corinthians 3:17, 18; Eph. 5:25, 2O). The Bible remains the only basis for divine law and morality.
4. THE CONTENTS OF THE BIBLE. The supernatural character of the Bible is seen in the fact that so freely about the unknown and, of course, unknowable, as it is known. Describe eternity in the past, including the creation before man existed. The nature and the works of God are revealed.
In Bible prophecy the whole divine program for the world, for Israel and for the Church, culminating in the latter, which is eternal is manifested. In each subject presented and described, their statements are decisive, specific and are outside of time. Its comprehensive nature has made her wise readers the truth is told both in time and in eternity.
5. THE BIBLE AS LITERATURE. Considered as a literary work, the Bible is also something supreme.Not only it contains the graphical history, but the prophecy in detail, the most beautiful poetry and drama, stories of love and war, speculation and philosophy as it relates to Biblical truth. The variety of the production of its authors is contrasted by the multiplicity of its subjects. No other book of literature has so many passionate readers of all ages and all. Degrees of intelligence and erudition.
6. AUTHORITY WITHOUT PREJUDICE OF THE BIBLE. The human character of the authors of the Bible, no bias in favor of men. The Bible records and notes, without hesitation, sin and weakness of the finest men and graphically warns those who rely on their own virtues of their ultimate doom.Although written by humans, it is a message from God to man, rather than a message from man to man.
Although sometimes he speaks of earthly things and human experiences, also described clearly and authoritatively things both of heaven and earth, visible and invisible; revealing facts about God, angels, men, time and eternity; of life and death, sin and salvation, heaven and hell. Man such a book could not have been written if had had to choose to do it, and even he could, never would have wanted to do so apart from divine guidance. Therefore, the Bible, though written by men, is a message from God, with certainty, security and peace that only God can provide.
7. THE SUPREME NATURE OF THE BIBLE. Above all the above, the Bible is a supernatural book that reveals the person and glory of God manifested in His Son is. Such a person, Jesus Christ, could never have been the invention of a mortal man, as perfections could never have been understood neither by the wisest men and saints of this land. The supreme character of the Bible is supported by its revelation of the supreme character in the person of Jesus Christ.
As a result of the combination of the supernatural and the man from entering into the composition of the Bible qualities, it can be observed a similarity between the Bible as the written Word and the Lord Jesus Christ as the living Word.
Both are supernatural in origin, presenting an inscrutable and perfect what is divine and what is human mix. Both also exert a transformative power over those who believe, and also allowed by God as something negative and rejected by those who do not believe. Divine, spotless and in all its grandeur perfections that does not suffer the smallest decline, they are immersed in both. The revelations shows are equally as simple as the mental capacity of a child, and as complex as the infinite treasures of divine wisdom and divine knowledge, sustained by the God who has revealed.
1. What does the word "Bible"?
2. What are the two main lines of evidence that the Bible is the Word of God?
3. List five passages from the Old Testament and five New in the Bible declare or assume itself to be the Word of God.
4. Mentioning six perfections, with its six corresponding transformations of human character that meets the Word according to Psalm 19: 7-11.
5. Why is the continuity of the Bible evidence of his inspiration?
6. What are some of the evidence of the continuity of the Bible?
7 . What the Bible differs from other books for the expression of his revelation of the truth?
8. How extensive is related publication of the Bible with its transforming power?
9. Describe and relate the supernatural character of the Bible regarding its content.
10 . Evaluate the Bible as a literary character.
11. How can it be related human quality of its preparation with prejudice exempt authority of the Bible?
12. Relate the Bible as a supernatural book with Jesus Christ as a supernatural person.


The Bible is the only book written by inspiration of God, in the sense that God has personally led his writers. The inspiration of the Bible is defined as a teaching that God has imparted directly to their authors and, without destroying or cancel their own individuality, his literary style or personal interests, God has sent in the same His full and intimate thought, and so it has been registered by their human authors. By forming the Scriptures, it is true that God used human writers; but these men, but could not have understood what they were writing, however, under the guidance of God and His guiding hand, they produced the 66 books that make up the Bible, which is a fascinating continuity and consistent evidence the work of the Holy Spirit directing their feathers.
Therefore, although written by human means, the Bible is God's message to man, rather than a message for his fellow man. Regardless of whether the recorded words are God dictated literally copies found from ancient codices and the results of research on human authors, or their thoughts, aspirations and fears, show that in every detail God led those men so that what they wrote was exactly what God intended to write, with the result, then, that the Bible is indeed the Word of God.Although certain passages of the Bible may differ markedly in character, each and every one of the words of Scripture are equally inspired by God.
The doctrine of inspiration, precisely because it is supernatural, presents some problems for human understanding. How can a human author, recording their own thoughts and knowledge, be guided to write exactly what God wants me to write? Precisely because there is questions like this have ventured some, like the extension of divine control over human authors. There are various "theories of inspiration" and all Bible interpreters follow any of these theories. The prospect of inspiration accepted by the commentator is the foundation on which are built all interpretations of the Bible, and for this reason we must pay careful attention to the real prospect of inspiration.


1. VERBAL plenary inspiration. In the history of the church, the orthodox view of inspiration has been described as verbal and plenary. By verbal inspiration we mean that the Spirit of God was the onewho guided the choice of words used in the original writings. However, Scripture indicates human bill. Several books of the Bible reflect the personal characteristics of the writer, in style and vocabulary, and often their personalities are expressed in their thoughts, opinions, or fears prayers.However, although evident human elements in the Bible, the doctrine of plenary inspiration sustains and affirms that God directed him, so that all the words that were used were as equally by God and inspired by Him. This it is highlighted by the use of the word "plenary", which means "full inspiration , " as opposed to the views that claim that there is only a partial inspiration in the Bible term.
Other additional descriptive words are often added to clarify what is orthodox doctrine. It declares that Scripture is infallible in the sense of being accurate and immune to all error. also it states that Scripture is inerrant, meaning thereby that the Bible contains no errors, as a statement of fact.Although the Bible can register sometimes declarations of men that are not true, or even words of Satan, as in Genesis 3: 4, in all these cases, although the statement attributed to Satan or men is faithfully recorded, it is clear that God does not affirm the truth of such statements. By asserting that the Bible is verbally and fully inspired, besides being inerrant and infallible in his declarations of truth, it is argued that the perfect and supernatural God's guidance is provided to every word of Scripture so that the Bible can It is regarded as a precise and accurate statement of divine truth.
The safety of inspiration applies, of course, to the original writings only and not to copies, translations or annotations. As there is no original manuscript, scholars have expanded greatly to determine the accuracy of the text of the Bible that we now have. For the purpose of teaching the truth, it can be assumed and taken for certain that our present copies of the Bible are exact reproductions of the original writings. While there are slight variations in the text, such variations affect just any teaching of the Bible and subsequent manuscripts findings tend to confirm this conclusion.
For all practical purposes, the Old Testament, written in Hebrew and the New Testament, written in Greek, can be accepted as the true Word of God and a true statement of what God intended to communicate to man.
2. THEORY ISSUED OR MECHANICS . In contrast to the true doctrine of inspiration that allowed the human authors, with his personality, compose written under the direction of God, some have argued that God actually dictated the Scripture and the Bible writers acted only as stenographers. But if God had dictated the Bible, writing style and vocabulary of the Bible would be the same throughout its length. In many cases the authors of Scripture expressed their own fears and feelings, or your prayers for divine salvation, and in various ways left the imprint of his personality in the divine record. Prayer of Paul's heart emerged by Israel in Romans 9: 1-3, for example, would have lost its meaning being dictated by God.
Okay, then, with the foregoing, while the inspiration extends to every word of Scripture, not the human personality, literary style or personal interest is dismissed. The Bible says human fulfillment, as it does with the divine authority of the book. God accomplished exactly what He wanted to lead the human authors who wrote it, but without the mechanical process of dictation. Some portions of the Bible were dictated by God and thus is indicated in the same sacred text, but most of the Bible was written by human authors without evidence of a direct dictation.
3. THE THEORY OF THE CONCEPT. Some have tried to weaken the full inspiration of the Bible and make concessions to human authority, saying that God inspired the concept, but not the precise words. This view, however, presents serious problems if you think that the human authors only partially understood what God had revealed to them and, in doing so in their own words, could well have introduced errors of consideration in his writings.
The Bible explicitly contradicts the idea that it was only supplied with the concept of their human authors. Again and again the emphasis is on the sense that the words of Scripture are inspired. The importance of words is frequently mentioned (Ex 20: 1; John 6:63; 17:.. 8; 1 Cor 2:13). In the Old Testament notes repeatedly also claims that the words themselves, they are inspired by God, as in Jn. 10: 34-35; Gal. 3:16; and frequent references to the Bible as the Word of God in Eph. 6:17; Stg. 1: 21-23; and 1 Peter 2: 2. Pronounced a solemn condemnation on anyone who deleted the Word of God (Rev. 22: 18- 19). The theory of the concept therefore has no consistency regarding Scripture is drafted so; fails entirely in the light of what the Bible itself says about the true doctrine of inspiration.
4. PARTIAL INSPIRATION. They have also ventured other theories in the sense that only part of the Bible is inspired. For example, some have argued that revealed portions of the Bible that refer to divine truth are accurate and true, but can not accept the statements of historical, geographical and scientific information . Matched with partial inspiration is the idea that some fragments of Scripture are more inspired than others, and thus the right and wrong become a matter of degree. This applies, sometimes, to what is known as the "mystical inspiration" or the idea that God helped in varying degrees to the authors in what they wrote, but not giving completely the ability to write Scripture without error all forms of partial inspiration let inspiration to the reader 's judgment and consequently the authority of Scripture becomes the authority of the person reading the Scripture, there being so two readers who agree exactly with respect to what is true and what is not.
5. THE NEO-ORTHODOX INSPIRATION. OPINION In the twentieth century has ventured a new opinion or view on divine inspiration, starting with Karl Barth, and called neo-orthodox. While not denying that there are necessarily supernatural elements in the writings of Scripture, this view recognizes that there are errors in the Bible, and thus the Bible can not be taken literally true. The neo-orthodoxy holds that God speaks through Scripture and uses them as a means to communicate with us. According to this view, the Bible becomes a channel of divine revelation, much like the concept that a beautiful flower or a lovely sunset supply the concept that God is the Creator.
The Bible, considered under such a theory is true only when understood, and evidence of truth is also the opinion of the individual reader. The history of this view shows that no two people are exactly agree on what the Bible really teaches and, as partial inspiration, leaves the individual as the final authority as regards to what is true and what is false.
6. INSPIRATION NATURALISTA . This is the view most extreme of disbelief and holds that the Bible is like any other book. Although God could give authors an unusual ability to express concepts, it is, after all, a human production without any divine and supernatural guidance. The Bible, subject to this concept becomes just any other book of religion, which expresses ancient concepts and views of spiritual experience that men have had in the past. This review destroys any distinctive statement about the divine authority of the Bible and leaves unexplained the wonderful and actual accuracy of the Bible.
Ultimately the reader of Scripture has to take a stand and make a choice. Either the Bible is what it claims to be-the inspired Word of God and a book in which trust, as if God had written it himself, without human authors, or has to be considered as a book that no substance their claims and it is certainly not the Word of God. While many tests can join in support of the inspiration of the Bible, the best evidence is in the fact that the action of the book in history supports their own assertions.His power has been manifested in the transformed lives of millions of people who have put their trust in the words and promises of Scripture.


The fact that the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit is supported by many internal evidence that it is indeed the Word of God, and is confirmed by the power of God's Word to influence and transform men. From all evidence, however, one of the most important is the testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ himself that, indeed, the Bible is inspired by God.
Wherever Jesus quote Scripture-and He did it with often-did it as having the authority and the full recognition that had come at the hands of men by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
According to Matthew 5:18, Christ said that not one jot or tittle of the law shall be without compliance with this He stated that one jot (the smallest letter of the Hebrew alphabet) or a tilde (the smallest part of a letter that could change their meaning) would be broken. If the accuracy and inspiration extend to each of his letters, Christ was obviously affirming the inspiration of the entire Old Testament.
In John 10:35 Christ said that "the Scripture can not be broken" can not fail. Again and again the New Testament affirms an exact fulfillment of the Old Testament, as in Matthew 1:22, 23 (Mt. 4:14; 8:17; 12:17; 15: 7-8; 21: 4-5; 42; 22:29; 26:31, 56; 27: 9, 10, 35). These references from the Gospel of Matthew are typical of what is disseminated throughout the New Testament in its entirety. Even when he says a dispensational change or modification of a rule of life, authority and inspiration of the original statements of Scripture are not discussed at all (Mt. 19: 7-12).
The entries from the Old Testament extend to any important section and often are books that are the most discussed by liberals such as Deuteronomy, Jonah, and Daniel (Dt 6:16 critics; cf. Matt. 12: 40; Dn 9:27;. 12:11; cf. Mt. 24:15). It is impossible to put into question the inspiration of
Old Testament without doubt the character and veracity of Jesus Christ. It is for this reason that the denial of the inspired Word of God leads to the denial of the Incarnate Word of God.
Jesus Christ not only affirmed the inspiration and the unerring accuracy of the Old Testament, but He predicted the writing of the New. According to John 16: 12-13, the disciples were to receive truth from the Holy Spirit after Christ had ascended to heaven. Christ it established that the disciples would be witnesses of truth (Matthew 28:19; Luke 10: 22-23; Jn 15:27; Acts 1:... 8). Jesus gave the disciples authority in his speech and dissemination of truth (Lk 10:16; Jn 13:19; 17:14, 18; Hebrews 2:.. 3-4.).
As was being written the New Testament authors were aware that they were led by the Spirit of God and freely said that the New Testament was inspired like the Old. In the same way that David wrote by the Spirit (Matthew 22:43), and as the psalmist was inspired (Heb 3: 7-11; Ps. 95: 7-11.), The New Testament, in the same way, says his inspiration. In 1 Timothy 5:18; Deuteronomy 25: 4 and Luke 10: 7 Scripture cited as equally inspired. In 2 Peter 3: 15-16 Paul's Epistles are classified as Scripture has to be received as the Word of God, like all other Scripture. The New Testament clearly states have the same inspiration as the Old.


One of the key passages on the inspiration of the Bible is found in 2
Timothy 3:16, which states: "All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness." By "Scripture" the apostle refers to the "Holy Scriptures" mentioned in 2 Timothy 3:15, including both the Old and New Testament. The expression "inspired by God" is a word that is in the New Greek Testament theopneustos, which means "the breath of God." With this we want to definitely mean that Scripture comes from God and this fact has the same perfection that characterizes God himself. It would be absolutely impossible for God to be the author of error. The inspiration extends not both the authors and the Word of God itself. While the authors were fallible and subject to error, the breath of God breathed such authors His infallible Word, directing them with His divine power, and what is written about them was indeed the infallible word of God. And it is the Word of God, is profitable for doctrine or teaching, and for reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness.
One of the important issues that often arises is: How could God inspire scripture being so, on the one hand, allows man-made and, secondly, comes the inspired Word of God without error? The question of how God performed a supernatural act is always inscrutable; however, you can catch some light on the subject at 2 Peter 1:21, where, in connection with a prophecy of Scripture states:
"For prophecy he never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit." Whether it was verbal or prophets prophets who put it in writing, the explanation is that they were " moved and driven by the Holy Spirit. " The translation of the word "moved" is corresponding to bear a burden, a task. In this statement, therefore, the human authors are taken to a destination and a desired target by
God, in the same way that a ship takes passengers to their final destination. Although passengers traveling on a boat have a certain human freedom and can move freely inside the ship, they can not prevent, safely and decisively, the ship go to your destination marked beforehand.
While this explanation is not complete to illustrate inspiration for clarification is beyond human understanding, it becomes clear that the human authors were not free to meet their own designs, or exercised, therefore its purpose staff. God acted within them, insuflándolos His thoughts and utilizándoles as appropriate channels for achieving such a work. Undoubtedly, some portion of Scripture was explicitly dictated by God, as, for example, the giving of the Law in Exodus 20: 1-17.
Again and again the Old Testament declares that "God said" (Genesis 1: 3.). Another common expression is that "the word of the Lord came" one of the prophets (cf. Jer 1: 2; Os. 1: 1; Jon. 1: 1; Mi.. 1: 1; Zeph. 1: 1; Hag. 1: 1; Zech 1: 1).. In other situations God spoke through visions and dreams (Dan. 2: 1), or appeared as a vision (Dan. 7: 1). Although they could vary the forms and circumstances of divine revelation, God speaks to all of them with a perfect authority, absolute precision and unerring way. For all this, the Word of God participates in the same quality of absolute, own truth of the person and character of God himself.


Declaring that the entire Bible is true and is inspired by God, it should be noted that sometimes the Bible records as such lie a lie; Such is the case of Satan's lie in Genesis 3: 4. The Bible also records the experiences and reasonings of men, as I is illustrated in the Book of Job and Ecclesiastes. In them, what Scripture transcribed as words of his characters have to be verified by the clear statements of truth that are spread throughout the Bible. Accordingly, some of the statements of Job's friends are not true, and some of the philosophical thoughts of Ecclesiastes not go beyond human wisdom. Whenever the Bible states a fact as true, it is certainly true whether comes from God himself as revelation, whether moral principles or a prophetic program, or questions of history, geography or facts that are related to science . It is a fascinating testimony to the accuracy of the Word of God that, although the authors could not anticipate modern scientific discoveries or used technical language, not contradict, however, any discovery that man has done and that is genuinely true.
There are problems in the Bible that make certain questions arise. Sometimes, for lack of information, the Bible seems to contradict itself, for example, in the story of the healing of the blind of Jericho, where various accounts indicate two or blind (Matt 20:30; Mr. . 10:46; Lk 18:35) and where the incident appears to have occurred elsewhere outside Jericho (Mark 10:46; Luke 19: 1)..Problems of this kind, however, invite a patient study and the difficulty can be resolved if all the facts were known to us. For example, there were two cities in Jericho: an ancient, the other modern.Christ could well have left one to enter the other. Many alleged errors in the Bible have been perfectly clarified by archaeological discoveries and findings.
No one really knows enough to contradict the established facts and statements given in the Bible, whether related to the creation of the world, the origin of man or lying in certain details of narrative order.
Properly understood, the Bible remains the monument's own truthfulness of God and truth, and can be believed as if God himself had spoken directly to the individual who reads Scripture Although there have been attempts to undermine and destroy the Bible, for those who seek the truth about God continues to be the single source of inerrant authority of divine revelation.
1. Define what the inspiration of the Bible.
2. To what extent the Bible is inspired?
3. What does distinguish themselves by verbal and plenary inspiration?
4. To what extent is infallible and immune from error and what these terms mean?
5. How can you explain that the Bible refers misrepresentations of men?
6. To what extent the inspiration extends to copies and translations of the Bible?
7. Define the mechanical theory of inspiration and why it is inadequate.
8. What are the problems of the theory of the concept of inspiration?
9. What are the problems of the theory of partial inspiration or degrees of inspiration?
10. What differs from the point of view of neo-orthodox inspiration, orthodox?
11. Why the naturalistic point of view of the Bible has to be rejected?
12. What Christ taught concerning the inspiration of the Bible?
13. How does support annotations Old Testament inspiration from that part of the Bible?
14. What indications are given in the New Testament that is also inspired by God?
15. Discuss the statement of 2 Timothy 3:16.
16. How does 2 Peter 1:21 contributes to the method of inspiration?
17. Indicate the extent to which the Bible affirms its own inspiration.
18. How inspiration with the truth of human experience and reasoning relates as is illustrated in the Book of Job and in Ecclesiastes?
19. What should be our response to the apparent contradictions of the Bible?
20. Why is it so important to consider the subject of inspiration as a whole?



Our Lord Jesus Christ is the supreme theme of the Bible. Scripture reading, however, the perfections of Christ in His Person and His work are presented in various aspects.
1. JESUS ​​CHRIST AS CREATOR. The first chapters of Genesis describes the creation of the world as carried out by God, using the word Elohim, which includes God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Only when it comes to the New Testament is when it is clearly revealed that all things were made ​​by Christ (Jn . 1: 3). According to Colossians 1: 16-17: "For by him were all things created, that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible; whether thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers; All things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together . "This does not mean that
God the Father and God the Holy Spirit did not have a part in the creation, but Christ is given to the primary site as author of the creation of the universe. Accordingly, the perfections of the universe reflect the work of His hands.
2. JESUS ​​CHRIST AS THE SUPREME RULER OF THE WORLD. Since He is the Creator, Jesus Christ also takes the place of supreme ruler of the universe. Since Scripture attributes the full sovereignty to God the Father, it is clear that it is His purpose that Christ should rule the world (Ps . 2: 8-9). It isGod 's purpose that every tongue has to confess that Christ is Lord and that every knee will bow to, The (Is 45:23; Rom 14:11; Phil . 2: 9-11 . .). The history of man, but recorded his rebellion against God (Ps . 2: 1-2), reveals that Christ is waiting for the day when its full sovereignty is expressed over the entire world (Ps. 110: 1). The day will come when Christ is the Lord of all things; It will be judged the sin and the sovereignty of Jesus Christ revealed (Ap. 19: 15-16).
In fulfilling its purpose God has allowed earthly rulers have held their thrones. Great nations and empires have risen and fallen, such as Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persian Empire, Greece and Rome; but the final kingdom will be the kingdom from heaven, on which Christ is to reign (Dan. 7: 13-14).
Not only is Christ the King who will rule all nations but will rule on the throne. David as the Son of David, and especially be the King of Israel (Lk. 1: 31-33). This, in particular, will become apparent when the return and reign over the whole world, including the Kingdom of Israel.
His sovereignty is also expressed in its relationship with the church, which is the head (Eph. 1: 22-23). As supreme ruler of the world, Israel and the Church (. Ephesians 1: 20-21), Christ is the Supreme Judge of all men (John 5:27; cf. Isa. 9: 6-7; Ps.. 72: 1-2, 8, 11).
3. Jesus Christ as the Incarnate Word. In the New Testament especially, Jesus Christ is revealed as the Word Incarnate, the physical embodiment of what is God himself, and a revelation of the nature andbeing of God. In Christ they are revealed all the attributes that belong to God, especially his wisdom, power, holiness and love. Through Jesus Christ, men can know God in a more precise and detailed than any other form of divine revelation. Jesus Christ is the Word (John 1: 1 . ). According to what is said in Hebrews 1: 3, Christ, "being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person , and upholding all things by the word of his power, having made ​​purification of our sins through himself, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high. " It is a fundamental purpose of God reveal himself to his creatures, through Jesus Christ.
4. JESUS ​​AS SAVIOR. In the drama of history, beginning with the creation of man, the fall and end with the new heavens and new earth, the work of Jesus Christ as Savior is a topic prominent of Scripture. Christ is the promised seed that will conquer Satan (Gn. 3:15). In the Old Testament, Christ is described as the servant of the Lord, who will cast upon him the sins of the whole world (Isa . 53: 4-6; cf. Jn. 1:29). As a sacrifice for sin, He must die on the cross and suffer the judgment of sin in the world (1 Cor 15: 3-4; 2 Cor 5: 19-21; 1 Peter 1: 1849, 1 Jn 2: 2; Ap.. 1: 5). As Savior, He is not only the sacrifice for sin, but also our High Priest (Heb . 7: 25-27).
One of the central purposes of God, as revealed in Scripture, is to provide salvation through Jesus Christ for a race that is lost. Accordingly, from Genesis to the Apocalypse, Jesus Christ is presented in supreme form, as the only Saviour (Acts. 4:12).


Although the Bible is primarily produced and designed for the glorification of God, also records the history of man, in close connection with that purpose. The narrative in the creation, in the early chapters of Genesis culminates in the creation of Adam and Eve. Scripture as a whole, God has a plan and a purpose for the human race .
As later chapters are being shown, sovereign majestically designs of God are manifested in the history of the race. The immediate descendants of Adam and Eve are wiped off the face of the earth in the Flood, I happened in Noah. In Genesis 10 it tells that the descendants of Noah are the three major divisions of the human race. Then the descendants of Noah also failed and they were judged at the Tower of Babel, and God chose Abraham to carry out its intention to reveal himself by the people of Israel.
Beginning in Genesis 12, the dominant theme of the Bible is the appearance and history of the nation of Israel. Most of the Old Testament deals with this small nation, in relation to the mass of the Gentiles that exist with respect to it. God's purposes in this culminates in the New Testament with the coming of Jesus Christ, who supremely originally fulfilled the promise given to Abraham that through his seed all the nations of the world would be blessed.
In the New Testament emerges another important division of humanity, that is, the church as the body of Christ, including both Jews and Gentiles who believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior.
Thus, the New Testament is concerned, particularly through the Acts and the Epistles, God procedures with the Church. The Book of Revelation is the great climax of the whole context. The succession of great empires, beginning with Egypt and Assyria and continuing with Babylon, the Medo-Persian, Greek and Roman empire is the culmination the coming kingdom of heaven at the second coming of Christ.
Jews and Gentiles alike, are in the millennial kingdom with Israel sees fulfilled prophecies owning the land under their King Messiah, and the nations of the world also enjoy the blessings of the millennial kingdom.
While the subject of Scripture is centered on Jesus Christ and tells the history of the world for the purpose of God and His glorification, the most important actions of God can, according to it, be seen in the demonstration of its sovereignty in relation to nations, confidence and faith in relation to Israel and grace with respect to the church. The consummation of all this is in the new heaven and the new earth and the new Jerusalem. And so the story begins back and Eternity.


According to the written Word of God, a supreme purpose is revealed in all that God has done or will do, from the beginning of creation to the farthest eternity. This supreme purpose is the manifestation of the glory of God. For this purpose the angels were created was designed the material universe is like a reflection of his glory, and man created in the image and likeness of God.In the inscrutable wisdom of God, even sin was permitted and provided redemption as a perspective towards the realization of such supreme purpose.
Which God manifests his glory agrees with its infinite perfections. When man tries to glorify himself it is always an open question, given its imperfection. God, manifesting His glory is to express and reveal the truth, which has an infinite capacity for blessing for the creature. Since God is infinite in being and absolute perfection, infinite glory He deserves, and it would be an injustice of infinite proportions if he will be spared the full expression of such honor and glory that are entirely his own. To manifest His glory, God is not looking for himself, but rather expressing his glory for the benefit of creation, his work. The revelation of God to his creatures has provided a valuable object for love and devotion, it has also provided material for the faith and peace of mind, and has given man the assurance of salvation in time and in the eternity. The more you understand the man the glory of God, the greater the blessing that enriches their existence and which is provided himself.
Since the Bible is God's message to man, its ultimate purpose is that He might be glorified.
1 That "all things which are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible.; whether thrones, or dominions, or powers, are powers; All things were created through him and for him "(for his glory Col. 1:16). Angels and men, material and every creature universe, everything has been created for His glory. "The heavens declare the glory of God" (Ps . 19: 1).
2. The nation of Israel is for the glory of God (Isaiah 43: 7, 21, 25; 60. 1, 3, 21; Jer 13:11.).
3. That salvation is for the glory of God (. Ro 9:23), as it will be a manifestation of God's grace (Eph . 2: 7) and is now a manifestation of the wisdom of God (Eph 3 : . : 10).
4. That all service must be for the glory of God (Matthew 5:16; John 15: 8; 1 Cor 10:31; 1 Peter 2:12; 4:11, 14.). The Bible itself is the instrument of God by which He prepares the man of God for every good work (2 Tim . 3: 16-17).
5. That the new passion of the Christian is that God can be glorified (Rom . 5: 2).
6. Even the believer's death is said to be for this purpose (Jn 21:19. Philippians 1:20.).
7. Whoever is saved is intended to share the glory of Christ (John 17:22; Col. 3: 4 . ).
Taken as a whole, the Bible differs in its theme and purpose of any existing book in the world. It stands as glorious, reflecting man's place in life and his chance of salvation, the supreme character and work of Jesus Christ as Savior, and provides, in detail, the infinite glories that belong to God Himself.
It is the only book that reveals the creature from its Creator, the plan whereby man, with all its imperfections, can be reconciled in an eternal coexistence subsidiary with the eternal God.
1. What evidence is that Christ has participated in creation?
2. In what sense is Christ the supreme ruler of the world and how it is expressed?
3. Explain how Christ is the supreme revelation of God.
4. Determine the theme of Scripture is Christ as Savior, including mention of the passages of the New Testament
5 How the Bible records concerning the history of man in Genesis 1: 1?
6. What purpose did God choose Abraham?
7. In what way Israel's history culminates in Christ?
8. What new purpose is revealed in the New Testament?
9. What great nations characterize the history?
10. Distinguish the purposes of God in their relationship with the nations, Israel and the church.
11 To what extent does the Bible reveals God's glory as their ultimate purpose?



The Bible aims and purpose to be the revelation of being, works and God's program. To seek the infinite God reveal himself to his creatures, it is reasonable and essential to the fulfillment of God's purposes in creation.
It is, moreover, rational beings naturally try to know something about the Creator who gave them life. If man is the highest order of the creatures, which have the ability to recognize and have an intimate communion with the Creator, it is therefore also reasonable to expect that the Creator communicate with his creatures, revealing his purpose and his will . There are three ways of utmost importance and have been used by God to reveal himself.
1. THE REVELATION OF GOD IN CREATION. The eternal power and character of God are revealed by the things that have been created (Rom. 1:20). The world of natural things, being a work of God, God shows that God is an infinite power and wisdom and has designed and created the physical world to an intelligent purpose. The revelation of God through Nature, however, has its limitations, not be clearly manifested the love and holiness of God. While revealing the
Nature is enough for God to judge the pagan world not to worship him as their Creator, reveals a way of salvation by which sinners can be reconciled to a holy God, sacred.
2. REVELATION IN CHRIST. A supreme revelation of God was provided in the person and work of Christ, who was born in due time (Gal . 4: 4). The Son of God came into the world to reveal God to men in terms they could understand.
On arrival as a man through the act of the Incarnation, the facts relating to God, who would otherwise have been very difficult for human understanding, are transferred to the limited scope of understanding and human understanding. So in Christ, not only it revealed the power and wisdom of God, but also his love, God's goodness, holiness and grace. Christ said: "He who has seen Me has seen the Father" (Jn. 14: 9). Consequently, the one who knows Jesus Christ, God also knows the Father.
. THE REVELATION IN THE WORD WRITTEN. The written Word of God is able, however, to reveal God in even more explicit than those that can be observed in the person and work of Christ terms.As previously shown, it is the Bible that Jesus Christ presents us as much as the object of prophecy, and compliance. However, the Bible goes even further; giving details concerning Christ shows God's program for Israel, for nations and for the church, and about many other issues in the history of mankind and the universe. The Bible not only presents God as its central theme, but also shows its purposes.
The written disclosure includes everything in itself. Exposes of the most clear and convincing all the facts concerning God and are revealed in nature, and provides the only record that concerns the manifestation of God in Christ form. It also extends the divine revelation in great details that relate to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, angels, demons, man, sin, salvation, grace and glory. The Bible, therefore, can be considered the perfect complement to the divine revelation of God, partially revealed in nature, and more fully revealed in Christ, and fully revealed in the written Word.


Throughout human history, God has provided a special revelation.
many cases are recorded in the Word of God that speaks directly to man, as He did in the Garden of Eden, or Old Testament prophets or the apostles in the New. Some of these special revelations were recorded in the Bible and are the only authorized inspired record we have of such special revelation.
Once complete the 66 books of the Bible, special revelation in the ordinary sense of the term seems to have ceased. No one has been able to successfully add a single verse of Scripture as true statement. Apocryphal additions are clearly inferior without the proper inspiration that always characterizes all writing of Scripture.
Instead of special revelation, however, a work of the Holy Spirit has especially characterized the present age. As the Spirit of God illuminates or sheds light on the Scriptures, there is a legitimate form of the present tense in the revelation from God, in which the teachings of the Bible are clarified and applied to the life of individuals and circumstances . Matched with the work lighting is the work of the Spirit as a guide, when general scriptural truths apply to the particular needs of an individual. Although both -the guidance and enlightenment are genuine works of God, they do not guarantee that an individual fully understand the Bible, or in all cases adequately understand with God's guidance. So while enlightenment and guidance are a work of the Spirit, they do not possess infallibility of Scripture, as human beings receivers are inherently fallible.
Apart from this work of the Spirit of God, however, to reveal what Scripture means, no real understanding of the truth, as stated in 1 Corinthians 2:10. The truth of the Word of God needs to be revealed to us by the Spirit of God, and we need to be taught by the Spirit (1 Cor 2:13). According to 1 Corinthians 2:14, "the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him: neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned." Accordingly, the Bible is a closed book, with respect to its true meaning, for who is not a Christian and is not taught by the Spirit. This also required by the individual student of Scripture, an intimate closeness with God in which the Spirit of God is able to reveal the truth.


Upon receiving the revelation that comes through the Holy Spirit, in the way that teaches the Word of God to a believer in Christ, problems of interpretation of the Bible become evident. certain basic rules are necessary if you have to understand the science of interpretation, called "hermeneutics".Although there is confidence and security in the Holy Spirit for instruction in the Word of God, there are certain principles that have to be listed.
. THE PURPOSE OF THE BIBLE AS A WHOLE. In interpreting the Bible, every text has to be taken in light of the total content of Scripture, that the Bible does not contradict itself.
. EACH PARTICULAR MESSAGE BOOK OF BIBLE . The interpretation of Scripture needs to always take into consideration the purpose of the book, which is a part.
A study of Ecclesiastes is, accordingly, completely different from that of a book like the Apocalypse, or the Psalms, and the interpretation must be in relation to the purpose of the book.
. A TARGET AUDIENCE. While all Scripture alike received inspiration from God, not all Scripture is equally applicable. Many false doctrines have occurred through misapplication of Scripture. Thus, the question arises concerning who is considered in a particular passage. It is necessary todistinguish primary and secondary application. The primary application can be extended only to theindividual or group to whom it is addressed Scripture, for example, the Epistle to the Galatians or a psalm written by David. There is almost always a second application, how particular truths the scriptural text occur and are found to have a general application beyond that who are really addressed. So while the law in the Old Testament is directed to Israel, Christians can study with profit as a revelation of God's holiness, changing some individuals in their application to us.
. THE CONTEXT. One of the important considerations in the exposure of any text is to consider the immediate context. This often provides the clue to what was written intentionally in that particular statement. Scripture verse precedes and follows any given helps the reader understand this verse in itself.
. SIMILAR TEACHINGS ELSEWHERE IN THE WORD OF GOD. Since the Bible can not contradict itself, when a theological statement is made ​​in a verse must be harmonized with other similar theological statement elsewhere. This is the particular task of systematic theology, which tries to take all divine revelation and expose clearly and convincingly doctrinal content in a way that is not contradictory to any portion or part of Scripture. Often, some books complement each other. For example, the book of Revelation repeatedly depends for its interpretation of the book of Daniel or another of the Old Testament prophecies. If the Holy Spirit is the author of the whole Word of God, what is said in one place, you should help us understand what is said in another, in Scripture.
. EXEGESIS PRECISE WORDS IN A PARTICULAR TEXT. The Bible was originally written in Hebrew and Greek, and often the difficulty of correct translation is presented. Therefore, knowledge of the original language is very necessary to determine exactly what the text says. Scripture scholars who do not have these technical resources, can often help by comments made ​​by trained and exhibitions to shed light on a particular text authors. Although for most purposes a good translation is sufficient, a scholar , be careful effort will help sometimes at work competent authorities, able to clarify specific text.
In addition, to determine the actual meaning of the words, the proper interpretation assumes that every word has its normal literal meaning, unless there are good reasons to consider it as a figure of speech. For example, the land promised to Israel should not be considered as a reference to heaven, but rather as a literal reference to the Holy Land. For the same reason, the promises given to Israel should not be spiritualized to apply to the Gentile believers in Christ. The rule of interpretation is that words must have their normal meaning unless the context clearly indicates that attempts to use a figure of speech in the speech.
. PRECAUTIONS AGAINST PREJUDICE. While it is suitable for any interpreter of Scripture the approach a passage with the theological conviction that emerges from the study of the whole Bible, we must be careful not to twist the text about what He does not say, in order to align it with preconceived ideas. Each text should speak for itself, and it must allow it even if you leave temporarily without harmonization solve some problems with another part of Scripture.
In interpreting the Bible, it is important to Scripture as a comprehensive revelation that aims to being understood by all who are taught by the Spirit. The Bible intends to communicate the truth, and when properly interpreted, contains within itself a system of doctrine that is harmonious and non-contradictory.
1. Why is it reasonable to assume that God desired to reveal himself to man?
2. What is the extent and limitations of revelation in nature?
3. To what extent is Christ a revelation of God?
4. Why has the necessary written Word to reveal God completely?
5. What are some of the most important themes of divine revelation and that can not be learned in nature?
6. What does distinguish themselves by special revelation?
7. What work of the Spirit has replaced special revelation today and why is it necessary?
8. Why is it necessary to consider the Bible as a whole, as well as the particular message of each book of Scripture that make?
9. What are the dangers of misapplying Scripture, and why it is necessary to distinguish primary and secondary application?
10. What contributes to the context of any passage?
11. Why is it necessary that the interpretation of a text is in harmony with other scriptures?
12. To what extent is required to be accurate exegesis?
13. To what extent should the normal meaning of the words to determine the meaning of a passage?

14. What is the danger of prejudice to interpret Scripture?